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meditation with noise cancelling headphones for adhd

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i bought two weeks ago the wh1000mx3 song headphones for getting quiet time and not getting my ears destroyed at the noisy bus.

i am practicing meditation for almost two years and usually i get fine results, some of this is because of my adhd and my over sensetivity for random noises, i decided to give and a try and meditate with my headphones, the results were incredibles! 

i have tried to meditated with them combined with meditation music and i was really calm! every time i meditad with them i get really relax and calm because noise doesnt interrups my practice. with this headphones you dont hear your surroinding at all (combined with music). i cannot describe of how much greater results you  get from those headphones.

if you are living in noisy environment / have adhd you are in luck for reading this post.
you can also find some headphones for much cheaper price, not with this great noise cancelling but a decent one if you need them for only meditation.

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