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Is the creation story of every religion different from another?

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I got curious of if the story of creation differs fron all the religions to each other. And I me an all the religions, also the Africans and the indigenous natural beliefs. 

How come they differ from each other? 

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The social tribes evolved independently of each other, not even knowing of each other's existence until much later on. We are now living in a peice of evolution that no one talks about. An almost complete blending of the world. This is unprecedented and happening right under our noses, without considering the implications. 

Anyway,  imagine if you woke up and had no memories and were asked to go on an epic quest of good verses evil... Wait that's the plot of almost every fantasy rpg. Let's back up a bit. What if you suddenly awoke, as a human, with no memories of before and no idea what you are.  It could take millenia to seek that out. Along the way, as there are more and more of you, social hierarchies form and the lot of you begin imagining ways of which the first human came into existence. At this point you may or may not live in an area which has apes, so the conclusion between our ancestory isn't discovered until very late in the game. But that's OK, because we spent the first good beginning portion of our evolution focusing not on the origin of our bodies, but the origin of that we all share : consciousness.  We explored the shit of of that early on and then forgot most of it while we pursued the body.  We are still on that stage but the scales are very obviously tipping the other way, or balancing out.  Let's decide that together. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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