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My Win Over Fapping

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I don't believe you can really brute force it. It should come naturally. Is it really worth it if it's a constant struggle and you have to use all your willpower everyday to do it ?

Also it's recommended to have sex from time to time not to get your prostate inflammed as the other poor guy :P

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I once did two and a half months of no fap and decided to end it because there was no longer any point

I was expecting it to drastically improve my life but all I did was obsess about sex in between completing tasks

I got over my guilt about masturbating a long time ago. That's what the real issue was

You're a human being. Human beings have needs. 

I also realized that a lot of my excessive libido was trapped in ego, meaning I was so horny because of an unrealistic expectation of what sex actually felt like. Once I started doing pickup, and started getting laid, my sex drive evened out a lot

Sex isn't really that great, especially if you're someone who masturbates constantly and to pornography at that

I'm more okay with it now because I proved to myself that I have the self control to quit 

Go with what your body feels, try to live in the present and don't judge yourself

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I dont keep up with days. I just record it in a journal if I fap, and at the end of the month I count up the faps WHILE trying to abstain from it. Last month I fapped like 17 times (which is a lot less than what I think id normally fap in a month) and now I am trying to reduce it even more. 

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