
Instant OBEs and Lucid Dreams whenever and how long you want

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Notes and Updates: OBE Visualizations

  • When I started this thread I thought that the way you get into SP (sleep paralysis) is by increasing your visualization skills (making them more vivid). But now I think after a certain point of visualization skills, it's mainly about focus. I think 100 hours of visualization practice should be more than enough. After that point it's just a matter of focus. Let's say you have around 80 minutes to practice each day, then I would recommend a WORKOUT PLAN like that:

    - 30-50 min OBE visualizations in one go. Eyes closed, not moving and primarily ragarding it as a concentration practice. That means try to have your full focus in the visualized world, try to get drawn back to your physical body as rarely as possible, and try to have as little thoughts as possible.

    - 5-10 min OBE visualizations with open eyes

    - 5-10 minutes seeing visualizations (first 2-5 min eyes closed then 2-5 min open, or however you like). Regarding it as a concentration practice, as few thoughts as possible.

    - 1-5 min hearing.

    - 5-10 min energetic absorption (bone breathing) from John Kreiters Magnum Opus book.

    - 5-10 min energetic re-absorption. (once you are good at the absorption technique)

    - During the entire day energetic containment: whenever you have (negative) emotions and thus radiate that energy outward, draw it in with bone breathing and store it in your cauldron. And whenever there are negative energies released by other people, draw that in also.

    - 5 min inner feeling sense (book: Magnum Opus).


  • In the past weeks, I did probably 2-3 hours daily. But on most of the days, the visualizations were very unproductive because I was distracted by more intersting thoughts. But now I'm back on track and want to practice 2-4 hours daily with maximum concentration 
  • The vividness of seeing hasn't improved much. I think if you really want to improve seeing you should isolate it and visualize an unmoving image for some minutes (with eyes closed and then open).
  • Difficulty: It is extremely hard to stand on my right leg and it got therefore difficult to walk. It's like I'm always sucked to the left. Very frustrating. But it's slowly getting better. 
  • I wrote that you might start seeing your actual physical environment after 100-350 hours. But only if you spend that time in an actual physical environment and not in the Grey Zone. I spent probably around a 100 hours doing that, but stopped because I don't care that much about it for now, my first goal is sleep paralysis. It also requires that you gradually increase the difficulty, that means, starting in your room, then house, then work place, then friends' houses, your town, a place you visited a couple of times, a place you visted once and finally a place you never visted before. I messed that up and mostly stayed in my parents' house.
  • The OBE visualization technique has several advantages, but I think for the vast majority the normal technique where you wait for SP and the vibrations - basically WILD - is by far the better option. If you try WILD, then you will get into SP far quicker then with the OBE  visualizations. I would recommend the OBE visualization technique only if your goal is very long-term and very big. Because it takes more time, but once you got it, it's superior to WILD, at least that's what I believe.
  • I began to regard concentration as very important. If you don't do the OBE Visualizations and go for the WILD instead, I would also recommend that you work on your focus skills with a concentration practice AND the energy techniques from the Magnum Opus.
  • If you want to have Astral Projections or lucid dreams as quickly as possible, I would recommend you look into WILD, DEILD and FILD.



  • I once wrote not to interact with your environment when you are not in the Grey Zone in order to not mix the Grey Zone with actual physical reality so that you will start to perceive physical reality more quickly. Currently I don't care so much about that, therefore I do many of my visualizations in actual places and I interact with them (thus I'm in the Grey Zone). Because memories of actual places are more vivid than an imagined place (like one I wrote some weeks ago), even if you have spent many hours there. Therefore it is easier to get absorbed and enter sleep paralysis when you are in actual places.
  • I guess doing E's APs and the inner feeling sense practise will help to perceive the actual environment (in case you are interested in that).
Edited by GreenWoods

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  On 3/11/2020 at 2:24 PM, GreenWoods said:

- 4. Time Dilation in Astral Projections

I found another quote by John Kreiter

" it is possible to exist in other realities where time moves at a different rate. One could for example inhabit a world where weeks in that world are only hours in this one. Being able exist, even for a small time, in this world can allow a person to live and develop a great deal of experience in what would seem to be a very short period of physical time. One could travel to this place for an hour of physical time and yet spend many days doing something in that other world that they may like."

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Notes and UpdatesDEILDs


  • I have had almost 20 DEILDs so far. But I expected far more. Most of the time it just doesn't work. Michael says in his book The Phase that you shouldn't practice more than twice a week or you will have too little motivation/intention/aggression and therefore won't succeed. 
  • I stopped my many-alarm-clocks routine long ago, because of Michael's advice and because I was getting sick often. I think the main reasons for that were other variables but the alarm clocks might have worsened it. Currently I do the many-alarm-clock routine every now and then.
  • Last time I wrote, that I do the DEILD visualizations in a corner of a made up house.  But I found that doing the movements - or wahtever you try to do to induce the DEILD - in your bed is far more effective. So I keep my focus in my physical body. But visualize etheric arms and make noise with them (eg. by shaking rattles). Basically similar to Michael's indirect technique. If you are interested in DEILDs you really have to get his book the Phase.
  • I also think that trying to re-enter the dream you just left might be more powerful than I thought. I sometimes give it a try if the visualizations fail.
  • DEILD after a lucid dream: "If you are within a lucid dream and you feel yourself starting to wake up/losing the dream, don't try to fight it or hold onto the dream. Immediately, lay down and close your eyes. Even if you are still in the dream environment, but feel the dream starting to slip away, just lay down right there and close yours eyes. Now, keep your eyes closed and stay as relaxed as possible. Try not to move much at all. If you do, its not the end of the world, but since you were lucid and prepared to DEILD, just lay still and calm. Try to keep your mind "quiet" by just relaxing and just observing the process. Much like during a normal WILD, you don't want to do anything. Just lay there relaxed and let the natural process do all the work for you. You will be able to feel it in your body as you wake up and then slip right back into sleep. Most of the time, in my experience, the DEILD process only takes a few short moments. Sometimes there is a WILD-like transition with a few brief hallucinations, but most of the time, you just wake and then go right back into the dream. Most of the time I either end up right there in the dream environment that I initially laid down in, or I'm in my bed/place of rest that I actually fell asleep in. If you think you failed, be sure to perform a few RCs"  I have tried it 2 times at the end of DILDs so far and it worked at both times (without visualizations). I also tried it at the end of the following two DEILDs but I couldn't do it because they ended too abruptly.
  • Decide that you will remain still and start your visualizations EVERYTIME after you wake up. So eventually you should automatically do it.

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@GreenWoods Wow this progress within this short amount of time is impressive! I love how passionate you are.

@Bryanbrax thanks for your contributions!


(Interesting part after minute 9)

He claims to have clear & vivid lucid dreams for how long he wants (2h+), on demand, without techniques. 

What do you think about the third eye and it’s possibilities when it comes to OBEs? Are these claims in the video true or is this guy just selling his program & guru? 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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@Spiral Wizard Thank you :)

  On 4/14/2020 at 9:03 AM, Spiral Wizard said:

He claims to have clear & vivid lucid dreams for how long he wants (2h+), on demand, without techniques. 

What do you think about the third eye and it’s possibilities when it comes to OBEs? Are these claims in the video true or is this guy just selling his program & guru? 

I guess having an open third eye will probably have a positive effect on lucid dreams. And decalcifying your pineal gland is also said to be helpful.

I think what he says is true. Except perhaps that you can lucid dream as long as you want (without practice).

 But I doubt that you will have the same results by just watching a satsang by his guru. I think you would have to be initiated in person. Though perhaps the satsang works too.

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@Bryanbrax Thank you for your posts:). A lot of useful info!

  On 3/25/2020 at 10:37 PM, Bryanbrax said:

That link unfortunately doesn't work...


  On 3/20/2020 at 4:53 AM, Bryanbrax said:



That seems to be the same like the OBE visualizations by John Kreiter. Nice hunt indeed, I couldn't find any sources about OBE visualizations except John Kreiter. Where do you have that information from? 


Though I'm afraid it takes quite a while till the visualizations become vivid and real, that happens only once you are in sleep paralysis, as far as I know.

Edited by GreenWoods

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from a book @GreenWoods


As an exercise, assume a comfortable, relaxed position and do some deep, abdominal breathing. Imagine projecting your mental body out of your physical body so that it is hovering over and looking down on your relaxed body. Look at your clothes, hair, body position, etc. and feel totally comfortable. Now imagine you are zooming up through the ceiling and out of the building. Pause for a few seconds and look back at the areas surrounding the building, then project yourself onward. Speed by familiar parks, houses, stores and watch the traffic passing underneath you. Now proceed over to a friend's house. Go inside and view the different rooms and see if anybody is at home. Listen to the sounds of any animals or conversations. Take note of anything out of the ordinary -- new faces, items or happenings. Then exit the house and return to your own location. Look at your body briefly and then resume your normal occupancy. Write down or draw what you saw; then call your friend up to see how close you came.

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  On 4/14/2020 at 6:03 PM, GreenWoods said:

@Bryanbrax Thank you for your posts:). A lot of useful info!

That link unfortunately doesn't work...


That seems to be the same like the OBE visualizations by John Kreiter. Nice hunt indeed, I couldn't find any sources about OBE visualizations except John Kreiter. Where do you have that information from? 


Though I'm afraid it takes quite a while till the visualizations become vivid and real, that happens only once you are in sleep paralysis, as far as I know.

here is the link soul travel course

you should watch this as well its very informative

Edited by Bryanbrax

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Hey @GreenWoods very interesting experiments and congrats on your dedication and consistency. I am really looking forward to your progress in the future. I myself have gotten into lucid dreaming, although I haven't had any experience so far I am getting used with dream journaling and setting a couple of alarms to remember and write more dreams down. I wonder if obe's really are as vivid as during normal waking consciousness.

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@Zenrool Building up dream recall alone can already get you lucid, because the better your dream reacll the more conscious you are during your dreams and thus have a greater chance of getting lucid . But I recommend you add more techniques such as reality checks. 

If you have alarms during the night then you could also try your luck with DEILDs and definitely go back to sleep with the intention to get lucid. 

OBEs definitely can be as vivid as normal life. As a beginner, they will probably be less vivid, but when you are advanced, you can have OBEs which are even more vivid than normal life. :)

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sup yall its been a while i have learned so much this past month and am still learning , i've had new experiences and done some testing. get in a meditative position and close your eyes.

a friend of mine made  a 10 step method to mind project or half project or what i like to call bilocation.

the method is a combination of other methods.

it's very easy and straightforward 

0. get in a meditative position and close your eyes.

1. visualize yourself being in your kitchen.

2. now see a lemon there touch it.

3. what do you see ?

4. what does it feel like ?

5. smell it.

6. then see a knife cut the lemon in half.

7. lick the inside what does it taste like.

8. then visualize this cord or string made out of energy.

9. it connects to a friend of yours you decide who it connects to then follow the cord or use it as a zipline whatever resonates with you.

10.Then let your visualization do it's thing trust everything you see , every detail is important.

we have tested this method with various members of my discord server about astral projection and lucid dreaming and so far we have had 5 plus more successful attempts.

with bilocation you can be in two places at once , you can text while doing it anything that doesn't require too much physical  effort. its like astral projection but instead you are projecting with your mental body.


@Leo Gura


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Exploring infinity through astral travel

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@Bryanbrax Nice posts

  On 5/14/2020 at 11:32 PM, Bryanbrax said:

with bilocation you can be in two places at once , you can text while doing it anything that doesn't require too much physical  effort. 



When I do these visualizations, and focus on dual awareness, I can easily do simple things like scratching my physical body while keeping focused on the visualizations, but stuff like texting is too difficult for me. Are you able to do it?

And do you aim to enter sleep paralysis to turn the visualizations into full OBEs or do you prefer the dual awareness of the visualizations?

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Thanks to @Spiral Wizard I also made some new very important discoveries. 

If you want to deliberately induce an OBE you have to stay still till your body enters sleep paralysis and often the vibrational stage as well. 99% of people do this by lying down, perhaps doing a meditative technique, and waiting till SP and the vibrations start, which can easily take more than an hour if you are a beginner and that is given you manage to do everything right. Even if you are advanced, this techniques still takes usually 10-30 minutes and the success rate is below 70% for most. 

Therefore I was so thrilled about John Kreiter's technique. Once you have decent visualization skills and somewhat mastered the technique you should be able to induce OBEs more quickly and far more reliably. But it takes far longer to master.

And it doesn't directly adress most of the problems. 

John Kreiter's technique still has value, but I believe there is a more powerful way: deep hypnosis. One way is to go into the Esdaile State, which isn't as hard as it seems. Once you have anchored it, you can enter the Esdaile State in less than 10 seconds. And from there it's relatively easy to induce OBEs.

I will soon write in more detail about it.

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Here is the hypnosis post:

And here the part about OBEs:

I have directed the vast majority of my focus to hypnosis, but I'm still doing some visualizations. 

I guess doing hypnosis is far more powerful than the visualizations, but they still have some value:

  • The better your visualisation skill, the easier the transition between a trance and OBEs.
  • In his OBE book John Kreiter talks about how to change dimensions. This will probably be easier to do when you have been doing the OBE visualizations
  • If you are interested in John Kreiter's way to immortality then you need the OBE visualizations.
  • Improved visualization skills are good for magick.

If you have the time, then train both. If not, then I would focus on hypnosis.

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Very useful thread man, thanks.  What is his method to immortality?

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  On 6/5/2020 at 5:12 PM, ewerson18 said:

Very useful thread man, thanks.  What is his method to immortality?


  • containment, absorption and reabsorption of energy, storing it in the dantien and refining it to the philosophers stone.  As described in his book the magnum opus.
  • OBE visualizations to create a strong double body. After a lot of practice they become as vivid as real life. See his OBE book. And in his book the way of the projectionist, he goes into more details to make it more effective. And you channel the energy you accumulate through energetic containment into the OBE visualizations, thus in the creation of you double body, which makes it more powerful.
  • When your double body is very 'solid' you transfer your whole consciousness into it, and thus leave your physical body forever, it will then just be dead. For that to work you need the energy from your philosopher's stone. How exactly to do that, he wants to write about in a future book.

This doesn't necessarily contradict enlightenment. Being enlightened means you know you are God, yet the experience of a physical body continues. After death of the physical body, the experience as a point of awareness probably continues even if you are enlightened, then you have an etheral body, and then perhaps incarnate somewhere else.

John Kreiter says the purpose of transferring your consciousness to the double body is to escape prison earth, the matrix and the reincaranation cycle. But there are also other ways of doing that. One is to avoid the light trap after death and escape through a hole in the grid. probably another one is to become enlightened. John Kreiter's way would probably have some advantages though. You would have a smooth transtion, without a gap with a loss of consciousness and thus you would be guaranteed to be lucid and fully in control. And you will keep the philosopher's stone (it is non-physical) thus you keep this energy/power.

John Kreiter said he will write more about reincarnation in his next book.

Edited by GreenWoods

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  On 6/6/2020 at 9:16 AM, GreenWoods said:


  • containment, absorption and reabsorption of energy, storing it in the dantien and refining it to the philosophers stone.  As described in his book the magnum opus.
  • OBE visualizations to create a strong double body. After a lot of practice they become as vivid as real life. See his OBE book. And in his book the way of the projectionist, he goes into more details to make it more effective. And you channel the energy you accumulate through energetic containment into the OBE visualizations, thus in the creation of you double body, which makes it more powerful.
  • When your double body is very 'solid' you transfer your whole consciousness into it, and thus leave your physical body forever, it will then just be dead. For that to work you need the energy from your philosopher's stone. How exactly to do that, he wants to write about in a future book.

This doesn't necessarily contradict enlightenment. Being enlightened means you know you are God, yet the experience of a physical body continues. After death of the physical body, the experience as a point of awareness probably continues even if you are enlightened, then you have an etheral body, and then perhaps incarnate somewhere else.

John Kreiter says the purpose of transferring your consciousness to the double body is to escape prison earth, the matrix and the reincaranation cycle. But there are also other ways of doing that. One is to avoid the light trap after death and escape through a hole in the grid. probably another one is to become enlightened. John Kreiter's way would probably have some advantages though. You would have a smooth transtion, without a gap with a loss of consciousness and thus you would be guaranteed to be lucid and fully in control. And you will keep the philosopher's stone (it is non-physical) thus you keep this energy/power.

John Kreiter said he will write more about reincarnation in his next book.

Thanks. Theres a book Teaching of Immortals, that teaches a way similar this to be a immortal, it also create a double but to teach you how to be a immortal. They also have a forum:

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