Spiral Wizard

Best Dating Teacher

57 posts in this topic

What are your favorite mentors/youtube channels/teacher when it comes to dating?

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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There is no best. It depends on your style and who you resonate with. There are lots of good dating coaches and materials out there. Find which ever ones you like.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@AlterEgo Thanks! Are their YT videos as good as their articles or why have you liked the website instead of the YouTube channel?

Edited by Spiral Wizard

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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  On 12/15/2019 at 7:56 PM, Spiral Wizard said:

@AlterEgo Thanks! Are their YT videos as good as their articles or why have you liked the website instead of the YouTube channel?

Honestly I have never checked out their YT channel.  They have way more articles than videos, and I'm sure they are more in-depth than the videos,  from first glance at their channel.

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@AlterEgo Yeah I just realized that too.

Can you recommend their course "One Date" or do you think it is a waste of money? 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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  On 12/14/2019 at 10:31 PM, Nickyy said:

@Spiral Wizard  Nobody needs a dating coach. It's actually preferable if you don't have one and just turn up to a date with the intent on getting to know the person you are meeting because you are genuinely curious about seeing if this goes somewhere.

If this is not your intention then I strongly suggest you work on yourself and get in touch with your life purpose before trying to date.

I highly disagree with your advice and it comes across as very ignorant. Plenty of guys/girls would benefit from a dating coach, whether it'd be to actually pick up mates or even relationship coaches.


Dating and relationships are such a huge facet of life that most people(I'd say 75%) seem to have a lot of trouble with and end up with a less than optimal situation. From the time that you first start puberty to the day you die, you're gonna spend a lot of your time/energy thinking about, pursuing or interacting with the other sex. Better learn the right strategies and mindsets to doing it properly which the current media and mainstream culture teach you the exact opposite.


As to actual recommendations, I second girlschase. Their articles are some of the best I've ever seen online. In videos, Todd Valentine and the RSD guys are pretty legit. Tyler from RSD doesn't per se do dating videos anymore but his self-help stuff directly translates to game and seduction so if you already have a bit of background in it, it's easy to connect the dots. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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@LordFall awesome thank you, I appreciate that!

When it comes to girlchase:

  On 12/15/2019 at 11:39 PM, Spiral Wizard said:

Can you recommend their course "One Date" or do you think it is a waste of money? 


"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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My youtube channel recommendations that apply to women, some of them u may not like or you'll resist the stuff they talk about but they have worked for me and helped me a lot. Mindful Attraction 2.0 he has dark tactics and game in some videos which might seem weird but he used to be a dating coach for men, the thing that I like about him is that he teaches how self love and mindfulness help in dating and he promotes meditation. Shallon Lester, you might not like her in the begging, she makes videos for a wider audience but I like how she uses famous celebrities and analyzes their insecurities and she talks a lot about psychology in general as well. Sexy Confidence might seem super basic and you might have the wrong impression at first but he is very legit and has practical advice. Andrienne Everheart's Love Academy is super nice as well cause she focuses on femininity which is good to know how to use. I'm keeping SheRaseven1 for the end cause she is controversial and some of her advice is dark but she is very unique, I don't agree 100% with her views but I think every woman should at least know the things she talks about, it might save you a lot of stress and heartbreak. 

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This boils down to preference. Same a it is with spiritual teachers. 

The Natural Lifestyles (TNL) were recommended from a forum member a while back and I like their content. 

There can be other good sources, just be careful with some of the major red flags as to the maturity of the content. 


Chaos, Entropy, Order

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checkout this one, its new but it has a very interesting angle on dating and social interactions in general 


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You might waste alot of time seeing endless videos about pickup on youtube. 

First, you need to learn about women's psyche and their biology. How they think and to what they are attratcted. The red queen is a good book. Also, red pill knowledge can help. 

Second, you need to work on your inner game. Which means to get rid of as many insecurities and false beliefs you have about women, sex and relationships. You can be alpha and still suck with women because of old beliefs pulling you back. This has been my biggest struggle. I would get girls but still I felt something preventing me from flowing with them. Check out leo's video about contemplation, comprehension has many degree s and what is actuality.

Third, you need to work on your personality by creating new habits and beliefs. This needs to be mantained constantly as you are not real but a constant process. Women are attratcted to anything that serve their survival, strength. And masculinity which polarizes their feminine energy. With out these two you can attract them on a personal level but sexual chemistry wont occur. You can become alpha by practicing mantras, visualizing or using a vision board, doing physiological incantations, taking constant action, challenging yourself, exercising, listening to masculine music, surrounding your self with strong masculine men and putting yourself out there to many experiences, which can develop a strong will and courage. 

The inner game process is the most important and it might take a period of 6 months to 1 year to see good results. 

Lastly, learning game. After understanding women and having developed your Attraction level, you can now choose a style, appearance and techniques to make the fish bite the trap and begin the process of experiencing your world. 

Books to read:

-The red queen

-The evolution of desire

-The way of superior man

-The power of now (there needs to be a balance between truth and illusion in order to play well). 

-The mystery method 

-The game


-Almost any book from Carlos xuma. 

-Atomic Attraction by christopher canwell


-Law of Attraction. You need to understand how your mind works and how to percieve other ppls frequencies for better social skills and understanding of them. Your focus creates your frame work and by time your going onto creating that reality. So be aware of your focus always, practice shifting it to another direction for when need it and how to control your emotional states. Having control of your frame is the key for persuasion and seduction. If you learn how to have an unshakable frame while having still eye contact you can get away with almost anything you want and even dominate others. I recommend to only use Psychological dominance over ppl who want to dominate you as self defense (unless you want to lower your self control (conciousness) and build some negative karma). Even if your physically weak and a strong rich men wants to fck with you, if you hold a strong frame while not blinking and you declaring some command, he will be intimidated and fear you afterwards. 

To truly get everything im saying, this must be contemplated and experienced. 


Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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First things first, thanks a lot for taking the time and answering in such detail!

  On 1/5/2020 at 2:02 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

Check out leo's video about contemplation

There are many which one do you mean?


"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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@Spiral Wizard Contemplating with a journal.

If you want to be an expert in contemplation check out peter ralston and his book of not knowing. 

Just as you write down your present beliefs which create your current unconcious frame, you want to rewrite your new frame to an empowered one. 

Down here ill show you an example from RSD Max. Each frame has to be carefully contemplated and visualized until you feel an emotional state triggered by such perspective for it to go into your subconscious. This takes time and repetition. Not an easy job. But hey, you are God all powerful, after all this is what you wanted to experience, hard work and limitation. 



Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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Check out SashaDaygame, I love his energy, although his newer videos are not about pick-up because now he's into awakening and other stuff. His old videos are about talking to people, approaching girls and whatnot were great and just not the typical advice PUA give.

Edited by Sleyker

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  On 1/8/2020 at 5:08 AM, Timothy said:

James Marshall from natural lifestyles is probably the best I've seen in terms of a grounded approach. 

He seems like a nice guy. I like Marshall Meditation Method. No clue about his actual game and results. I like Sasha too. They are all in the same space. I found Owen Cook helpful. He is not the ideal character one would associate game with due to aesthetics. And yet, here we are. Mystery too though I never like routines. Julien blanc was the best I ever met. He is retired and married now but, polarizing and obnoxious. 

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