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Is There A Difference Between Enlightenment And The Third Eye Being Opened

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To make a long story as short as possible.. But if you want to know more about me than i state below just ask.. I know some here already know stuff about me and i wish they would just help me out, here and now, instead of trying to steer me in other ways and locations.. I want to know more, i just need some guidance, straight forward direction, or atleast to where to look for the answers.. 

Whats been going on with me from the beginning pretty much all my life that i can remember ive been able to read people's feelings/vibes towards me and its caused relationship problems (friendship, romance, business, etc).. There's been something going on mentally, some kind of sixth sense, psychic ability, foresight, intuition, i dont know how to explain it, but im like a tuning rod for energy or something.. Also throughout my life i have had glimpses of events some of which have ended up coming true.. But I can visualize anything in my mind so i dont know how to differentiate the two.. Im noticing since being on here after watching a video by Eckhart Tolle, that Natasha shared i do get a clear picture when first awakening from sleep.. But Ive never read about or followed any meditation practice up until recently.. After sometime on this forum reading i believe the meditation ive always done is called self inquiry, be it seated, lying, or pacing.. Something i noticed after watching a video someone else shared on here about the yogis in india, is i put my arm up while lying down like the one yogi guy does that has kept his arm/hand raised for years and my hand often twists up on itself even at my side through out the day while doing self inquiry. (i have kneck problems/pinched nerve on that side).. I do all this naturally no one has taught me anything "yet" it has no religious base and id like to keep it that way.. ( Although now im seeing it is possible that god has been involved as i have always talked and listened to him even when i was blaming him and turning my back to him.. Because most definitely lately god has really been showing himself to me in supernatural ways restoring my faith.. Calling me to church.. Ill say I am a Christian at heart and believe in, and love Jesus Christ for what he did for us..) Out of curiosity i wanted to expand or open my abilities and i did a little research and i mean a little.. i watched a video that spoke about Nicola Tesla and that he was into Kundalini.. Personally looking up to him and thinking he was one of the greatest minds ever, i bought a book "Kundalini for the new age" selected writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Kieffer.. I haven't read it yet :/.. It was used and the person before me made lots of notes and he wrote on page one "the key to the power within".. Maybe i should get to reading it instead of questioning and posting here lol.. Skipping the reading my first attempt at meditation was just laying down in a comfortable position listening to binaural beats on YouTube.. I then began doing some exercises i came up with on my own while listening to the music and im pretty sure I opened my third eye.. If it wasn't already opened somewhat before i began listening to the music, i feel intense sensations in that area and i know its opened now.. The other night i had the most intense feeling shooting out of the third eye area while sleeping, with the most clear image of a building that i jumped out of bed in shock.. I just did a little reading on the third eye and read something related to seeing colors and different dimensions.. While reading it mentioned the spirit world where the dead are in limbow possibly being one such dimension amongst others.. The article said depending on what frequency you are is what dimension youll see, or something along those lines.. Well im pretty sure ive seen these other dimensions or atleast one of them.. Ive said in the past it was at the end of the rabbit hole because ive heard that term used before.. Is it the correct term? Either way the people were definitely at the end of a tunnel and there was a group of them standing there in high definition.. I got spoked and backed out of the state i was in and havent really tried to go back out of fear.. Im hoping someone in this community has been to where im speaking of and is this related to enlightenment or a something seperate all together?..

My questions are for people with their third eyes opened already or those that have reached enlightenment or are self actualized.. Please do not reply if you do not have first hand experience.. Nothing personal and no disrespect intended and im sorry if ive insulted anyone along the way and thank you for those that are helping me.. 

1. can you explain what to do when you get to the other dimensions/portals?..

2.  Are there any exercises/instructions to make your third eye more powerful and focused?..

3. Does this have anything to do with enlightenment?

4. Can others change stuff in your brain ie open and close abilities? (i feel all kinds of stuff poking around in there) 

5. Wheres yoda when you need him? 

6. Is this too much for this community to handle? 

Is this all a secret, am i going to have to go at this alone forever?.. I just cant sit here waiting for someone to say we are here to teach you now..  If this all sounds crazy to you thats good im just a crazy person no need to call the authorities.. Ive already spent months of my life in a psychiatric ward and i cant afford it.. 

@Leo Gura



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@Atom I can understand where you are coming from as I too have had similar questions in the past.

I know that feeling you get when you are concerned about something and its not widely talked about. Plus you are just being open and honest about what you are experiencing. 

  • I do not actually know where to start feedback.
  • This "Rabbit Hole" is Fucking deep! 
  • You are not "crazy" , Everybody has their own unique experience and that includes you.
  • People might be shocked at what you want to know because they haven't experienced it themselves or they might be shocked about what you are asking/telling. people might not believe you and its easier to call you crazy and dismiss the whole subject.-  
  • Many Religions teachings are the same/have contradictions. I believe Religions are a teaching of enlightenment but the problem is people do not understand WTF they are reading and then they puke their dogma on others.
  • The Light of the body is the eye. Matthew 6:22-23
  • In all my research I have conducted I have realised there are many simularities between Kundalini and the bible. 
  • I am born Christian or grew up in a Christian family but I soon realised some mindfucking going on there, Thats where my journey started.
  •  This "Rabbit Hole" is Fucking deep! 
  • NEW age ... You might want to be cautious when stepping onto that stuff as there is alot of BS hanging there.

1. can you explain what to do when you get to the other dimensions/portals?..

When you get there, please let me know how it was and what have you seen

2.  Are there any exercises/instructions to make your third eye more powerful and focused?..

Nutrition, organic foods. Check out Teal swan and Ralph smart on youtube, I have found that they have good info. also check out this guys videos.


3. Does this have anything to do with enlightenment?

You will have to watch the videos above and find out. I will also advise you to watch Leo's enlightenment videos from the start. Going through the videos(if you listen carefully, it should answer your questions.)

4. Can others change stuff in your brain ie open and close abilities? (i feel all kinds of stuff poking around in there) 

You have control over what you believe and what you allow in your life. sensations are mostly your Third eye activating, unless Binural beats is a scam that turns your mind into a monkey, Just kidding. 

5. Wheres yoda when you need him? 

Yoda is Within. 


  • As a general rule in life, Fear is a indicator of where you must go in life.
  • Dont believe everything you see on the net. Keep it simple. You can just by being part of this community become enlightened(with practice ofcourse)
  • Simple Breathing Meditation and Mindfullness can help you to "nothingness"

6. Is this too much for this community to handle? 


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Thanks for your reply @Andre I appreciate the time you took.. 

That video doesnt contain the kind of information im looking for.. I didnt watch it all, just skimmed through it really, but i can tell its not what im looking for.. I want more instruction on how to rather than a description of what it does.. a how to use your third eye for dummies 


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@Atom Here's another thread with a discussion about Third Eye. Sounds like Henry is the guy to ask:


Edited by Natasha

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@Natasha thanks ill look into that post..  Youre the bomb .Com

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@Atom Anytime. Third eye webinar is not the video I suggest you should watch, but I suggest you watch the guys videos. He has a specific video on opening and using your third eye. 

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@Andre thats cool.. I think im just going to work at it myself as ive always done god willing..

Que Sera Sera ~ Whatever will be, will be


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Im going to start keeping my opinions to myself even though I know thats not possible 

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On 6/7/2016 at 4:28 PM, Atom said:

To make a long story as short as possible.. But if you want to know more about me than i state below just ask.. I know some here already know stuff about me and i wish they would just help me out, here and now, instead of trying to steer me in other ways and locations.. I want to know more, i just need some guidance, straight forward direction, or atleast to where to look for the answers.. 

Whats been going on with me from the beginning pretty much all my life that i can remember ive been able to read people's feelings/vibes towards me and its caused relationship problems (friendship, romance, business, etc).. There's been something going on mentally, some kind of sixth sense, psychic ability, foresight, intuition, i dont know how to explain it, but im like a tuning rod for energy or something.. Also throughout my life i have had glimpses of events some of which have ended up coming true.. But I can visualize anything in my mind so i dont know how to differentiate the two.. Im noticing since being on here after watching a video by Eckhart Tolle, that Natasha shared i do get a clear picture when first awakening from sleep.. But Ive never read about or followed any meditation practice up until recently.. After sometime on this forum reading i believe the meditation ive always done is called self inquiry, be it seated, lying, or pacing.. Something i noticed after watching a video someone else shared on here about the yogis in india, is i put my arm up while lying down like the one yogi guy does that has kept his arm/hand raised for years and my hand often twists up on itself even at my side through out the day while doing self inquiry. (i have kneck problems/pinched nerve on that side).. I do all this naturally no one has taught me anything "yet" it has no religious base and id like to keep it that way.. ( Although now im seeing it is possible that god has been involved as i have always talked and listened to him even when i was blaming him and turning my back to him.. Because most definitely lately god has really been showing himself to me in supernatural ways restoring my faith.. Calling me to church.. Ill say I am a Christian at heart and believe in, and love Jesus Christ for what he did for us..) Out of curiosity i wanted to expand or open my abilities and i did a little research and i mean a little.. i watched a video that spoke about Nicola Tesla and that he was into Kundalini.. Personally looking up to him and thinking he was one of the greatest minds ever, i bought a book "Kundalini for the new age" selected writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Kieffer.. I haven't read it yet :/.. It was used and the person before me made lots of notes and he wrote on page one "the key to the power within".. Maybe i should get to reading it instead of questioning and posting here lol.. Skipping the reading my first attempt at meditation was just laying down in a comfortable position listening to binaural beats on YouTube.. I then began doing some exercises i came up with on my own while listening to the music and im pretty sure I opened my third eye.. If it wasn't already opened somewhat before i began listening to the music, i feel intense sensations in that area and i know its opened now.. The other night i had the most intense feeling shooting out of the third eye area while sleeping, with the most clear image of a building that i jumped out of bed in shock.. I just did a little reading on the third eye and read something related to seeing colors and different dimensions.. While reading it mentioned the spirit world where the dead are in limbow possibly being one such dimension amongst others.. The article said depending on what frequency you are is what dimension youll see, or something along those lines.. Well im pretty sure ive seen these other dimensions or atleast one of them.. Ive said in the past it was at the end of the rabbit hole because ive heard that term used before.. Is it the correct term? Either way the people were definitely at the end of a tunnel and there was a group of them standing there in high definition.. I got spoked and backed out of the state i was in and havent really tried to go back out of fear.. Im hoping someone in this community has been to where im speaking of and is this related to enlightenment or a something seperate all together?..

My questions are for people with their third eyes opened already or those that have reached enlightenment or are self actualized.. Please do not reply if you do not have first hand experience.. Nothing personal and no disrespect intended and im sorry if ive insulted anyone along the way and thank you for those that are helping me.. 

1. can you explain what to do when you get to the other dimensions/portals?..

2.  Are there any exercises/instructions to make your third eye more powerful and focused?..

3. Does this have anything to do with enlightenment?

4. Can others change stuff in your brain ie open and close abilities? (i feel all kinds of stuff poking around in there) 

5. Wheres yoda when you need him? 

6. Is this too much for this community to handle? 

Is this all a secret, am i going to have to go at this alone forever?.. I just cant sit here waiting for someone to say we are here to teach you now..  If this all sounds crazy to you thats good im just a crazy person no need to call the authorities.. Ive already spent months of my life in a psychiatric ward and i cant afford it.. 

@Leo Gura



about as much difference as it  is in day and night

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On 6/18/2016 at 0:24 PM, charlie2dogs said:

about as much difference as it  is in day and night

Thanks for answering my question.. That being said thats the shortest explanation ive seen you give lol, but thank you for atleast answering me directly.. Few speak directly to me these days.. 

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2 minutes ago, Atom said:

Thanks for answering my question.. That being said thats the shortest explanation ive seen you give lol, but thank you for atleast answering me directly.. 

the third eye chakra, is an increased state of awareness, it isnt enlightenment, in the chakra terms the crown chakra represents enlightenment.  a master told me once that there was no bridge or road map from the third eye to the crown chakra and no one could take you there.  i didnt know what that meant until after i had made that leap of faith into the unknown, willing to give up even life to reach that place of self realization, i never really got into the chakra thing, but i know what was being meant by those using the terms.  the energy is in the vital body, that surrounds this physical body, the physical body is just a replication of the vital and mental body, or consciousness.

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@charlie2dogsI never got into the chakra thing either.. But i think i know about that unknown that you speak of im scared to go there.. and thank you again.. i have more questions but they arent for these people to read.. I worry about you.. You say more than im sure some would like.. 

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10 minutes ago, Atom said:

@charlie2dogsI never got into the chakra thing either.. But i think i know about that unknown that you speak of im scared to go there.. and thank you again.. i have more questions but they arent for these people to read.. I worry about you.. You say more than im sure some would like.. 

you can private message me if you want to when you have questions you dont want to put here,  don't worry about me, im in good hands :)

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@charlie2dogs Im taking a break and trying to live in the moment right now and its hard.. I just couldn't help checking in on the forum.. But ill be in touch, thanks again.. 

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