
The End Of Seeking

660 posts in this topic

I am going to be challenger in league of legends

I am going to run a multi million dollar website

I am enlightened

I know who I am

I am aware

I am forgetting who I am lol

I am in the zone

I found myself


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I have a head ache. There is suffering caused by pain in the head.

I want to get better, and not suffer the head ache anymore.

Compassion is the answer to judgment. 

I am awake.

How to feel really good? 

Meditation is the way. Let's do 20 minutes and come back.

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The relationship between thought and feeling.

Thought is for choosing the experience. What do I want?

What do i want is an important distinction to note. It's not what do I want, as in the I thought that is in thinking , it's what do I want where the I=MYSELF= AWARENESS=THIS. What does THIS want? 

I'm having trouble thinking of what I want. 

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I am unlimited


I am free

I know who I am

I am a Human Being

I am creating experience

I am a conscious creator

I am at peace

I am humble

I am kind

I am compassionate

I am intelligent

I am wise

I run a multi- million dollar website

I am challenger ADC in league of legends


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Effortless focus. Allowing the game to flow, and come to me. Balance. Peace. Calm. Intelligence. Patience.

I am a challenger ADC 

I am a savant

I am talented

I am unlimited

I am free

I am happy

I am blessed

I am loved

I am loving

I am at peace

I am hopeful

I am excited 

I am passionate

Wow i create emotions in the present moment. Fucking crazy.

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I am thankful for my apartment in this beautiful city

Thank you for my lap top

Thank you for health

Thank you for consciousness 

Thank you for the path

Thank you for love

Thank you for ability 


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I am grateful that I get to do the moot

I am so happy that I am in law school

My life is incredible

I'm so luck to be alive

Stop the seeking. Just fully accept the moment. Happiness is now. Now later. It's not later when the third eye pops, it's not later when i feel better.

It's right here, right now. 

Going to meditate for 20 brb.

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I am getting frustrated while playing the game.

I want to cultivate a beutfiful state of being while i'm playing. But it's hard, i keep getting caught up in ego. I get angry, frustrated, blame my teammates. I think i need to give the mind a task. I wonder how to pacify the mind so it's only wholesome and pleasent while playing. No doubt it's about the quality of my thoughts and the degree of connection to who I am.

I am going to meditate for about 20 minutes then play another game. I also want to start prepping for moot which is tomorrow. I have some work to do on that and I don't want to do leave until too late.

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I am passionate about love. I love love. I want love. The question now is how to find love in my direct experience.

There's no doubt i've mastered the emotional scale up to passion. I can get to passion no problem. That's easy work. But love is hard work. Love. The final frontier. This is what i want. I love. Love. Love. I wantH love. I love. 

The answer seems to be THAT I AM LOVE. bUT WHO AM I. I am confused as to who exactly I am here. I am not the body. I am not the eyes. I am not the sensations in my head. 

I am ever present. I am everywhere, and no where. That doesn't feel right.

So who AM I?

How about I cultivate some appreciation and gratitude. But it's all about the feeling of gratitude.

Thank you for the laptop

Thank you for the cell phone

Thank you for mastery of the emotional scale, and ease of access to passion

Thank you for the time to prepare for the moot, and the opportunity to find good feeling first before i go to the moot

Thank you for this experience

Thank you for unlimited resources

Thank you for this apartment

Thank you for this couch

Thank you for life purpose

Thank you for love.

Okay gratitude isn't so great. Doesn't really me tune me up like I hoped it would.

@Nahm i got to a place where i was very passionate about love, but then the next step in the emotional scale is actual LOVE. How do i make this jump to the final stage. I feel a warm sensation 

Wo i think I found love. When I surrender to the experience, stop seeking, and just love what is. There is a warm feeling, it feels like coming home and connection. It feels like my nature is just to love. Like if i just relax then love is the default. Is this it?

Also, what is a thought? I remember you telling me how each thought occurs one at a time. But for there is so like so much narrative and words to my thoughts, I thought each time i tuned back into the thought that it was a new thought. But is just the same fucking thought over and over again wtf? Am i stuck on a single thought here? Can you give me a break down on thoughts, and how to use thoughts with feeling. I understand fully now that feeling is prior to, and that thinking must be brought in accordance with feeling. I got that part. But i'm stuck with the choosing of thoughts, like am i just repeating the same old thoughts, how do i create a new thought? 

Edited by Raptorsin7

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@Raptorsin7 A thought appears, indicative of reality, appearance. A thought is within awareness, indicative of appearance in Reality (Actual Reality / You). A thought is a thing, as in, it is relative, it is appearance, in it’s content. Notice as you read “green hippo”, a thought simply appears as such. A thought is not a thing, in the sense, the actuality of it, what it’s “made of”, is infinity. So it’s of course not literally the same one thought changing, but you could say it is I guess, the same infinity appearing to change, appearing as this thought then this other thought. But you are not appearance, you are Reality, Infinity ( & the appearance therefore)

A ‘new thought’, is a ‘new to you thought’, an insight. 

37 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I understand fully now that feeling is prior to, and that thinking must be brought in accordance with feeling. I got that part. But i'm stuck with the choosing of thoughts, like am i just repeating the same old thoughts, how do i create a new thought? 

Experientially, it’s in this order....

Source (one / unconditional love)...appears as twoness (thought / duality / opposites...diluted unconditional love)...and there is the experience of choice of thoughts, the quality of which is the momentum of the experience of choosing. 

So in short, don’t look to ‘create new thoughts’, you can’t. You are the arising thoughts. Look to undilute, via, momentum.

You might ‘mantra’, whenever a thought arises....”that’s unconditional love”. 

The thought could arise, “murder everyone”...and you could choose it. Notice, given the thought is infinite being, how shockingly unconditional it is. Also, you wouldn’t choose that thought & action. But, with enough relative momentum...people do. There’s relative justice...but notice, in terms of unconditional love - not one single thing happens to them whatsoever. That is shockingly unconditionally loving - and the evidence if you will, that there isn’t anything else.

So anyways, the love is the thoughts.




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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Experientially, it’s in this order....

Source (one / unconditional love)...appears as twoness (thought / duality / opposites...diluted unconditional love)...and there is the experience of choice of thoughts, the quality of which is the momentum of the experience of choosing. 

So in short, don’t look to ‘create new thoughts’, you can’t. You are the arising thoughts. Look to undilute, via, momentum.

What do you mean by choosing of thoughts? How would i not choose a thought? 

How do i undilute thinking? How do I gain momentum?

Assume I had all day to solve this problem, to feel good to find out the true relationship between thinking and feeling. How would I solve this. If my life depended on solving this problem? What would you recommend?

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16 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

What do you mean by choosing of thoughts?

If a thought arose...”I’m going to get a hamburger & fries”....I can ponder...”what is the opposite thought?”...”I want to eat a salad and a vegan protein shake”. Thought is dual, opposites. That’s the whole story on thought ‘picking’. 

That ’picking’ has a momentum to it...after ‘picking’ the healthier thought, well being abounds....insights arise....new ‘choices’ arise. 



How would i not choose a thought? 

That’s already a thought chosen. Seriously. If a thought wasn’t picked, nobody would know. 


How do i undilute thinking? How do I gain momentum?

When a thought doesn’t feel good, stop and ponder it’s good feeling opposite. Momentum builds with this, feeling and thought align. Beliefs and identity (limitation) get seen through.


Assume I had all day to solve this problem, to feel good to find out the true relationship between thinking and feeling. How would I solve this. If my life depended on solving this problem? What would you recommend?

Not joking - I’d simply listen to Abraham Hicks all day. 

Don’t look at it like you’re “solving anything” though....just....changing the momentum. 

There is also no-mind to consider, that is, literally no thought. With practice this can be turned on and off at will. Meditation; focusing on breathing relaxed from the stomach, will lead to this. Throughout the day, ‘listen to the silence’. At any point in the day, just stop and listen to the silence. Even in a crowded room - hear the silence.  Also, binaural tones on YouTube are designed for this. I heard listening to a constant tone takes the attention, when all attention is not on thought, it’s the same as there aren’t any. You can also shift to perception & feeling, with all attention, and thought just disappears. But this includes purification. One can not suppress emotion, and somehow quite the mind to this extent. Consider many (but I can’t say all) more extreme scenarios like OCD. I’ve talked to countless people “with OCD” only to discover it is extreme emotional suppression from a trauma (usually) which has been identified with, never inspected & released, and a doctor essentially (in innocence) prescribed / &  write off the patient. 



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Also....consider, when you say you want to create new thought....you might kinda mean you want as much clarity of mind as possible.

Until it isn’t / doesn’t.....food choice, and the overall health and well being of the body play the biggest role. 



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Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....




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Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....



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@Nahm I was just thinking there is some hidden wisdom, so you are on repeat ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....



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