Spiral Wizard

MLM // Network Marketing

4 posts in this topic

It is hilarious how accurate this video is:

If you are following actualized.org you are probably not tempted to join a MLM company. But I thought it would be a good idea to share this video because it shows the reality of Network Marketing companies. It gives information and insights about the structure which normally only insiders realize after several months. 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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There are only a few aspects of modern day 'pyramid schemes' that give the entire multi-level marketing business model a bad reputation. I realized this when I learned about a relatively new 'pyramid scheme' that is proving a customer-oriented business model (aka stage Green) alongside an exceptional product line has the capacity to become a reliable source of income for many people.

Howcome affialate marketing is boasted by many entrepreneurs while multi-level marketing is perceived as a scam? Simple, the majority of mlms have some form of risk involved.

The common start up fees and monthly fees/ requirements seen amongst many modern mlms is a disservice to what the future business model holds. My prediction is that more mlms will begin to adopt stage Green ideologies. 

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  On 12/22/2019 at 8:29 AM, JayFueel said:


The common start up fees and monthly fees/ requirements seen amongst many modern mlms is a disservice to what the future business model holds. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the core component of the MLM business model predicated on monthly fees/requirements? If there were no requirement/incentive to recruit more soldiers into the cult then MLMs wouldn't exist. 

A quick search of Wikipedia shows that 99% of MLM participants lose money. In large MLMs, the theoretical payoff is a false God, unless you are literally on the board of directors or top tier management. 

Proponents of MLMs manipulate people's beliefs, as is necessary to keep the train going. Often, it's the weak minded and desperate that fall into this trap due to overarching greed. 

None of the above to be confused with Network marketing or affiliate marketing, which have a completely different structure and is based more on direct promotion of a product/service, and not a recruitment of pawns under you to peddle more product. 

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@Knock All I'm saying is 99% of people involved with mlms lose money because 99% of mlms are strictly stage orange corporations. Ive personally discovered a mlm with no fees/ requirements and they are growing very rapidly.

Edited by JayFueel

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