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Nothing Can Make You Happy

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@purerogue Sure, i moved from thinking constantly to just sitting there and "trying" to feel and be with whatever arises. But i don't understand the significance of that...

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@Nahm I don't know "myself" yet. All i know is i'm not the voice in the head that I thought was in control of everything, but in reality the guy can't get the job done. And i can be present and somewhat still, but there's no me here in any sense that makes sense to me. Can't apply something that i don't even recognize in direct experience.

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21 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@purerogue Sure, i moved from thinking constantly to just sitting there and "trying" to feel and be with whatever arises. But i don't understand the significance of that...

significance is that you do get stuck thinking that you are only ONE of thous things as you did before, so if you will include them back, it will not be the same as before. 

Edited by purerogue

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9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@purerogue I don't understand. What do you mean i think i'm one of the things?

Did't you think that you are your thoughts , your personality ?Now you see that it is not really the case, what happens if we take this state away, you go back thinking that you are this personality , this thought. That's the significance of this state, but what you did is you excluded your previous state.

 I am asking, can you use both of them. 


Edited by purerogue

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@purerogue Yes i can use both. I was on a walk last night and i was applying beginners mind to everything for a while. Just if anything came up i'd say I don't know and return to just not thinking. Then i would introduce a goal like i want to feel happy. And i'd try and let those thoughts run it's course because it's what i want. Then when i recognized the mind was getting off track i'd come back to beginners mind and try to deposit the goal again.

is this the process you're talking about of using both?

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@Raptorsin7 all I can say is that happiness found me. I'm content.  I still struggle, and I still cultivate (seekless seeking) happiness.  

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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7 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@purerogue Yes i can use both. I was on a walk last night and i was applying beginners mind to everything for a while. Just if anything came up i'd say I don't know and return to just not thinking. Then i would introduce a goal like i want to feel happy. And i'd try and let those thoughts run it's course because it's what i want. Then when i recognized the mind was getting off track i'd come back to beginners mind and try to deposit the goal again.

is this the process you're talking about of using both?

No , not really, although it for sure can give you temporary highs, state you are in on itself can feel empty , but it is not really empty, there is allot of peace in it, the thing is as you made separation from previous state, which in place cut you of from feeling anything else then emptiness to certain extend. 

When I am talking about using both I mean you are both, not you use one and then you use another. 

Edited by purerogue

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9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@seeking_brilliance Do you remember the day the switch flipped? What was that like?

No, because it wasn't like that. I remember being frustrated on having huge mood swings at my highly stressful business, and being ashamed for that. And now I can look back and realize I'm in a whole different league now and the mood swings are now balanced.  The melancholy has also lifted.  But as with anything, it happens so gradually you don't recognize it until you can look back and see where you were.

I still hide from reality with TV, video games, and other forms of distraction.  I let those courses run, and then continue on, cultivating what will bring me peace and happiness, and then just allowing it to manifest. It's not a bad method. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance Some people have a break through where it's like an on off switch. Except the switch can never be turned off again. I guess that's full self realization. 

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4 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@seeking_brilliance Some people have a break through where it's like an on off switch. Except the switch can never be turned off again. I guess that's full self realization. 

Yes, perhaps. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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47 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Yes, perhaps. 

Yes....Once the illusion of the self is completely seen through there is no going back the bucket never again holds water because the bottom has fallen out without a doubt.

The interesting thing about Awakening is once it occurs it's recognized the self never existed it was always an illusion or Maya.....

Really its just a big glob of thoughts and feelings getting tangled up together within the human body construct and generating an illusory self out of this glob... when it's recognized it's actually laughable.

Like Leo says things aren't taken personal anymore every child is your child. Everyone is you ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I am very happy that Leo is ejaculating straight into my mind though.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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6 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I don't know "myself" yet.

Meditate, put on music you like, think of what you like & love, and fill up your dream board with it. 



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Yeah he seems like such a nice guy but by the time it takes him to explain anything I feel like riding a unicorn to the Stars and saying f*** it I don't care anymore it ain't worth it....

Or just listen to Jim Newman who gets right to the point..


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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There is other practice you can do, I guess it will not help you see who you are ,probably, but it will give you tool to see how everything in your experience is built, problem is that I am not sure if you are mentally ready for it, it might confuse you even more. It is really up to you though, but are you ready for some possible ego backlash. 

Edited by purerogue

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