
Beginner essential vitamins

5 posts in this topic

In another thread I asked about where to start on cleaning up my diet, but I felt this needed it's own thread. Where do I start with essential vitamins? What vitamins are easier found in food, and what vitamins am I better off taking as supplements? Minerals as well, pretty much all nutrients. I'm not quite educated on what my body needs nor the affect of each individual nutrient that my body utilizes, and I'm unsure of what my body may be lacking at this point in my dieting habits. 

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Mostly a waste of money. Get your vitamins from real, whole foods, where they will be in the natural ratios for your body and bioavailable for absorption. Don't have to worry about any upper limit vitamin toxicities either. Only vitamin where its worthwhile to take as a supplement especially if you are in a colder climate is Vitamin D, or a vitamin D+K supplement for better synergy and absorption. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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It's nearly impossible to get all vitamins and minerals from food since our soils are very depleted. 100 years ago they were 3 times as nutrient-dense. Here is a list of the most important supplements for general health and well being that are also very high quality.

Note: Make sure your diet is as healthy as can be before shelling out money on supplements. (No sugar, no gluten, no processed foods, high in vegetables, preferably grass-fed meat, pasture-raised eggs, no vegetable oils, etc) Plenty of books on health that are worth the read, that can also tell you what vitamins and minerals you will still be deficient in even while having a very healthy diet. 

Multivitamin – Pure Encapsulations O.N.E

Vitamin D3 – Thorne Research – D3

Magnesium – Thorne Research – Magnesium Citramate 

Fish Oil – Nordic Naturals

Edited by Austin Actualizing

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You're off to a good start and asking some of the right questions. In my experience, finding the optimal diet seems to be a personal thing that you discover through trial and error. There is SO much conflicting information out there. Aside from all the bullshit I can say that getting food as local and as fresh as possible is one pretty solid principle. Farmers markets are great if you have any near you. 

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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