
Systems Theory (Luhmann)

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Hey Everyone,

are here any students of sociology (or others) who have encountered Niklas Luhamanns Systems Theory? I think it would be a nice complementary Theory to Spiral Dynamics. What do you think?

The dude had a slip box of his knowledge (basicly like our commonplace books) and he claimed that his many books are co written by this slip box (also known as 'Zettelkasten' in german).

Here is an old documentary with english sub titles:

Have a nice day.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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Seems like an interesting fellow. Will give you my opinion after I check the vid out. Thanks for the share!

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Modern society is defined as a world system consisting of the sum total of all communication happening at once and individual function systems (such as the economy, politics, science, love, art, the media, etc) are described as social subsystems which have "outdifferentiated" from the social system and achieved their own operational closure and autopoiesis. 


He had coined the term autopoiesis. 

Which means filtering and processing information from the environment. 

I can see why you think it's similar to spiral dynamics. Because even in spiral dynamics we seek to gradually to the next higher stage. 

Yea if you think that way there are similarities. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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  On 12/19/2019 at 10:24 PM, Preety_India said:

I can see why you think it's similar to spiral dynamics. Because even in spiral dynamics we seek to gradually to the next higher stage. 

Yea if you think that way there are similarities.

I took your Comment and thought about it. That took me to the possibility of a merge 'System Theorie X Spiral Dynamics'. On the surface I see no problems, but I'll think it through to the end.

Spiral Dynamics (SD) is a more right-brained Theory which can predict the behavior of people or groups. The Systemtheorie (ST), which is more lef-brained, is about communication - a system is basicly communication in it. So ST is the context in which SD takes place in.

Like that:


The Circles are System and Subsystems in which Spiral Dynamics takes place.

Why? you may ask. Higher Predictability and more precise description which leads to even better decisions. Left brained and right brained - the best of 2 worlds.


edit: I made Connections between the vocabular of the systems theorie, the Word System is almost in the middle... Looks beautifulsystemtheorie_vokabeln1_1.png

Edited by supremeyingyang

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