
The End Of Seeking

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@Nahm you can add it to the signature ??❤️

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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The shame that binds you. I have heard this repeated in my head for a few months. I believe it's a message.

I really should read this book. I'm pretty sure shame is a key component of my identity as a person.

How do i detach from what other people think about me. To be truly independent of experience is what I really want. I do not feel free at the moment.

The discord from the nuance of thought provides relief. 

i AM FAT, I AM NOT FAT. There's relief in the duality of thought.

How do i perform my best at league.- Answer: Pre game ritual. Meditation. Some exercise. Some visualization.

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The shame that binds you. I have heard this repeated in my head for a few months. I believe it's a message.

I really should read this book. I'm pretty sure shame is a key component of my identity as a person.

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I have a question @Nahm. Why can't you enlighten me with a conversation? Like you are clearly ahead of me on the path to enlightenment. But i feel i'm pretty far on the path too. But i still can't feel consistently, which tells me i'm not far on the path haha because i feel this is so basic.

But i'm also completely open minded. Like all i want is to feel good, yet it evades me. How come you can't help me solve this simple problem, if you are an infinite intelligence. Surely an infinite intelligence could figure out a way to help a dedicated seeker feel good?

Is this another paradox? Do i have to just keep seeing through these because i feel like my thinking is just getting more paradoxical, i.e it doesn't make sense.

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I’m not ahead of you. I’m not enlightened. I as an individual, am your illusion. 

If you want to feel great all the time, refrain from pointing fingers. Give up these silly notions.



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There’s some things I’d take into consideration, in the vein of helpfulness and identifying the pitfalls...

You’re assigning this to me, but we didn’t have a chance to talk last week. If you own that, relief ensues inevitably. 

There are things I am explaining & recommending, diet, practices, transcending current paradigms & paradox, sitting with it / expressing / understanding rather than name calling (next day “Ban this clown”). 

Not trying to ‘beat up on ya’ so I’ll stop there, but overall, all that’s needed is to be attentive to what is so for not attentive to. 

The last thing that helps anyone on the path, is to start building a case about how anything has anything to do with anyone but myself. 



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30 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Nahm I feel like LSD right now. 

@Nahm are you tagging yourself for the matter of oneness? xD

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:



LSD = Lucy
Mushrooms = Mushy
Nahm = ? :D

Right, Nahmy ❤️

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Nahm @dimitri @mandyjw Thank you.

Yeah, i've been kind of resistance to doing a full blown trip since my awakening, i was hoping I could do it without the drugs but I think right now they are valuable. I'm planning on cleaning up my apartment, my diet, and some habits over the next few days then i'm going to do like 1.5 to 2 tabs trip.

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I think it's time for the spiritual ego phase to end. It's getting annoying acting like a dick, and i think it's time to move forward. I want all the upsides of a spiritiual ego, like confidence, fearlessness, not taking shit from anyone, but i also want none of the downsides.

I want:














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@Raptorsin7 personally, one tab is enough for me (if acid is good)...

Maybe, if you desire breakthrough so much, you can switch to 5-meo-dmt? 
lsd keeps you for so long... it may be disadvantage or advantage relatively speaking, but with 5-meo-dmt it's so fast :) 
With my limited experience of vaporizing 5-meo-dmt I can say it's like "truck crashes into you" and then...

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri Yeah i think 1 tab will be enough for me to. 

I will look into 5 Meo if the LSD doesn't work for me. I don't mind the length of the LSD high as long as I can hit the peak.

I actually feel like kinda high on LSD right now, my baseline is just naturally high and psychidelic now. But i need a bit more expansion to surrender fully to the bliss. 

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Yeah, LSD is great.
Right, do what feels good for you.
Godspeed! ;)

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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To reach a state of being where the words I, am , and god don't mean anything in awareness. Wow. I never really thought that was the goal but it's true. I want detachment. I want genuine freedom. Complete freedom. 

Let go of the self referntial thinking and behavior. You'll be fine without it. You can survive without the thoughts about yoursef. YOu are that which is prior to.

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@Raptorsin7 I think complete freedom comes from accepting yourself as you are. In the human form, we are all imperfect beings. Accept all the flaws within you without judgment. Be as free as you want to be and be as you want to be. At the core of our being, we all want to love and be loved.

Powered By Love

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Pick a good feeling thought:

What can i do next?

My goal is to be challenger in league of legends

My goal is to be happy and feel good

Time to push the limits. I'm taking LSD today. Today's the day i break through.


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