
Do You Organise Your Actualization Work?

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I wanted to get some insight into how people synthesize everything they do regarding their development work, creating a coherent system with planning, noting down and taking action in their work

I'm a big note taker in that I like to write everything I'm doing out to gain a clear picture and see everything overall, however my problem is I record certain things in one place, other things in another, I end up having too many different places to refer to for things, I'd prefer to make it more simple, it feels like with personal development there's so many things one can do, trying to keep it simple and consistent can be a challenge 

how do you go about everything, organising yourself and keeping structure and focus 

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Thanks for starting this. I've been wondering the same thing. I feel like I'm absorbing sooo much info lately and only implementing a tiny fraction of it because I have no plan or system in place to help guide me or keep me on track. 

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A day planner, a calendar, a week planner. Putting things on a vision board, making list of things you're going to do tomorrow, there are productivity masters out there that are gurus in these subjects. Quora would be a good place to ask the masters.

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@ChimpBrain definitely! I've got certain specific goals for this year and they're only on one area but then I feel like implementing more like visualisation, affirmations but I know im getting off track

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Yup I've got tiers of interconnected elements that make up all the things I'm trying to balance at the same time (because their all going on at the same time). Each element is foundational and compresses massive amounts of information into a single chain of inter-relations. There are 12 of those elements that are then connected to 5 larger meta elements that then form an axis with my personal code of 5 actions that then connects to the 3 foundational elements of reality (in my view). 

I can call it up like a visual superstructure anytime I want and move all over its rooms and floors. Accessing the abilities tied with each room that then filters through my code in how I act. So how I act protects the integrity and fidelity of the things most precious to me.






i love compressing information into symbols and drawings because it gives you so much flexibility with meta organization. Plus it's kind of cool knowing your the only one who gets what's really behind all those symbols. My notebook looks like it's written in code. 


Edited by Salaam

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Yup, it's definitely important to organize if you're a serious student of this material.

I want to create a small product at some point which will explain and show my organization scheme in detail.

Wish I had more time to get all this content created.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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this video really hit home for me. At the start my work was all over the places, erratic, and intermittent. Start a daily plan most valid your goals.

Watch this video. As with all of Leo's videos it really helps :) Thanks @Leo Gura for your amazing work. It is changing my life. I would love to bump into you in person just so i can give you the BIGGEST HUG and shed some tears


Edited by Huz88

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@Salaam that's really cool, I like how it acts like a funnel to simplify everything down and that it's flexible, and it's something you could write on a paper and fit in your pocket, I just wish I understood what it all meant

$|#/.. You know what I'm saying?:)

@Leo Gura that'd be a really helpful product, maybe for now you could shoot one of those long forgotten quick 10min self-help segments to give us a basic gist or idea 



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@Leo Gura newtonian time says there is only limited time in the world, try following the Einsteinien std. Time it would be great for all followers... ;-) 

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My system is a travel sized book where I custom make tabs for each section (Example: productivity) based on aprox space needs. This is for notes and quick exercises only. I journal etc elsewhere.  If you like this method, but don't need a travel sized book( for workshops and random life lessons), I highly recomended a binder instead so you add to things, combine sections etc.  

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I recently began to take notes on the material that I study! :)
(Learning has generally come effortlessly to me; There was no need for any system to remember facts.)

As for note-taking, I recommend that you check out Scrivener and the Cornell Method.
I argue that note-taking is useful for the following reasons

  • Aids in visualization or comprehension/understanding
    Creating meaningful categories, establishing patterns, locating core concepts, realizing similarities between subjects
  • Externalizing thoughts or reflections enhances mental clarity

My current structure is one folder per teaching (Leo/Teal/Paul Chek/Tyler Durden) and subfolders per subject, plus 'Notes' in which I jot down my personal thoughts and attempt to integrate different principles from different teachings under different subjects. (This feels somewhat messy though.)

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@Blaze35 that's great, I'm actually fine with note taking I just was finding it difficult with organising my goals with all the different personal development tools there are etc but I've actually created a system for it which is a much more clarified and simple way of seeing and putting everything together I'm glad to say! I've got a folder for learning material notes, I kind of just stick them all in that one :) 

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On 6/8/2016 at 9:17 AM, Saarah said:

@Salaam that's really cool, I like how it acts like a funnel to simplify everything down and that it's flexible, and it's something you could write on a paper and fit in your pocket, I just wish I understood what it all meant

$|#/.. You know what I'm saying?:)

@Leo Gura that'd be a really helpful product, maybe for now you could shoot one of those long forgotten quick 10min self-help segments to give us a basic gist or idea 





Yup, compressed/simple enough to be flexible, but not so simplified to the point that key foundations are cut off that would limit it's expansion and application.

Well, 2 examples of the 12 at the bottom are Awareness/Sensitivity/Experience and Mystery/Ignorance/Potential. I'm writing a book on capability that works with all 12 as a living, "breathing", ecosystem.

Awareness is a system or ability, that is mediated by our degree of sensitivity, which impacts the context of our experience. It's a trinity that provides balance and way more context than focusing on any of those three in isolation. They are a family, and always inter-related.

Potential/Mystery/Ignorance is also an inter-connected family. Potential always includes an element of the unknown, and the integrity of that has to be protected at times from certainty and delusion. Too much certainty/delusion kills potential and openness to it. It's like people who already think they know everything about a subject and are closed to the potential of something more being out there, that might change their view. They're not protecting potential by allowing space for mystery and ignorance. The difference between mystery and ignorance, is ignorance is a blindness you aren't even aware of, but mystery is when you touch something with your awareness, while knowing there is more there you just can't see yet. It's the difference between "known unknowns" or aware blindness (mystery) and "unknown unknowns" or being blind to your own blindness (ignorance). We always have a degree of both present at all times.

Then these two trinity elements also inter-relate, balance, and synergize with each other.

For instance my internal awareness is so deep and sensitive that I can touch very fragile things inside me. However, doing so disrupts their integrity and messes with the fidelity of their expression, making me sick. So, in order to protect their potential from my awareness, I have to leave their content as a mystery, instead of wanting to be aware of every single thing. I understand I have a pull for certainty and changing my ignorance into clarity, but it has to be balanced to protect that potential, for a greater experience, than mindlessly searching for answers would give me. To do that I had to differentiate the contrast between mystery and ignorance, so the fears I have toward being ignorant and "missing" something don't push me beyond the standards I've set for myself.

Make sense?

All 12 of those elements are like that and they all inter-relate and work together in similar ways.

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@Salaam that's a very deeply thought out system thanks for sharing! I often try to reach that mystery element because there's so much I know I'm ignorant of but my awareness is not very developed for me to see things as they truly are, so I at least want to know what I don't know which I get help with through watching videos and the like, and then to touch upon potential whenever I feel ready to delve into something untapped 

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