
About Intelligence

20 posts in this topic

Lately I have been very interested in this topic, and now wish to discuss it with you.

What are the existential differences between a person who has 'genius intelligence' and a person who has average or below average intelligence? Is it something in their bodies, their brains, whatever, that allows them to have this capacity, or is caused by something entirely different? Also, I'm not only talking about intelligence as in IQ, I also mean all the other ways intelligence manifests itself.

Can one become more infinitely intelligent in all ways or are there certain boundaries and limitations one is born with?  How does this work?

Interested in what you guys think and have discovered.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V Based on personal experience I think we have innate limits to our intelligence based on our genes. Guys like Albert Einstein, Nikolas Telsa, these guys are a different breed. To make the argument that genes don't limit our intelligence would be to say that anyone could be Einstein or Telsa which I think is foolish.

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@Raptorsin7 But what do those genes actually limit?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V I think intelligence comes down to your ability to problem solve. So people are limited in their ability to think creatively, work with multiple concepts and paradigms at once. Their minds operate like computers and they are efficient at solving problems, and recognizing where the next problems are going to arise in their problem. 

So those guys I mentioned are at bottom elite problem solvers. If you ask me how to solve a complex math equation I will have no clue wtf is going on. If you ask Einstein. He will learn the relevant math, he will go through the steps and problem solve until he reaches a point where he can solve the math equation. And he will do efficiently so he's not spending a lifetime learning Calculus. 

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My intelligence increased when I had my kundalini raised (spiritual process). I think so much faster now, my sex drive also took a massive plummet mind you. 

People often talk about IQ but rarely do those people extensively research human psychology. So many factors come into play. Due to trauma people are unable to EVEN FEEL certain emotions such as empathy or anger. As far as I'm convinced it's possible to increase one's consciousness. Is there a limit to it? From my current awareness yes, but most people aren't even doing the work so get on it!

Edited by Andrewww

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@Raptorsin7 Mhh, ok, if that is your definition, then what do those genes actually limit? Your ability to improve at problem solving?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V Yea. Think of the brain as a computer. Computers have different RAM, Hard drive space, graphics cards. Each computer is the sum of it's parts, which will define the limits of the what the computer can do. Human brains are the same. Those underlying structural differences are due to differences in our genes.

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@Raptorsin7 Good comparison. Actually, a pc is just an attempt to recreate a human being in some way. Which is completely crazy when you think about it. All the different parts of the computer can relate to different parts of our bodies in their function.

Talking about how problem solving happens physiologically, what do the genes actually limit? I don't know anything about neurology so if you do, please enlighten me, lol.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V Genes will determine the content of your brain. The types of neurons, etc. Then the brain is responsible for your intelligence or problem solving ability. 

But the brain is very complex so I'm not sure how intelligence will change in the future.

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genes genes genes

ok, you're right, but it's like saying - i have 100 IQ and I cannot change it, work on myself, read books, take psychedelics, nootropics, change diet, because my genes decided, that i have 100 IQ

imo - you can always evolve, learn, develop EQ, train your brain with games to increase IQ etc and with time you can increase your intelligence - because brain is also a muscle

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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@28 cm unbuffed Yea i'm not arguing any of that at all. But if it's you vs Nikolas Tesla and there's a math problem. Good luck with all those nootropics, and psychedelics. 

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@28 cm unbuffed Mhh, that's my thought too. Existence seems way too intelligent to have brains that are limited in their capacity for intelligence. 

About braingames though, I've heard Jordan Peterson talk about that there was research with brain training that revealed that your brain gets better at that certain type of game, and the process that that game requires, but in the end does not affect fluid intelligence.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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yeah, of course, that's why the smartest way to go about all of this is not trying to become Nicola Tesla, if you do not like math at all and you prefer to f.e create art and you are already good with that

it's like - you are a Usain Bolt and you have a great genes to become a runner and you decide to become next Einstein - you can do that, if you start learning physics at like age 4, but when you are already let's say 30, it's just stupid, just continue with being a runner

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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i'm so fucking inspired about da Vinci, because in my opinion he was the greatest genius at all times, 10/10 left and 10/10 right brain hemishpere

and you know, what he did, to become that? everything - he created art, he was an inventor, thinker, writer, you name it

the more one part of the brain becomes developed, the better the other one becomes, you can't just ignore one part of yourself and think that you, as a whole will operate on 100% of what you can be

that's what holistic means and that's what integrating means - accepting and evolving every part of yourself - if it's your body, your iq, your eq, your creativity or your analitic thinking

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@Raptorsin7 Mixed reasons but these are the primary two.

1) I am fascinated by the complex workings of it and the way it manifests. After watching Leo's video on Intelligence, I realized for anything to exist it has to be intelligent. So, I want to know how it works. 

2) During my childhood I got signals that if you're smart, you are worthy as a person. As I still did not get to the bottom of this and feel worthless day to day, I'm sure this is a factor in it aswell.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V Very good. I have a similar complex around achievement. Part of the reason i'm on this forum is because I want to be super successful, and achieve my greatest potential. But then I think why i even care about this. That why is the important part. Whatever reason you think you have for researching this stuff is bullshit. Examine the why, and you will learn so much more.

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@28 cm unbuffed Damn, that's actually exactly what I'm going for, holistically developed and intelligent. I should really read up on him, huh. Thanks for the reference!

This is what got me interested in Ido Portal. If you don't know him, he is basically someone who studies movement as their life's work. Ido uses a lot of different perspectives and approaches to movement in order to get it as a whole and use it to develop an understand of life itself.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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