
A new concept to explore: Autopoiesis (Maturana and Valera)

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I haven't read it yet, but I've read another paper about autopoiesis and how Maturana and Valera see it.  Some people may find it interesting or valuable to explore further.

It seems to me to fit into a systems-thinking approach (perhaps stage "yellow").

I first heard about it through a video on Ken Wilber.  He was discussing different examples and concepts which fit into each of the four quadrants.  I think autopoiesis was in the bottom left.  I could be mistaken.

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your post  is hilarious to me. 1. I found Ken Wilber just yesterday and I'll research him in depth. 2. Autopoiesis is a kernel principle of the luhman systems theory and I posted (just some minutes before you) in the other subforum a thread about him. Conclusion: We may (if not on the same) on a parallel path;)

Autopoiesis - systems keep themself alive - is an interesting concept.

Have you studied the source material (Maturana and Valera) on a broad level? Can you recommend a book or video?


Edited by supremeyingyang

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I actually was inspired to create this post after seeing yours.  I was going to post this in your section but thought it would be better to post it as a title so more people could see it.

I haven't no, only a paper I read of Maturana and Valera's.  I think it was some sort of clarification, or perhaps expansion on Luhman's original theory.  Did Luhmann's autopoiesis focus strictly on biological organisms and systems?  If so, I think Maturana and Valera expanded autopoiesis to include social systems (and perhaps others as well).  

There's a free online PDF paper by Maturana and Valera out there somewhere.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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This is the paper I read:  Luhmann’s theory of autopoietic social systems :

Another paper I came across.  I found it rather lengthy and didn't read it.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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No thanks, I don't want to at the moment.  I've got other things I've prioritized.  Thanks though.  Hopefully, if you're interested, you're able to get through it and gain insights.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Sure that is understandable. Yesterday I made these Luhmann-Vocabulary-Map in the other Thread. I think I'll go further in the Subject so: Yeah, likely I'll find it helpful:)

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