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Books/Content that transforms the person

5 posts in this topic

Hei !

If you are on this forum i think that you read some books on Personal Development.

I want to ask you what made change 's in your identity and what concepts/books/content was really eye opening and made you grow like a person.

I do not want books just on spirituality. Hard,direct stuff on changing your Persona.

About Relationships, Money, Life Purpurse.


Thank You!?

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David Hawkins Letting Go

Everything by Don Miguel Ruiz

Alcoholics anonymous text book 4th edition

Marcus Aurelius meditations

Dr Phil self matters and life strategies

Osho the buddha said



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1. Mirror Mask and Shadow - Sheldon Kopp

2. The untethered Soul - Michael Singer

3. Linchpin - Seth Godin

4. Laws of Human Nature - Robert Green

5. The Magic of Your Personal Mind Power - Vernon Howard

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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48 laws of power has been fairly useful every now and then something comes up and I utilize the law of power, not in some sort of evil way though. Mastery George Leonard is amazing I think is going to have a long lasting effect, I read it twice, but would read it again. Think and grow rich is useful for me, but I need to go back and integrate more of the stuff into my life. Rich Dad's guide to investing is useful especially if you are just starting investing, it will save you a lot of time and money. I enjoyed the way of the superior man. I will definitely reread that once I go back to dating and it had some good bits of life purpose in there too. 

I highly recommend that you watch or re-watch Leo's video 

This video can be used as a powerful tool to help you pick out books for even more categories that could really help explode your growth. 

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Think and grow rich have two rather different versions.

One by Hill and the other is a more modern version updated for 21st century.

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