Light Lover

2019, How Was It?

25 posts in this topic

It is less than 2 weeks that we enter into 2020, so I thought it was the appropriate time to do a post which I hope will get a lot of reception and we can all muse on until 2020.

So, 3 questions about 2019 to answer (as brief as you can):

1: How was it overall, a rating out of 10. (And why if you want, the good and bad).

2: If you goals you set yourself (or didn't set) worked out or if you didn't make them.

3: What goals do you set for 2020? 

For example, I give 2019 a 7/10 out of 10. I fulfilled most of my goals but fell short on some of them that mattered a lot to me. It was a good year for money and success, but not so much in terms of relationships or deepening my self-actualization, which hopefully I can work on more in 2020, and put money and success to the back seat for now. I set myself the goals of finding a new girlfriend, going deeper into this 'enlightenment' tunnel, completely changing my room so that it enables me to think clearer, and generally feeling much happier and connected with life, along with hopefully keeping up this financial growth.

I have seen an a very noticeable change in the quality of this forum in the last 1 year. A big decrease in the amount of trolls and people looking to argue for no good reason, and an increase in people willing to listen, true Self-Actualization fans!

Here is to an Incredible 2020, for Leo and everyone on this forum! 

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2019 was very volatile for me personally. Started out ok, got pretty bad at around April-Juli and picked up momentum again in October.

I was not really in the place to set goals in 2018, but you of coruse always implicitly have some goals/ intentions. I would say I delivered on some, outperformed on some, and failed at others.

Financially, 2019 was pretty good.

Gained of knowledge in many areas which is great.

Gained clarity and improved infrastructure.

Health-wise was not so good. My nutrition was okay, but I got some problems with my body which I cant seem to fix since a couple of months (but it would be kinda unfair to balme 2019 because I probably seeded these problems in 2016-2018)


What are your goals for 2020?`:)

Edited by Ferdi Le

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Overall I would say 8/10

The good was that I finally got employed and that I got a driver's license and a car which I pay for (these are by no means fulfilling but it allows me to support myself and save some money for the future). But I've benefited from employment in the sense that I feel like I have matured and it feels good to have structure in my life and build career skills. I've also been working on my physical health a bit this year, trying to increase flexibility and doing more physical exercise.

The bad was I guess dealing with the struggles of working some time, stress management has been a main goal of mine, also trying to live around my brother who I don't have a good relationship with unfortunately.

Goals I set for myself were to get a car, a job, get fitter physically, manage stress better, body awareness and meditation which I think I've completed, still working on body awareness and meditation still.


I'm not sure what goals to set, maybe working on some soft skills for my idea of becoming a life coach. Further increasing my fitness too.

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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It was pretty good :)

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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The way your 2019 could've gone couldn't have possibly gone any other way. What happened, happened. Its perfection, so don't play yourselves, feel amazing about everything that happened and who you are and give it a 10/10. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Light Lover Painful, but very purifying. It meets the intuition I had about it in 2018. 2020...Oh, boy. I'm in for the ride :x

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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@Light Lover

My year was shit, 2/10. It's only a 2 instead of a 1 because of this forum and the things I learned from Leo. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@Light Lover

1. Mine was a 10/10. I went deeper than ever on my journey via many trips and meditation sessions. I started devouring books on Leo's book list and getting some wisdom from that. business took off in beginning of November and i'm excited how that goes into 2020.  xD

2. My only goal was for my business to start rolling a little, which it did.

3. My goals for 2020 is to become financially secure while diving deep into the god head from time to time. I also want to transcend most of my silly fears. I want to expand into other facets of reality with n,n-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, Salvia and various other substances after exploring LSD and Mushrooms this year. 

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@kindayellow Well done, good luck for 2020!@Ferdi Le You too! I did say my goals above :)@QandC @TrynaBeTurquoise @Ero @fridjonk Thank you all and well done. @TheAvatarState I am very sorry to hear that, my year has definitely had it's downs if it makes you feel any better. I am stuck in a job that I despite at the moment, I am the only one to blame for that of course. Soon I will be 21 and I want to be achieving more, I am getting frustrated a lot recently to be honest. It is very hard not to get caught in the same traps of debt that others do as well, I have noticed. Luckily at the moment I have 0 debt, and I always intend to keep it that way. Hopefully 2020 is better for us all.

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2 minutes ago, Alissa said:

@Light Lover

to reach my ideal weight and maintain it ,

You need to read "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks, it's a must for learning to maintain good things that happen to you and not fall off your desired path. 

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On 17.12.2019 at 9:46 PM, Light Lover said:

completely changing my room so that it enables me to think clearer

Any ideas on how to do it?

2019 I want to say 10/10 but I was too lazy for that so I'll give it a 9/10. I dont set any goals for 2020. Im pretty happy with the trajectory so far :D


Edited by universe

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Too much excitement for 2020. Seeing a lot of Base 10 Number System supremacy, contemplate your metaphysical assumptions here. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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For me, 2019 was a very solid 7.

My goal was to improve my sleep patterns, which I did a bit.

Sleep will remain a goal for 2020.

I have a half-baked idea about looking into taking a basic counselling course too.

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@Light Lover  5/10 to me. 

My main goal for 2019 was finding another job, I was working on customer services, and job not for me at all, I'm a draughtman, I ended up working there bc of personal issues. So I take some courses, quit my job and find another. That was pretty painful, but I get a proper job. 

Main goal for 2020 is to do my first one week retreat, and lear more about stuff in general ? 

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@Alissa Sounds like you are doing well, good luck in the new year!@universe  Well done to you! Well I am trying to clear out everything I don't need, I find the less shit I have laying around the clearer my mind is, the emptier the room the better. @lmfao @Dan502 @Jonac Thank you and good luck for 2020!

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@Light Lover

1: 8/10 No particular big hic-cups or stress factors. Particularly great compared to 2018!

2: No New Year Resolutions 2019, couldn't be bothered. Though goal-setting/progress throughout.

3: Goals 2020 Committed Actualization work.  individual goals detailed in my SA Journal.


Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Quitting Actualized. (99%%‰}


The structure here is getting to be a pain and deluded 

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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