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Connected with a spirit guide while hiking

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For years I've had a interest in working with Spirit guides. Of course when I started out I believed that spirits were separate beings than myself.. now I see them as nothing more than fellow dream characters. Entities outside of the personal dream self, yet one with THIS (dream).   Completely self, yet separate.  Just as it should be, to keep things interesting. Being dream characters does not belittle their importance, in any way. They are guides, after all. Whether they were created just for me (dream self character) , or I'm  merely a drop their cosmic bucket, it does not matter. THIS dream is filled and populated to the brim.   The character stands in relation to all else. If a dream character can come to me in the form of a spirit guide and enrich my life in any possible way, I would gladly welcome it.

I have a little practice connecting with Spirit guides from dabbling with it for a few years. I took a long break and I'm now connecting with that again. But it's nice because I'm coming back with it with fresh eyes, because before I really did not understand what  Spirit guides were. (and am willing to admit that I possibly still don't) 

As far as names go, I believe names are just  for fun with Spirit guides. The essential connection with a spirit is by their energy /vibration /aura /etc, rather than by what they are called.  You can't name the nameless. But since I am not attuned with feeling various energies, it's helpful to appoint a name to the spirit guide so that you can invoke their presence in the future. Whether I pick the name, or they pick the name, or if it really even matters at all , I don't know. We're ALL and ONE continuum.

So while hiking  this morning, and after a small bit of strong Marijuana, I connected with a guide named Josh. I said okay, let me touch your energy so that I can emulate it. Not wanting to be a leech and to have practice connecting energies.  We began thinking about gods in terms of the dream. There was the usual bibble babble: the gods are one... the gods are many... Humans would appear as gods to a newly awakened animal... I got lost in a stream of thought, which ended upon 'the gods are superfluous.' (actually at this point I'm not sure if talking about the gods, or THIS God, but) I'm like okay Josh, I'm not that smart, slow down. So I pulled out my phone and looked up the definition.


unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

Just thought that was a funny description lol.

But the truth is I didn't exactly hear 'superfluous' because that word turns out to not even be pronounced the way it came to me in my mind, and the word sounded longer. Also the impression I got while receiving the word was of how 'the gods' are fluid.  hence I was pronouncing superfluous as 'super-floo-us' until my husband corrected me later. So I went back to Google and let the word prediction help me out. I found superfluidity, which more matches the word I heard, and also has an interesting description in relation to THIS :


the property of flowing without friction or viscosity

And another description further down :

When stirred, a superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely.

Hopefully I can connect with Josh again... That was fun ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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On 12/16/2019 at 8:41 AM, seeking_brilliance said:

For years I've had a interest in working with Spirit guides. Of course when I started out I believed that spirits were separate beings than myself.. now I see them as nothing more than fellow dream characters.

I too love hiking and trekking,...especially in the Pecos Wilderness,...and agree that "spirits" aren't separate things, but that there is One rhythmic balanced interchange through all life.

In the 90's while learning how to dowse labyrinths (with Marty Cain) I became aware of the Guardians around us.  Every eco-zone (usually 20 to 180 acres) has a Guardian, which is often one of the oldest trees, but can be rock, like Ayers Rock, which is the Guardian of many square miles.

I'll often break near a Guardian on a trail (or off trail), as it puts me in the center of that space.   If there are faeries in this eco-zone, this will lead you to usually an area of flowers like Lady Slippers or Jack-in-the-pulpits, where faeries gather around sunset.  

“Jumping from boulder to boulder and never falling, with a heavy pack, is easier than it sounds; you just can't fall when you get into the rhythm of the dance” - Jack Kerouac

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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OK, getting back into it. Dropped the name, and just receiving the message. Of course I'm talking to myself... 


Q)  with a humble heart and an open mind I would like to ask if there's a message for me 

A) first you must subsidize your allocations, in order to find yourself in peace. The answer is like a riddle, when you complete it, it's over. Do not tarry in reprieve, but answer the question fully. Tomorrow's an accident waiting to happen. Find now and resolve. (looked up the definition of resolve) 


- cause a symptom or condition to disperse, subside, or heal. 

-cause a discord to pass into a concord during the course of harmonic change. 


Q) thank you. How do I find now? Isn't it always now?

A) precisely, but for you it's now, and then, and forever, and change. Now is a token. A way of  finding the night. The day of everlasting change will frown upon us. Tonight rejoice, because the hour is at hand. Tomorrow may not come.

Q) does tomorrow exist?

A) it exists not. Merely in the presence of today. It's like a rainbow, who waves in repentance.... (lost train of thought)

Q) sorry, does tomorrow exist?

A) no it's imaginary. It's never tomorrow. What you call tomorrow is a subset of today. Tomorrow is after sleep. But what if you don't sleep, then what is tomorrow? When the sun rises again? But what if the sun doesn't rise again, what would be tomorrow?

Q) it would be today

A) today is forever. No day but today.

(broke it off after this) 


Token :a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc. 



Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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