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On The Inability To Take Psychedelic's "Breakthrough Doses"

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Channeling from the 'The SETH AUDIO COLLECTION • Cassette Five SELECTION 4 - EXCERPT A'

When he talks about out of body experiences he's referring to taking breakthrough doses, obviously.

'Now, the voice was your own interpretation of what I might have said to you. But it is your interpretation, and so you should by rights tell me what it means. But for now I will give you a clue. Sweetness and light comes hard. It is my interpretation of your interpretation. But it is easy for others to talk and tell you it is easy to be spontaneous, and easy to get out of your body. But therefore the responsibility, it seems to you, is stronger. If there were trials put in front of you, if I said it is difficult to get out of your body, if I gave you trials and said you must do thus and so, and then get out of your body, you would feel safe, because after all it would not happen right away; you may not pass the trial. But when I say it is easy to do, and tell you that you have the ability, then you face in yourself your own obstructions and your own fears, and they are heavy.'

P.s. and BTW:

and also: 


Edited by Arzack

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