
Can You Become Enlightened At Any Spiral Dynamics Stage?

22 posts in this topic

@Mal just got round to the videos, very interesting! 

So would you say enlightenment is to do with the ego line and its development though the levels, and now I can see with the model how it's independent of Clare graves but that due to the pre-trans fallacy, depending on the level of development of the ego depends on the nature of the realisation and only when it's in post stage it can integrate from all previous stages? 

Also is pre, rational, and transcendence dividing up the levels into three categories? 

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@Saarah @Saarah

In a nutshell if we don't integrate our shadow it's still going to be there running the show, even if we trancend the relative body mind. 

Pre rational, rational and trans-rational are arbitrary markers for the purposes of map making.  

Enlightnement is about transcending the rational mind.  We still have access to the ego, but we process reality from a place of Witnessing Presence rather than through the filters of the ego.  

If you were a carpenter would you want battered old tools to work with, or state of the art fully functioning tools?

The ego is a tool from the vantage point of the awakened mind. 



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