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Neil deGrasse Tyson???

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I just saw this on a feed, I laughed at the part he mentioned. Data into information? Information into knowledge? Knowledge into wisdom?  He's so convinced of himself he's got it together it's funny.  The dude has things backward!  Objective truth shrouded in data?  Materialist are really funny people.  

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To be fair to him, the general population is ignorant about science and so Tyson serves his function in educating Flat Earthers, global warming denialists, and the like.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'm a fan of Tyson. Mainly because he's such a likeably charming funny laid-back kinda guy. I've often wondered about his seemly search for truths of how the universe works. Is he just ignorant of how the universe really works (God), having science as the only thing he knows? Or is his undying search for truth really a self delusion, as his Ego is dependent upon his knowledge of science? And to learn real Truth would mean the possibility that everything he's dedicated his life to could be wrong, and that's just not something he would want to consider or face? I've always wanted to actually ask him this and see what his response would be. My guess is that his fame, money and attention he gets from his views are much more valuable to him, than real truth is. 

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The way he communicates is poetic at times and he doesn't realize that it is the intangibles and the possibilities of the unknown that allows him to communicate well.  Of course, if you ask him how he derives his pov he would say its the science because that is his religion and life has been abundant to him because of his overwhelming love for his livelihood.  

Delusion is real and something we can always assume we have if you can become an honest rationalist.  I dont think Neil would be honest enough to admit it because of fear of harming his reputation.  The ego likes to be right and to be accepted by others.  

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I would echo what Tanz is saying, I like Tyson's passionate communication and genuine enthusiasm within his domain.

I think it's interesting that even hardcore materialists tend to agree that "information" exists.

As people, can we appreciate scientific innovation for its contributions toward our wellbeing, as well as making fun of it?

Edited by Dan502

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