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I see, I feel...

1 post in this topic

I have felt it it all. 

I see it all. 

The emptiness in your heart. The fuckings sorrow and suffering in your heart and soul. 

Just know, I am here. 

In suffering, in pain, in sorrow. 

In love. 

Don't hide from me. I see. 

The fear, the anxiety, the insecurity. How you look down on yourself. How you look down on others to feel better. 

I am here. 

With you. For eternity. 

I see why you are here. All you want is happines. All you want is to feel complete. End suffering. Be united. Feel included. Annihilate the darkness within you. 

I can't do it for you. But I trust that you will do it. 

Everything is good. You are good. You are loved. By me. By God. By All. 

You are created. You are designed. You are vital, necessary.

And I am here.

In your suffering, in your emptiness, in your sorrow, in your pain, in your darkness, in your destructive thoughts and emotions. In everything. From the most wicked to the most good. 

In all that... 

I am. 

Know this. 

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