
The End Of Seeking

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@zeroISinfinity Thanks a lot man.  Very well said. You will be an excellent teacher.

What is the advita bear mean? What kinds of traps you talking about?

17 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@Raptorsin7To help you out a bit. 

Be careful of your expression and words you use since you are the Source. 

Could guarantee that if you stop judging criticizing hating etc all false if you let go of all of that your life will be amazing. 

I said to you it's easy for me to get most amazing wonderful life so to speak and that Leo for example and job he took he can't really do that. Because he has to deal with ?. 

Every judgement and critic he spills out backfires onto him.

All this enlightened people who help are de facto very brave. 

To really fulfill spiritual path it will beat you down and you will face literally everything including death, insanity etc. It is most demanding thing you can really do in life. 

So listen to @Nahm always say that with a very good reason he wants you the best because he is you.

I guarantee you will not face this situation but if it does happen. 

"Someone is raping your daughter" using this as example. 

Freely beat the crap out of guy. But do not create stories. 

Just to not fall into ? kind of traps. 


Edited by Raptorsin7

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You know. It's all illusion, doesn't matter bla bla. 

It's dream and it's pure Love. 

I will never be Enlightenment teacher. Sorry. 

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Just now, zeroISinfinity said:

I will never be Enlightenment teacher. Sorry. 

Once you are happy, really happy, so happy where you no longer question whether or not you're happy. The complete end of seeking. Then what? Just sit alone in corner, blissed out?

Our duty is to the world after enlightenment. I'm very confident that's how it works. Look at @Nahm he is teaching people enlightenment. 

1. Seek happiness/love.

2. Find happiness/love. Then MYSELF is all good, no more sadness and seeking.

3. Help others who also want to find themselves, but can't yet because they are still stuck in delusion.

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There are different ways of doing God's work. ?

Being teacher is one of them. 

Also being a teacher you will constantly mindfuck yourself. 

As God I am not hippie dippie at all man. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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What we want is something that is independent of causation in reality. When we find what's prior we to we are untouchable. If you felt good prior to experience, then the feeling is now prior to any experience. If what we are is infinite being, then our nature is prior to all of what occurs inside infinite being. So if you put YOU in the holocaust or war or some other terrible event, you can feel and be however you want to be in that experience because you are what's prior to the experience. But even this doesn't make sense to me, because couldn't someone just wake up in the holocaust and because they are infinite being just use that ability to end the holocaust. This makes no sense. This is a paradox. Why would an infinte being let themselves get thrown into an oven, like if i was in the holocaust i would fucking not want to be thrown into an oven. But then again if I was a Jew in 1930s Germany I would have left the country, like Einstein, as soon as discrimination starting wramping up. Did all awake people either leave before the genocide, or choose to stay to help those still stuck and unawake through the process?

@zeroISinfinity @Nahm

Can you answer this paradox? Can you explain the role of paradox on the path? I feel like there are elements of reality that are inconsistent with my identity as an infinite being? Is this what it means to run into paradox?

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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Is this what it means to run into paradox?


3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Can you answer this paradox? Can you explain the role of paradox on the path?

There’s what’s referred to as the relative view, and the absolute view. There’s a lot of paradox with those two views, until they collapse. 



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@Nahm Is the answer always just be YOURSELF. When i'm not myself, and i'm just thinking, like right "im just thinking" is just more thought. I am not being myself because this is thinking, a misuse of thinking? 

Whereas if I just be, i won't have to deal with paradox becasue thinking will not be used in a way that produces paradox?

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The best quote i've come across in relation to the law of attraction, and how to change your reality.

"The Mirror Will Never Smile First"- @pluto

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9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

The best quote i've come across in relation to the law of attraction, and how to change your reality.

"The Mirror Will Never Smile First"- @pluto

That is awesome. 

24 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Nahm Is the answer always just be YOURSELF.

What’s the other option? 

24 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

When i'm not myself, and i'm just thinking, like right "im just thinking" is just more thought. I am not being myself because this is thinking, a misuse of thinking? 

⬆️ That’s an example of what it’s describing. ➰

24 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Whereas if I just be, i won't have to deal with paradox becasue thinking will not be used in a way that produces paradox?

Good. Luck.




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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

⬆️ That’s an example of what it’s describing. ➰


Whereas if I just be, i won't have to deal with paradox becasue thinking will not be used in a way that produces paradox?

Good. Luck.


I don't understand this at all.


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What do I want:

I want to be happy. 

What does it mean to be happy, what does a happy life look like?

  • I am feeling really good
  • I have incredible energy levels
  • I have clarity of mind
  • I am relaxed and calm, and I am in a peaceful and yet happy state.
  • I am free of worry, insecurity, guilty, shame, fear
  • I do think hopeful, happy, positive thoughts
  • I am a challenger adc
  • I am one of the best adc's in the world
  • I do to try my best in every league game
  • I do feel the same whether i win or lose in every game
  • I am completely unattached to the outcomes of life. Win or lose I am happy
  • I do not judging others
  • I do not judging myself
  • I am not harsh towards myself and others
  • I  view others and myself with compassion, love and understanding.
  • I am done seeking a better state, i just feel better first so i don't have to seek
  • My third eye is open completely My head  dissolved into bliss.
  • I feel free
  • I feel unlimited
  • I feel amazing
  • I feel connected
  • I am that which is prior to all experience
  • I am myself, whoever or whatever I am
  • I see reality as it is.
  • I am the truth
  • I am love
  • I am feeling my best
  • I am my best
  • I am honest
  • I express myself honestly
  • I  am just being
  • I am the third eye opened
  • I am the truth
Edited by Raptorsin7

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Just clarify you one "detail". You wanted Enlightenment, did you got it? 


Why, because Conciousness is you. 

So no worry man don't create sense of lack. 

Source ❤️ is unlimited Love, unlimited. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

What do I want:

I want to be happy. 

What does it mean to be happy, what does a happy life look like?

  • I am feeling really good
  • I have incredible energy levels
  • I have clarity of mind
  • I am relaxed and calm, and I am in a peaceful and yet happy state.
  • I am free of worry, insecurity, guilty, shame, fear
  • I do think hopeful, happy, positive thoughts
  • I am a challenger adc
  • I am one of the best adc's in the world
  • I do to try my best in every league game
  • I do feel the same whether i win or lose in every game
  • I am completely unattached to the outcomes of life. Win or lose I am happy
  • I do not judging others
  • I do not judging myself
  • I am not harsh towards myself and others
  • I  view others and myself with compassion, love and understanding.
  • I am done seeking a better state, i just feel better first so i don't have to seek
  • My third eye is open completely My head  dissolved into bliss.
  • I feel free
  • I feel unlimited
  • I feel amazing
  • I feel connected
  • I am that which is prior to all experience
  • I am myself, whoever or whatever I am
  • I see reality as it is.
  • I am the truth
  • I am love
  • I am feeling my best
  • I am my best
  • I am honest
  • I express myself honestly
  • I  am just being
  • I am the third eye opened
  • I am the truth

I agree with what zero said. Go through that list, which is great btw...but go through it with the fine tuning of nuance and phrase each line in good feeling. Example... “I do not judge others”. There’s very little feeling in a double negative like that. (Not + judge)   So “I love others” feels better. Notice in feeling, that it does, feel better.   Imagine the momentum of feeling which builds in doing this with each thought, as each one at a time thought, arises.

Momentum reaches new places of nuance. Then, drop even the words which...don’t even feel good to begin with. Which feels better... “I am free of insecurity, guilty, shame, fear“.... or I am freedom. I am thriving. I am giving. I am loving. I am Love.    You don’t have to have any curtains words in thoughts, so to speak. Clean that house out like Zelda Rubinstein. Then say, I haven’t even begun the purification yet, and be delighted by the notion of infinite feeling, continuing infinitely. 

In terms of psychology...the momentum begets squeaky clean purity. Utter emptiness. Nothing happening. The space of the entire universe - empty, vast, perfect stillness, perfect peace, bliss of the mind. 

In terms of feeling....M’F’n LOVE.  Unabashed, unfettered by thought. I’m talking about FULL SEND Love - not a thing in it’s way. Resistance free, Infinite Reality, Actual, Love. If you need help with a trigger of release...watch The Trials of Gabriel Hernandez on Netflix. Don’t turn it off. Watch the whole thing. Notice any judgmental (feeling evasive) thought. Let it go, let love replenish the emptiness it leaves. 



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I am looking for good feeling. 

Where is good feeling?

Right here. Right now. It's YOU. Feeling is here. 

What do I feel right now?

I feel irritable.

Took a deep breathe

Took a deep breathe

I carry myself like i'm the greatest ADC in the world

Who do you want to be TJ

I want to feel satisfied.

I want to feel so good that I can just be

This creates a sense of lack. Wanting creates a sense of lack. 

Honesty is hard

Feeling good is hard

Feeling good is easy

Honesty is easy

I am strategically honest

I connect to the present moment effortlessly

Life will never be the same

I play free

I play my best

Whenever I play I try my best

I always try my best

This was meant to be. There is purpose to life. Life makes rational sense. I understand how reality works. 

I am wise

I am humble

I am quiet

I am a hard worker

I rise to the moment

I am different

I am world class

I am happy with how my life is going

How's that feel?

Not much feeling

I have so much fun when I play league. It's inredible, i love the game so much. It's so amazing. I can be creative. I can try new things. I can express myself while playing

- That felt better.

The amount of Joy i get out of league of legends is incredible. The game is amazing. 

I am unbreakable 

I am consistent

I am real

I am honest

I am a leader

I am a commander

I am loving

I am kind

I am compassionate

I am driven

I am helpful

I am helping the world

I am trying my best to help the world

I sacrifice myself to be at the service of others

-That felt better, and it made my third eye crack a lot.

Boom i think had a break through. @Nahm what do you think


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God dwells in you, as you, and you don't have to 'do' anything to be God-realized or Self-realized, it is already your true and natural state.

Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward, and sacrifice your ego mind to the One Self radiating in the Heart of your very being.

For this to be your own presently lived experience, Self-Inquiry Meditation is a direct and immediate way.

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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