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Nak Khid

Planning Your First Psychedelic Trip - According to Pyched Substance

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PLEASE NOTE: This video has been created for education and harm reduction. We do not personally promote
any 'use' nor do we want anyone to get the wrong idea and mistakenly believe that we do.
These videos exist to help people be safe through properly educating them on safe use and on potential dangers.
We also explain to the viewer what can happen when you are careless (and just how severe the consequences can be)
with hopes they do not make the same mistakes them selves.
Pyched Substance, (youtube channel )



1.  Research
take the time to research the substance that you're putting into your body. Research your substance and what to expect over the experience

so many people fail here they don't do adequate research

2.  Don't take Psychedelics with SSRI antidepressant medications

if you are on any antidepressant medications such as SSRI medication you should stay away from psychedelics in general the combo of

SSRIs and MDMA can be deadly it can cause serotonin syndrome this doesn't often happen but it can happen in the

name of safety if you were on SSRI medication avoid psychedelics a lot of time what happens is because the SSRIs

are hitting the same serotonin transporters in your brain you now have

this natural crazy tolerance to anything that hits those receptors meaning point

of MDMA will probably do absolutely nothing to you won't even feel it

a tab of acid will just be like oh I feel a bit of energy but that's it people recommend if you do intend to

take psychedelics and you're on SSRIs to be off them for at least two weeks but again I'm going to lean towards

safety and I'm going to say make sure off them for at least a month before trying anything

3. Start with a small dose when planning for your first experience you need to expect the unexpected you even with the small dose

sometimes you can be very sensitive to a substance which is why you start with the small dose especially because you've

never tried a psychedelic before this is so unexpected this is untested waters

for you

4. Trip Sitter you 100% need a trip sitter I have created a video called how to trip's it if you need to teach your trip

sitter on you know the ins and outs the do's and don'ts  of a trip sitting.

I would suggest for a beginner is which one is going to be the safest for you on a physical level usually it

comes down to a fight between do you try shrooms first or do you try LSD first a lot of people recommend trying shrooms

first just because it's easier to know that the shrooms are real versus with LSD

there are several chemicals (Ii've made a video about it) that can fit on one little tab of LSD meaning your LSD may

not actually be LSD so if you do decide to start with LSD first you 100% have to buy the Ehrlich reagent testing kit

(watch video for further descriptions on comparison between Mushrooms , LSD and DMT  descriptions 
Note regular DMT is quite different from 5-MeO-DMT.   5-MeO-DMT not discussed in this video)

4. Set and Setting
set meaning who you are as a person where you are in your life it even means what you ate that day your neuro chemistry
that day certain days you might be different that is your set your setting is where you are your environment yeah are you in your house

are you outside that's your setting if you're going for your first experience

and you want it to be the most positive well the most potential for positivity possible you're set and setting have to

be optimal meaning design your set and setting so that you are very calm very

relaxed get some incense going,  get some candles yeah whatever chills you out plan a music playlist



trip lasts 10-20 minutes


trip lasts around 4-6 hours


trip lasts 6 to 15 hours



Edited by Nak Khid

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That video looks like some solid advice for newbies. In particular, I like how he stresses generally. There is a lot of variation in psychedelics, yet there are general trends. For example, 100ug of LSD is generally a standard dose. As well, I also like how he errs on the side of caution. He seems pretty balanced between the potentials of psychedelics and risks.

The only thing I have issue with is that DMT is a good first time psychedelic. (He is referring to DMT, not 5-meo-dmt). As he says, the trip length is short (although one can get into "timeless" zones with psychedelics). The issue I have with this is in relative to using psychedelics as a spirtual/PD tool. Ime, intense visuals can be distracting and hard to contextualize/integrate. Although they can be amazing. The CEVs on Ayahuasca and 4-ho-met. . . are indescribable. Yet I've found low intensity visuals to be more optimal for spiritual/pd work. Although others may disagree. There are some that resonate with strong visuals - entering visual realms, meeting spirit guides, machine elves etc. For me, this is more on the "recreational" side - which is cool too. 

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16 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

The only thing I have issue with is that DMT is a good first time psychedelic. (He is referring to DMT, not 5-meo-dmt). As he says, the trip length is short (although one can get into "timeless" zones with psychedelics). The issue I have with this is in relative to using psychedelics as a spirtual/PD tool. Ime, intense visuals can be distracting and hard to contextualize/integrate. Although they can be amazing. The CEVs on Ayahuasca and 4-ho-met. . . are indescribable. Yet I've found low intensity visuals to be more optimal for spiritual/pd work. Although others may disagree. There are some that resonate with strong visuals - entering visual realms, meeting spirit guides, machine elves etc. For me, this is more on the "recreational" side - which is cool too. 

The big advantage with DMT is that the trip lasts 10-20 minutes compared to mushrooms and acid starting around 4-6 (but acid can go much longer).    If you have a bad trip there is a lot less time to endure

then you are talking about Ayahuasca which can last 2 up to 15 hours,  Leo advises against it as first trip.  It is a mix of two different plants, can cause increased blood pressure.  nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and the dosages are much harder to confirm,


Edited by Nak Khid

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41 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

The big advantage with DMT is that the trip lasts 10-20 minutes compared to mushrooms and acid starting around 4-6 (but acid can go much longer).    If you have a bad trip there is a lot less time to endure

then you are talking about Ayahuasca which can last 2 up to 15 hours,  Leo advises against it as first trip.  It is a mix of two different plants, can cause increased blood pressure.  nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and the dosages are much harder to confirm,


I wouldn't consider a 10-20 minute a trip to be an advantage. I would consider 1-2 hours to be better. 

Regarding "bad trips", actual time is a factor - yet its also a non-factor. During trips there can be loss of time - simply eternity. In this regard, suffering for 20min or 2hrs isn't relevant. 20min or 2hrs from now are the same in that both are eternally not Now. 

At the human level, I think having caution is fine - yet if one makes it too soft it can be counter-productive. I don't think it's best to try and orchestrate a trip so that it is pleasant. There is often an uncomfortable element - and that is part of the trip. 

At the Ayahuasca retreat I did, there were dozens of people there tripping for there first time. It went fine for them. Again, being too soft can dissolve the power of the trip and allow an ego to maintain control of the narrative and acclimate to resist the self-transcending properties of psychedelics. My first trip was an extremely high dose of 4-aco-dmt that absolutely obliterated the self and any connection to the reality my mind-body was conditioned to. This is a lot for a mind-body to handle - yet has a lot of value in terms of awakening, imo. I realized more in those few hours than 20+ years of meditation and I attribute that to having a full-on breakthrough trip for my first exposure. Yet, it was extremely intense. . . On low doses, the self has an opportunity to re-group, re-gain control of the narrative and integrate in a way that builds resistance to self-transcendence. . . As well, the shamans made a very strong point that breakthrough was essential and if the self is still present in any way, we should take another cup of Aya. Ime, there are pros and cons with this. 

I would agree that the purging associated with Aya is a distraction, yet there are those that disagree with me. Aya can be a very profound psychedelic, yet I wouldn't put it higher than others. However, the community aspect of Ayahuasca retreats can be extremely powerful. I did an Aya retreat in the mountains of Peru. There was a very high conscious level of the community and shamans - the music was out-of-this-world ethereal and beautiful and there was a collective conscious / energetics present that was very profound. And the collective Love at the end was indescribable. This can resonate strongly with someone. As well, the purging resonated with some people (but not for me). 

As well, psychedelic therapy research with newbies has shown better results with mid-to-high dose ranges vs. low doses. 

It's just not as simple as "this is the best psychedelic and dosage for newbies". There are many variables at play. 

As well, you are only considering this from a person/human perspective (which is obviously important to the person/human). Yet there is also a trans-human perspective to consider - and the only way to get that direct experience is to trip. 

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