
Why is mathematics not a universal language?

35 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Forrest Adkins said:

You just wont lift off if you cant even calculate the circumference of your planet, its not gonna happen.

You made up this idea of a 'circumference', 'planet'. And you are using those made up ideas to lift off from the planet. 

But that's not the only way to lift off from a planet. You can make up a bunch of different stuff and lift off a different way. You can take a psychedelic and lift off through machine elf technology. You can channel energy and lift off that way. You can induce kundalini and kriya energy and lift off that way. Perfectly possible and many have done it before. 

And you know what? Scientists who revolutionise science know this. You think the theory of relativity existed before Einstein invented it? Nope. Relativity wasn't real until Einstein made it real. The universe literally invented it on the spot when he created it. Then the world changed. This is what it looks like to be conscious that 'planet', 'circumference' are made up, and to use that fact to change the world. 

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One of my deepest awakenings revealed to me that mathematics and everything that's similar, are all second-order. The first-order is infinite intelligence. Science is not coherent as one might think. It just appears to be so. It's all an illusion, there are no rules, there never were. Laws are imaginary. Not in the sense that they are just concepts, although they are, but in the sense that they aren't real at all. It's become ridiculous to me to even think that there are rules to begin with, and yet it's very vital and helpful for survival (yet another imagined rule).

Think of reality as magic, and you may have a better idea of what it is.

Edited by Lento

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Is last night's dream real? Is Santa Claus real?

The rock will only become less real when you are directly conscious that it is something you imagine. Right now you are just playing intellectual games. You are not actually conscious that the rock is imaginary. There is no substitute for consciousness here.

Yeah, so you became God and fully conscious that you imagine stuff up. The point is how you take it is your choice, a matter of perspective. Even if I became fully conscious of how I imagine a rock, to say that it's therefore less real doesn't fit well with me. I would simply understand that imagination=reality, reality=imagination, no difference. 

Don't take stuff too serious and literal. Sure, I don't deny that you have reached very profound states of consciousness, but there is an end to it, a returning to your self and the world. If you still have a sense of what these words mean...

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So what is it now? 

"Why cant I imagine flying around the room if everything is imagination?"

"Being form means being limited."

"So we need mathematics and science to help us fly around, and so do ET forms"

"No! everything is imagination, science and math is useless, everything can be imagined"

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5 minutes ago, Forrest Adkins said:

So what is it now?

Infinite Intelligence.

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4 minutes ago, Forrest Adkins said:

So what is it now? 

"Why cant I imagine flying around the room if everything is imagination?"

"Being form means being limited."

"So we need mathematics and science to help us fly around, and so do ET forms"

"No! everything is imagination, science and math is useless, everything can be imagined"

Well science and math are useless, they will never find God. Only YOU can.

Science is chasing it's on tail, going deeper and deeper into it's own self-created delusions, stories, methods, whatever they do and however they do it. It's a game it never will win. It's a game it already has lost

Math is no better, just a human invention. Not universal in any possible way.




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All these aspects of infinite this and that are themselves second-order to the very being of God. When you become conscious of Godhood, you realize God=God. You are not at this point. No seperation exists here.

But by going full circle, God ought to become conscious that He is fully human at the same time. And not deny Himself, but embrace Himself. 

Today I'm smoking weed, after that it's full party with my girlfriend in a hotel room. ;)

After that, repeat.

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1 hour ago, Highest said:

Yeah, so you became God and fully conscious that you imagine stuff up. The point is how you take it is your choice, a matter of perspective. Even if I became fully conscious of how I imagine a rock, to say that it's therefore less real doesn't fit well with me. I would simply understand that imagination=reality, reality=imagination, no difference.

You aren't getting the depth of this.

Not only is the rock imaginary. There really is no rock at all, nothing at all. Reality never happened. You just imagine it did.

18 minutes ago, Forrest Adkins said:

So what is it now? 

"Why cant I imagine flying around the room if everything is imagination?"

You can. You just aren't conscious enough yet.

You fly around in your dreams easily.


"So we need mathematics and science to help us fly around, and so do ET forms"

Not necessarily.


"No! everything is imagination, science and math is useless, everything can be imagined"

I never said science and math are useless. Lots of imaginary stuff is very useful. So of course science and math is not to be thrown away but advanced.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yeah, I see. That's how God works, that's the mechanism of creation. At the same time, even due it's all nothing at all, it's also everything there is, pure imagination but none the less Reality. Just my view on this.

I don't like the idea of having sex with myself. I like girls.

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5 minutes ago, Highest said:

I don't like the idea of having sex with myself. I like girls.


You know what's even better than a hot girl? The thing which invented all hot girls in the universe ;)

Can you imagine how good that thing must be? The source of all goodness itself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


You know what's even better than a hot girl? The thing which invented all hot girls in the universe ;)

You mean I? :o

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@Leo Gura Going full circle, of course I=God. I invented hot girls so I didn't have to have sex with myself. God likes girls.

Infinite intelligence at play. Infinite goodness.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God does not create the universe by crunching numbers. God is not a geek with a slide-rule and pocket calculator. Hahaha...

I am dead. lmaaaaaaaaao

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It's a great tool to describe and predict certain phenomena. A lot of the physics experimental projects I work on utilise post-grad math modeling that has serious predictive power.

But that's it. 

You can't take it out of this context, because it rests on a particular conscious state to "make sense".

Do you use math when you talk with people? When you draw? When you meditate? When you try to understand emotions, how you feel, what you should do? Hell, some people don't have a clue of math and still function properly, so how can it be universal? 


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