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Poetry - God, Existence, Reality, Spirituality, Love

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I realized, in this emptiness, I know nothing.

But then a voice told me, "But you do know, you do know, you do know."

I feelt my heart beat. I feelt the music entering my ears. I feelt the feelings moving in my body.


I know, I know...

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I see not one, I see two.

But when with my love, I see only her.

I? Gone.

I can't stop thinking about all that which she has gone through for me. All that which I have gone through for her.

Through the darkness, the down, the pain, the suffering.

And here we still are, stronger than never before. In love, like never before.

What a woman, what strenght.

Stronger than any man.

Her heart and love, untouched.

Her spirit, annihilated me, left only her presence.

What a woman...


What a woman.

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They say, "God is everything."

I look at a dog shit, I'm conscious...

No, that God is not.

They say, "All is One."

I see two beings in love. I don't see one.

They say, "Love is not Absolute."

I feel love. I'm aware and conscious...It's Absolute. Eternal.

They say, "I am God."

I'm conscious and aware... I am second to God.

They say, "The world is an illusion."

I'm conscious, all this is real.

My body.

My mind.

My love.

My feelings.

I want to look at a sunrise. Take it all in.

I want to love my girlfriend. Like it's my first and my last day.

Look into her eyes, touch her beautiful cheek, kiss her sweet lips... Tell her from the bottom of my soul... I love you.

Feel it, take in all the love.

And realize...


It's Everything.


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Laying in the bed naked.

Our favorite thing.

Just me and her, for hours and hours.

Kissing, touching each others bodies. Listening to music. Telling each other how much we love each other.

For hours and hours.

Joke with each other. When we lick each other in the face for joke. When we bite each other for joke. When we joke, Oh when we joke.

For hours and hours.

In those hours I forget everything.

Love takes over.



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I'm awake now. My dream was, like most times, magical.

Now I'm awake, awake.

First things first. I had to call my love, call my love. Just to listen to her voice. Just to listen to her voice.

Then I had to go out and take some breath, feel the wind blow in my face. Feel the wind blow in my face, feel my breath.

Now, I'm making it into some poetry.

Wondering, what to do today? Wondering, how will this day be?

I will take it as it comes... I will take it as it comes.


Edited by Highest

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They ask me, "What is God? Where is God?"

I answer, "Do you ask what love is? Do you ask where love is?"

I say and testify, God is Absolute. His existence is Absolute.

God forbid that I asocciate anything in His creation with Him Himself.


God forbid.

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The Spiritualists, say "God is everything. I am God."

The religious is humble, they say "God created me and all of this."

The Atheists are deluded, blind in darkness, unaware and unconscious. Saying, "God does not exist."

I say, I have becomed conscious of God itself. The very core, the very Being and Godhood of God.

I say, God exists.

And I exist. I am the pure Creation of God Himself. This I cannot deny. I am the primordial Creation, the highest of the highest Creation. I am the primordial.

And I am not here to deny, but only to testify to myself...

There is no God but God.

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I look and all I can see is instant Creation. Created out of pure Omnipotence, pure Love and Goodness. Indeed, Created by the One and Only God.

In the sunrise, in the reflection of the sun's divine light. In the trees below it and in the creators below them again...

Here I am...The primordial, the Supreme untouched Creation of God.

In my seeing, seeing a beautiful butterfly and it's Supreme design. In my intellect, seeing the Supreme design of my eyes and intellect. In my body and mind, moving the body with ease, imagining to infinity with ease.

Here I am... The primordial. I am untouched. I am my own evidence of the Supreme...

In other human beings, in our love, in our talking, in our kissing. In the space between us where Miracles exists...

Here we are... The primordial, the untouched Creation.

All I see is impossibilities. In the interaction and love between two individuals. In the beauty and design of a flower. Smeel the flower. The impossibility of smeeling, feeling it's pleasure in this impossible Supreme body...

All I see is impossibilities...

And here I am...Here we are...


The impossible made possible.

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I become conscious in an instant. I am the highest of highest Creation.

The most Supreme Creation.

The most Beautiful Creation.

The most Magical Creation.

I become conscious in an instant...

This is God's unimaginable Love and Goodness. This is God's unimaginable selflessness....

I am the Impossible...


Right in front of your eyes.


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I can look at my mother and become directly conscious of God Himself.


I look, how she moves. I look, how she smiles and attacks me with her love.

I look, how we as two, can have this conservation and everything that happens within it.

I look, how we can possibly love. How love itself is possible.

I look, I become conscious just by looking at her...

How is she possible? How is this impossibility flawlessly right in front of my eyes this very moment?

And I become directly conscious of the answer...




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I can look at my mother and become directly conscious of God Himself. 


I look, how she moves. I look, how she smiles and attacks me with her love. 

I look, how we as two, can have this conservation and everything that happens within it. 

I look, how we can possibly love. How love itself is possible. 

I look, I become conscious just by looking at her... 

How is she possible? How is this impossibility flawlessly right in front of my eyes this very moment? 

And I become directly conscious of the answer...    


I then look at myself and everything about me to it's very overlooked detail. I look at all of Creation and everything about it to it's very overlooked detail.

Impossible. Yet, here it is right in front of my eyes.

I become conscious...




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1 minute ago, cetus56 said:

@Highest Very nice but it belongs in a journal and not on a main discussion sub forum.

Okay, you can delete it than. 

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This is Creation! 

Leaving nothing, absolutely nothing!

In the interaction between beings. 

In the beauty of the butterfly and flower. 

In the impossible miracle of being a human being. 

This is Creation! 

Leaving nothing, absolutely nothing!

And thus....

I testify.

There is no God but God! 

I say, I testify. 

There is no God but God! 

The most Pure, the most High, the most Good.

Greater than all. Beyond all, being the Creator of all. Above all.


There is no God but God. 

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Time to take a long break from this forum after today....

So much to become aware of.

So much to become conscious of.

God is waiting.

Reality is waiting.


Reality is waiting.

God is waiting.

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I realized just now, I want to live the rest of my life with mushrooms. They are easy to get my hands on...

Starting from blank, knowing nothing.

Projecting nothing.

Let it do it's magic.

In life and death, in darkness and good, in Love, in God, in Truth.

Let it do it's magic...

That's all I want...


With that, I say goodbye.

Goodbye forum...


Magic is waiting for me.....



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They say I'm a devil.

I say, I enjoy it very much. This devil doesn't want salvation.

This devil doesn't care if Jesus or Buddha died for my sins.

They can die again and yet again, they sacrifice won't bring this devil salvation.

No, this devil is as God created him.

This devils eyes are as God created them.


Sex, money, stimulus.


The world as real. Other people as real. The mind, the body, feelings, love, evil - everything as REAL.

No, oh no, this devil cannot be saved.

This devil enjoys being a devil.

This devil doesn't like the idea of becoming a Buddha, leaving everything behind and going to a tree, meditate myself to emptiness.

Or die for others sins like Jesus.

Or look like some super human Santa with a gigantic beard like Sadhguru.

No, this devil would rather smoke weed while being given a blowjob.

Drinking some Red Bull after.

This devil would rather be a devil.

Yes, this devil enjoys being a devil.


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This is my world.

I created it in my image...

A world within worlds, so I could move in it.

Weed, weed everywhere. So I could smoke everyday, everyday. Dream to infinity, imagine from scratch. Dream, dream to infinity. Imagine, imagine from scratch.

Women, women everywhere. So I could have sex rather than having sex with myself.

I don't like the idea of looking at an ant and thinking I created it.

Nor do I like the idea of looking at myself and thinking I'm God.

I quess that makes me into a lesser devil. I guess that makes me into a lesser devil.

But I still love sex, money, stimulus.

I love my body. How else could I drink Red Bull?

I love my mind. How else could I dream to infinity?

Ay, all I see is real.


I don't like the idea of looking in my mothers eyes and thinking she is imaginary.

Nay, I don't like the idea of looking at this world and thinking it's an illusion.

I quess that makes me into a lesser devil. I quess that makes me into a lesser devil...

But I am still a devil.

And I say, I enjoy it very much.

I enjoy it very fuckings much.



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My love had it right.

I told her about this forum.

She said, never talk about it again.

I quess that makes both of us devils. I guess that makes both of us devils.

But I'm with the devils.

We run this world, we are what God created us to be.

And then you have the spiritual saints.

Like Buddhists and Atheists, they are doomed to be in the minority.

They say, "We are devils in suffering."

I say, we are devils and enjoing our suffering.

Now, go to some cave or sit under some tree.

Go into your void or emptiness.

Or better yet, take some psycadelics.

Disappear from the world, disappear from your loved ones.

I say, I'm with the devils.

I say, this world is ours and always will be.

We will always be what we are, as God created and wanted it to be.


Ay, I'm with the Devils!


Now and for eternity.




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I, the Devil, the Supreme Creation of the most Supreme, created this world in my image.

With women, with money, with drugs, with video games, with all that which you see in it...

Women so I don't have to have sex with myself.

Money so I could buy drugs.

Drugs so I could feel happy and excotic.

Video games so I could own you in it.

Nay, I don't need your confirmation. Your judgment means nothing to me.

Ay, my God created me in His image.

Ay, this is what I am. This is what God wanted. This is what God willed.

Ay, I am the most Supreme and Perfect Creation of all Creation.

None but God created me.

With all His fuckings Love and Goodness.

Ay, created my body so I could touch another body with my magnificent fingers.

Ay, created my mind so I could dream to infinity.

Ay, created 8 billion other humans beings so we could be TWO. So we could love and kiss.

Ay, breathed His Divine Love into me so I could love and exist at all.

Ay, I am the Devil and the most High created me to be ME.

Nay, not to run away from myself. Run from what God gave me.

Not to annihilate my precious mind.

Not to leave my precious body in some Mahasamadhi.

Not to kill my precious unique ego and personality.

Not to kill my loved ones by disappearing into some void.

Nay, I say I'm the devil and this is how God created me!


This is how God created me!

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