Tancrede Pouyat

The Difference Between Mindfulness And Awareness

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As I understand it, mindfulness is the ability to experience reality literally as it is, whereas awareness is experiencing a given phenomenon as it is happening. But I'm not sure... Can you help me out ?

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@Tancrede Pouyat I'm not sure they seem pretty similar, I feel like mindfulness is a tool and process that can be used to achieve better awareness, where mindfulness is the action and awareness is the 'aha' moment when you really see something in its essence 

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mindfulness is witnessing what is happening rather than being caught up in it. like watching thoughts and not becoming lost them them, or just being mindful of the body when its moving.

awareness is knowing, its the knowing that knows experience. you feel a sensation there is awareness of it, same with sound or anything that is experienced. awareness/knowing/experience all the same ''thing''. 

the trick with awareness is people perceive there to be the world and there is awareness of it, but there is just awareness, the world is made of awareness, the world is made of the knowing or experience of it. 

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