
What if I am the only one who is not enlightened?

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Has anyone thought of this? I know it sounds stupid, but I've been very intrigued since a weird experience I had a couple of weeks ago, about why consciousness is focusing in this body/mind and not in other.

Then I thought, maybe it's because I'm the only one who is not Awake yet.

After all how do you really really know somebody is not Awake? Because ego can still behave like a process, ego can delude himself in that he has to "awake" but God/consciousness might be very conscious about what it's happening.


After all, a lot of people have said that they are awake however ego as a process can continue behaving like stupid.

Could it be that I'm the only one not awake ? Leo said you have to be extremely skeptical so I am being like that right now. I want to go to the root of what is happening in this experience (isness is happening, but why I keep taking ownership of this isness)

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Darn, looks like javfly is onto us. Well it was fun while it lasted y’all.  ? 

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What if there was no one to be enlightened ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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15 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

why I keep taking ownership of this isness

Because the scale was tipped to perception & thinking, to compensate for a lack of feeling. 

Perception & feeling & no mind = bliss.



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16 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

Darn, looks like javfly is onto us. Well it was fun while it lasted y’all.  ? 

He is but one of our best actors in the cosmic game of Serotoninluv , still afoot. 



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19 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Has anyone thought of this? I know it sounds stupid, but I've been very intrigued since a weird experience I had a couple of weeks ago, about why consciousness is focusing in this body/mind and not in other.

Then I thought, maybe it's because I'm the only one who is not Awake yet.

After all how do you really really know somebody is not Awake? Because ego can still behave like a process, ego can delude himself in that he has to "awake" but God/consciousness might be very conscious about what it's happening.


After all, a lot of people have said that they are awake however ego as a process can continue behaving like stupid.

Could it be that I'm the only one not awake ? Leo said you have to be extremely skeptical so I am being like that right now. I want to go to the root of what is happening in this experience (isness is happening, but why I keep taking ownership of this isness

The point, for me at least, is not to kill or even transcend the ego, it's simply becoming conscious of what it is. You will find ultimately that it is not. ;)

You are pure nothingness, pure emptiness, pure formlessness. That's one aspect of yourself. You are also total awake awarness. Totally conscious. Dissolve any possible seperation between yourself and The One, all this is mind-created. 

The One aka God is none other than YOU. You are none other than The One. But becoming conscious of this requires that you first get a direct connection with your Self/God. Follow the process of Self-inqury and  meditation, let yourself show itself the way ? As God told Bayazid Bastami, "Leave yourself and come." 

There is one distraction and that is the mind. Become conscious of this fact, become conscious of how it literally creates falsehood, entire realities. The remedy is to empty your mind, empty it until nothing is left.

Become the Supreme witness and observer of the mind, not attached to it, not identified with it. Simply observing it's creations come and go, being completely neutral to them, letting them come and go, for you are not your mind. 

You are not your body, you are not your personality. You are Nothing=God. 

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Has anyone thought of this? I know it sounds stupid, but I've been very intrigued since a weird experience I had a couple of weeks ago, about why consciousness is focusing in this body/mind and not in other.

Then I thought, maybe it's because I'm the only one who is not Awake yet.


 I had a thought like that back in the 70's,...is everyone around me awake?....pondered on it for perhaps months,...it was a great introduction point for me to consider what is called the Absolute Bodhicitta proverb:  Regard everything you perceive as a dream.


From there,...why Socrates said "The senses do not grasp reality in any way" began to be understood. 


"The senses do not know, but man believes that his senses do know--and in that belief lies man's confusion" - Walter Russell  

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Could it be that I'm the only one not awake ? Leo said you have to be extremely skeptical so I am being like that right now. I want to go to the root of what is happening in this experience (isness is happening, but why I keep taking ownership of this isness)

Because your human. It is the human condition to take ownership of everything. But you could stop doing that. Inquire into what it is that takes ownership. Can you find it?

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Then everyone would sit around you watching attentively every step you make...

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