
Division vs. Unity video: the future of the galaxy

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In the video Leo claims that the two possible scenarios for the future of the universe (Big Crunch vs Heat death) leads to exactly same conclusion. How is that? If universe keeps inflating until there is no energy differences left, how come it will be the same fate that with Big Crunch, which usually is thought to lead to cyclic universes. If entropy is going to be the same across all universe where will the extra energy for the crunch come from? I do understand the idea that the radius of zero universe is the same that the universe of infinite size but in my understanding  Big Crunch leads to cycling time-universe while heath death should be the final (?) fate of the material universe. 

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   I would keep the contemplation of division and union easier and simpler. For example, while contemplating division and union, I was making scrambled eggs. I prepared two eggs, dried shallots, and milk (division). I then cook the ingredients together (reunion) and finally formed the scrambled eggs (union). I ate my scrambled eggs (un-union, dis-integration or a process of division) and my body divides it into proteins, fats e.c.t. (division), to allow the cells to use these nutrients to repair microscopic muscle trauma (reunion). Days later, my body feels better (union). Answer also any questions that might come up and keep the process in your direct experience.

   I also applied mindfulness to the entire process as well, as much as I could humanely apply it.

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