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new years habits and bullet journaling

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i`m carrying this with me since a while now - still figuring out how to create this tool more bullet proof than the original author/inventor does. that means i`m adjusting the method to my own needs. this is the one habit that might unite some of the most important habits i want to implement on everyday basis, since i started to sort my mind out at this forum.

and i want to make it a recommendation for everyone who is lacking on a tool to make their every day life more organized or is sick of organizing themselves in prefitted tools or just wants to cut down on electronic organizers.

so without wanting to do marketing for it, if i would have a book list, the bullet journal method would be on top of the list.

i would be happy if some of you get inspired or share inspirations about new habits you implemented or plan to implement (in the new year traditon style) or maybe someone does bullet journaling and has some nice tips. whatever, new year = new beginning is a tradition that makes some sense, as everything seems to slow down to zero (even the temperature).

(it`s also a good wish/gift for christmas)

Edited by remember

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