
Question about God imaginating reality

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On leos couple last blog videos he talks about how "I"/we/god" imagined all of reality. 

Also he says that existence and consciousness exists god to ultimately awaken and realize that "it" or rather I am god and that it was being imagined all. 

Here I kind of try to wrap my head around these paradoxes, sure with a rational mind these paradoxes aren't too be answered but I hope to hear at least one satisfying answer which could explain it to some point. 

If God is creatively and consciously imagining all reality and I am god how am I simultaneously not aware of the how I am imagining it, does this mean that the god in me is already awake and doesn't have to realize its god? Or is it rather an unconscious imagination process that I do as good in a limited being?if it is unconscious then how is reality so perfect and Beautiful? 

I hope this makes sense, so basically I am imagining all of this but am not aware of how I imagine it, because I am in a delusional state. But finally when consciousness awakens to itself or realizes that it's imagining it all. But how does consciousness imagine this perfect creation when it is at the same time deluded and "unconscious". 

Is it more that consciousness is never deluded and always consciously creating and imaginating just through some mystical experience and therefore makes its own "son" or avatar (which both isn't and is separate from it) remain in a separate deluded state of consciousness and at the right time gives its son the opportunity to wake up? 

I hope it makes sense, it seems very very paradoxical though. So God is and was never deludedand at the same time consciousness can actually never "experience" life or, be it, itself because once it experiences life it can't create and imagine consciously anymore because now it is only a contracted limited form. How does conscious imagination and deluded form of life happen simultaneously? 


Edited by Schahin

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God doesn't need to awaken to anything.

YOU need to awake. To escape from yourself, rather than embracing it.

God is beyond need. God is beyond wanting.

"God needs to awaken to Himself."

"God needs to know Himself."


God IS God.

It doesn't matter how God creates, be it through imagination, pure will or whatever.

It's enough to know that God exists and is indeed the Creator.



Enjoy this poetry. Take it in, feel it. You are second to God. You are a living breathing being. BE IT.


Feel the liberation of all this...

Feel the feelings...

Breath and feel your breath...

... Liberation ????


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Infinite Self imagines it is a trillion finite selves. Otherwise there could not be finite selves.

The illusion is necessary for creation to happen. An infinite thing has no shape or form. If it wants to materialize anything it must take on some limited, finite form. And then of course by definition this limited, finite form cannot understand the infinite.

So reality is stuck in a bind. Either it can be infinite or finite. If it is infinite it loses all form and becomes unremarkable. If it decides to have form, it loses its infinity. You are stuck in this bind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura But it is possibe to return into your own infinity as limited form. 

You can make switch. Almost by will blows your mind. 

But once you get use to "Christ Conciousness" barely you would want to return to "God's ass" lol love that. Very accurate depiction btw both states. 

Many times I say there is a path because True State and false egoic state of Conciousness are completelly different things aldo everything stays the same. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If it is infinite it loses all form and becomes unremarkable. If it decides to have form, it loses its infinity.

To know the world you forget the Self, 
to know the Self you forget the world.

Love Is The Answer

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Infinite Self imagines it is a trillion finite selves. Otherwise there could not be finite selves.

The illusion is necessary for creation to happen. 

Why does the infinite imagine itself as a trillion finite selves to make creation? Does it?

Would it not create without this illusion, in and of itself? 

I almost feel as if you are assuming the illusion of the finite. 

(Not accepting it, but assuming it)

There are no finite selves at all. 

The illusion does not exist. 

There instead seems to only be observation and momentum. 

The whole observes itself in every aspect of itself expanding.  

I, the whole, observe myself as "you," and myself as "me" happening as interactions. Moment. Moment. Moment. CONSTANTLY. 

"I" simply am what I am. Forever expanding observation.

Not illusion. 

Illusion implies falseness.  

Illusion: "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses"

What is happening as the infinite in it's observations is not simply IS as the whole. 

(I think that's how duality and non-duality debates begin. Duality is not interpreting falsely. Duality is simply the observation of the non-duality. Both are observation and moments.)

The Infinite purely seems to be growing, and as it grows it simply fills itself with observation of what it has now become. That observation appears and expands into many, many, moments. 


You are not you, and I am not me, we are simply moments of the whole. 

We are evolving time.

We are the universe. 

We are happening as one whole entire energy.  

Observation of the infinite flow IS the forever expanding spark of nothingness. 


Edited by TheUniverseIsLove

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26 minutes ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

Why does the infinite imagine itself as a trillion finite selves to make creation?


To share itself with itself.


Would it not create without this illusion, in and of itself?

Creation is nothing but illusion.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But how does god imagine infinite beings consciously into creation and sinultaneously is deluded to its own nature? 

Is the creation and imagination hapoening from the godhead state of consciousness and therefore super consciously or rather does it depend on every being and their state of consciousness? So for example as I am not awake that I am the godhead my reality is being imagined according to my rather "unconscious" filtered and limited state or is it an equal conscious imagination by and through the godhead for all the beings? 

I hope it makes sense what I am trying to say. 

If not I'll try to explain in more details

Edited by Schahin

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


To share itself with itself.

Love.  ? 

"To share itself with itself" is a way better description of my interpretation of "spark" and "interaction." 

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Creation is nothing but illusion

How do you define illusion? 

Why did these specific illusions manifest as such? Towards love?

Would you describe Love to be synonymous with Harmony, and Balance? Or an entity alone? 

Is Nothingness PURE Love? 

*Also, thank you for your time, collective thought, and input. I really enjoy the "illusion" this forum brings as I share, and everone else shares there parts (Basically God/Universe be Sharin' collectively). It helps me get a deeper understanding of Love and feel more connected to the whole. 


Edited by TheUniverseIsLove

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It’s a thought, an idea, “imagining”.

It’s an idea of a “how”.

Like all words, it means, & ‘it’ doesn’t mean...whatever you think and believe, or don’t.

”How” is dualistic. “How X... Y’s”    

Nonduality - “not two”.

God’s not imagining anything. 

Just forgetting. 


“Here I kind of try to wrap my head around these paradoxes, sure with a rational mind these paradoxes aren't too be answered but I hope to hear at least one satisfying answer which could explain it to some point.” 

This is how the falsity of a “you” is kept going. 

You can also let it go. 


And the feelings, when you let go. 

Let them go too. 


“Wash yourself of yourself”




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11 hours ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:


Would you describe Love to be synonymous with Harmony, and Balance? Or an entity alone? 

Is Nothingness PURE Love? 


The very fabric of reality is Love.  Love , consciousness  and nothingness are synonymous.  Divinity is synonymous. 

That's why if you ever become consciousness itself (you already are, but by becoming directly conscious of it) you will become Bliss/Love/Divinity. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I  Feel like Love is the starting point that breathes itself into every moment, negative or positive. It is the fabric. 

All atoms are neutral. 

Love is neutral. 

Everything is love, sharing itself with itself. Neutrality IS. 

What I want to explore more are the negative "illusions" ( I think there is a better word still) of love. 

Suffering in its many forms. 

While pain is also love, and neutral, why did the universe evolve to  seemingly create it as if it was something other than? 

Why share the "illusion" of suffering with itself when it  could just constantly be sharing the illusion of smiles, and orgasms? 


I saw something the other day about how the color Magenta doesn't exist. Our brain simply makes it up from two other "existing" colors, Red and Blue. It fills in the gaps. The gaps become magenta.

Gap= (C) Magenta= illusion = A+B (Red +Blue)

A= illusion, Red= illusion, Suffering= illusion 

B= illusion, Blue= illusion, Joy= illusion

Love= A+B=C

My question I guess,

Why Red and Blue in the first place?

Why suffering and joy? 

Why the illusion of A and B to create C when it's all just love anyways? 

Why does the infinite share itself with itself at all? 

As Love. Yes. For Love. Yes.

But, since the Universe IS love to begin with, why do the illusions even seem to exist? 

Why the supposed stucture?

Why these specific illusions?

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:


It’s a thought, an idea, “imagining”.

It’s an idea of a “how”.

Like all words, it means, & ‘it’ doesn’t mean...whatever you think and believe, or don’t.

”How” is dualistic. “How X... Y’s”    

Nonduality - “not two”.

God’s not imagining anything. 

Just forgetting. 


“Here I kind of try to wrap my head around these paradoxes, sure with a rational mind these paradoxes aren't too be answered but I hope to hear at least one satisfying answer which could explain it to some point.” 

This is how the falsity of a “you” is kept going. 

You can also let it go. 


And the feelings, when you let go. 

Let them go too. 


“Wash yourself of yourself”


I am god inagining all of reality. 

Does this mean that I am both awake and not awake simultaneously? How otherwise would I imagine all of reality with such details and perfection? 

The other explanation would be that I prechose all these lives in this plane and what would exactly happen before "starting" this reality and it is just walking through the predestined "plans". 

As this is not a shared notion here, and imagination happens instantly in the now therefore I must be awoken and not awoken simultaneously. 

And when my not awoken part awakens to its true nature, that doesnt mean that god awoke to its god nature but rather that god (the already awoken part) gifted to its not awoken part the realization of being god. 

I hope this makes sense, I'd be happy to know if it indeed is like this. 

Its not a thought story, I just find it very interesting to solve this curious philosophy of how god imagines reality, as I am god but an already and ever awoken part of myself must he present right now here with me in order to imagine such greatness and perfection, Id like to refer it to the analogy of father and son. Because me not being awoken how do I imagine all of this? 

Edited by Schahin

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@Schahin you need a mystical experience to understand how everything is being "imagined". So many people understand this ass backwards, but I have awaken to such Truths and it's almost impossible to describe it in words. When you come across that state you realize that everything material in this universe is being imagined into being by a such a powerful intelligence that it just blows your mind. Think of it like this, when you imagine a tree in your mind its just a thought, but when God imagines a tree it can spawn it i to existance just by pure imagination+willpower, God is so powerful. Thats why its called "Infinite intelligence". Then you realize that all reality is mind matter, just "imagination". And You are doing the imagining, cause you are it, you are God.

Its quite hard to point to what is being explained here. But keep searching, keep meditating and you will eventually awaken to this sooner or later. By the way get ready for a mind-fuck.


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How about @Schahin crystallised out of god/nothingness/infinity? The medium the crystal grows in is consciousness.  The nature of consciousness is to get more twisty and knotty and self referential as it becomes more and more aware of itself - the crystal expands and gains more and more structure. But the power of consciousness is unlimited and it can disolve that crystal whenever it wants to and poof! You're gone. God carries on.

57% paranoid

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2 hours ago, inFlow said:

@Schahin you need a mystical experience to understand how everything is being "imagined". So many people understand this ass backwards, but I have awaken to such Truths and it's almost impossible to describe it in words. When you come across that state you realize that everything material in this universe is being imagined into being by a such a powerful intelligence that it just blows your mind. Think of it like this, when you imagine a tree in your mind its just a thought, but when God imagines a tree it can spawn it i to existance just by pure imagination+willpower, God is so powerful. Thats why its called "Infinite intelligence". Then you realize that all reality is mind matter, just "imagination". And You are doing the imagining, cause you are it, you are God.

Its quite hard to point to what is being explained here. But keep searching, keep meditating and you will eventually awaken to this sooner or later. By the way get ready for a mind-fuck.

@inFlow :)?❤


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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