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What Strong Entheogen's But Still Sub-Breakthrough Experiences Thought Me

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What strong entheogen's but still sub-breakthrough experiences thought me is that: ok, you felt like you were surely gonna die, the first time you even thought some alien would appear out of nowhere and torture you for a long time before doing so, so you tried to kill yourself and Synchronicities fucking saved you, then came the Avatar neighbor living upstairs banging on your ceiling at the perfect/right timings, then the dark entities (they never actually showed up physically yet though, same as for the aliens and the neighbor, very nice person if you meet him, lol), but now you are still alive and you have perfectly functioning hands to plug some 5-meo DMT up your ass (but I still didn't take a single breakthrough dose in my life yet and what's scary is that I don't know if I will ever take one in this life).  Also, you get a "kick of relief" when surviving these experiences, see below.

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Edited by Arzack

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Meditation every morning makes it easy not to go along with thoughts which don’t feel good and aren’t true.♥️

“Crawl before you walk”... pretty solid simplicity. 



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