Conscious life

Limitations of turquoise

23 posts in this topic

You definitively can accelerate the journey by knowing what limitations there are, finding them in yourself so that you can work on them - and - at the same time create challenges that can/may produce developmental growth deliberately. 

Keep in mind, changing how the mind makes sense of things is not a decision away, it actually has to "upgrade" or "rewire in order to be able to hold a new way of understanding/making meaning of something. Knowledge is not it. 

Edited by Eph75

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Much of Spiral Dynamics beyond the 6 Substance Levels are speculative for First-tier thinkers.   Nevertheless, there are some pointers,...such as the characteristics and definitions of Turquoise (SD 8).

Turquoise views life as a dream.  This is because Turquoise has surrendered to the spiritual dimension underlying all Form.  This synonymous with Bodhicitta,...those who uncover the Conscious Awareness of Bodhi perceive everything in Duality and Oneness as a Dream.

“He who thinks of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha

Lao-tzu said, "If you wish to unite with the heart and mind of the Mysterious Mother, you must integrate yin and yang within" - Lao Tzu

From my observations, more than 99.9% of humanity don't have a clue regarding Yang/Yin or Who's Who in duality.  For example, the Feminine of Duality is NOT a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle.

Walter Russell mentioned, "As man unfolds from sensed man to spiritual man he gradually becomes aware of the two-way motion of all effect."   This is Turquoise (SD 8).  

Turquoise (SD 8) does not view "limitations" as the Substance levels do,...nor as Yellow (SD 7).  Turquoise has transcended the pyramid of Maslow's Needs.  I'm not saying there are no limitations, but that those who are not Turquoise (SD 8) or Coral (SD 9) would not comprehend them.  

Some other points,...there is zero Spiritual about SD 1-6,...or those identified with Maslows Heirarchy within that pyramid,...although more accurately put, SD 1-6 experience life through divided-spirituality,...the patrifocal half,...from which sentience lives.

There are ZERO Spiritual teachers among SD 1-6,...some examples of caterpillars teaching caterpillars to be butterflies include:  Neale Donald Walsch, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mother Teresa,  Malala,  and All Advocates of Inter-faith Movements.   

Thich Nhat Hanh is a great example of a high functioning Green in denial,...which is highly attractive to other Green's.  Thich Nhat Hanh is in essences a psuedo Buddhist who grew a business giving Westerners, especially SD 6, what they want, reinforced with slogans like "Community is the next Buddha."  No devotee of Thich's New Age rhetoric have any serious interest in waking up in this lifetime.

As for "mystics."  There are zero people at Turquoise (SD 8) who are mystics.  Mysticism pretty much ends with Green (SD 6),..although some Early Yellow (SD 7) may carry residue until they emancipate themselves from paradigms connected with things divine.  To realize Turquoise (SD 8) all things "divine" must be let go.  

Turquoise (SD 8) is synonymous with Avalokitesvara's Dharma Gate,...and liberation from sentience,...the 6 senses.    
Also,...Turquoise (SD 8) have no reason to meditate.  Of course Greens who have invested years in "sitting," you will shout you down for saying so.

A Clare Graves quote impressed me, "First-tier thinkers (first 6 substance levels of Spiral Dynamics) cannot recognize the Second-tier on their own, and react negatively if challenged; lashing out whenever it is threatened."  

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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Same limitations of Green, probably even Blue as well.

Edited by Lento

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7 hours ago, Conscious life said:

What are limitations of turquoise? What needs to be done? 

The other side of that wall is a thought. 



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The major limitation is 99% of the world is far far behind

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5 hours ago, Commodent said:

"Staying in a spiritual and/or cosmic consciousness too long without taking earthly action."


"without taking earthly action" a First-tier concept.


For example,...Meditators HATE me,...when I bring up the subject of Non-meditation.  They have invested many, many years sitting, has become their opium.  The most threatening thing for First-tier thinkers is the confrontation between everything they believe to be meaningful, and the reality that it is all meaningless.  

“If your purpose is to medicate dukkha,...then meditate. If your wish is bodhi,...practice absolute bodhicitta.”  

"Free yourself from meditation, practice non-meditation" - Kyergangpa Chökyi Senge

Turquoise is a game changer,'s the Great Juncture between Sense Beings and Spiritual Beings.  Thus the First-tier speculation of Second-tier value systems , and First-tier understanding of Second-tier value systems, pivots from First-tier paradigms.

Clare Graves was quite correct in saying, "First-tier thinkers (first 6 substance levels of Spiral Dynamics) cannot recognize the Second-tier on their own, and react negatively if challenged; lashing out whenever it is threatened."  

Spiral Dynamic Value Systems attempts to be a model for determining how we make a decision and set priorities in our lives.   Value Systems within the 6 lower Substance levels of SD, being rooted in the senses,  always pivot from falsity,...what Buddhists call the Five Skandhas.   

On the other hand,..."A wise man (Turquoise SD 8), recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real"  Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai.  

First-tier thinkers believe that the Turquoise (SD 8) who doesn't take action is unhealthy,...because unlike Turquoise (SD 8) they have no comprehension that Space-Time is One,...thus, there is no action to take,...only the following of Spirit without hesitation.

Turquoise (SD 8) does not seek to be directly involved to solve complex global issues, but desires Sentient Beings to become aware of their sentience for what it is.  Turquoise (SD 8)  realize that suffering is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are.  Buddha did not say don't desire,...but don't desire for things to be other than they are.  Sentient Beings don't understand the way things are.   

"The senses do not grasp reality in any way" Socrates

Because high functioning Yellow (SD 7) are open to learning at any time and from any source,  like bees that gather nectar from many flowers, they are among the few who can converse with Turquoise (SD 8) in an unguarded way.  Turquoise (SD 8) must engage the Substance Levels in carefully orchestrated ways, or find themselves being physically threatened.  

"People don't like their version of reality fucked with."  Jed McKenna

At Turquoise (SD 8) personal truths, 'me stories,' and individual versions of reality are irrelevant.

Values of Turquoise include:

Life is a Dream.
Unfeigned surrender to the Spirit that underlies all Form.
Metasensory insight.
Absolute Truth.
Elevating the Conscious Awareness of Humanity.
the Other Compassion.
Direct Gnowledge, not Past Knowledge.
Emancipation from things Divine.
Recognition of the in-breath/out-breath of rhythmic balanced interchange.
Holistic view - Fulcum, One Lever, Yang and Yin.
Unconditional honesty.
Non-sensory intuition.
Appreciation of the One Space-Time.
Humility is merely a degree of pride.
Real Emotion (vs positive and negative emotion).
Unfabricated Present Awareness.
Flow with Spirit without hesitation.
Non-sensory integrity.
Realization that Higher Self may be stuck.
Aware of Absolute vs Relative.
Avoidance of hope and fear.
Liberation from the 6 senses.
Simplicity and Ease.  
Selfless Living.
Cooperative vs Competitive.
One foot in the manifest, one foot in the Unmanifest.

Sentient Spiritual 9.jpg

Edited by V-8

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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3 hours ago, Tanz said:

The major limitation is 99% of the world is far far behind

I would disagree with that,...more like 99.9+%

Similar to the availability of accurate books on the subject.


"99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it."  Jed McKenna

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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It's "earthly action" mate, not "early". Two letters change a lot.

Besides, I believe our friend here understands that inaction can be as valuable as action, if not even more valuable at some specific times.

By the way, I love your posts so much!

Edited by Lento

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8 minutes ago, Lento said:


It's "earthly action" mate, not "early". Two letters change a lot.



Thanks,...has been corrected. 


"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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I thought it would change the whole context. (I wouldn't have corrected it for you if I didn't think so).

And since the context is still the same, I started to understand what you're trying to say. (missed it at first).

Thank you ?

Edited by Lento

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@Conscious life I guarantee you that thinking of the "limitations of turquoise" is one of the least productive things that you can do, because it's guaranteed mental maturbation.

Edited by Ero

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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@Conscious life Stage Coral is presumably going to be the tier 2 equivalent of Red. So it could be something like that, yes. It will at least be more individualistic in nature than Turquoise.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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5 hours ago, Ero said:

@Conscious life I guarantee you that thinking of the "limitations of turquoise" is one of the least productive things that you can do, because it's guaranteed mental maturbation.

Not if you're at solid stage Turquoise. ;) I'm not saying that anyone in here are, but you never know.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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2 hours ago, Commodent said:

@Conscious life Stage Coral is presumably going to be the tier 2 equivalent of Red. So it could be something like that, yes. It will at least be more individualistic in nature than Turquoise.

That what I assume stage coral will be. A red with higher consciousness. Turquoise is feminine and I would assume coral is masculine. 

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