
I am enlightend. I will answer your questions for a short while.

82 posts in this topic

@FoxFoxFox Are these past lives real? Do you actually believe them?

If they are imaginary, what use are they to take them seriously?

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   How is your level of suffering right now?

   Were there signs that you were close to enlightenment? For example, humming in the background, feeling vibrations in the body, having more depth in your vision like it's going more 3d? I'm recently experiencing some weird stuff and coincidences around me as well.

Edited by Danioover9000

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Does your attainment of enlightenment affect your emotions? Are you able to feel less or more deeply an emotion?

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   Science has recently discovered that when a cat purrs the vibrations shift any cancer cells that cats have and it goes to their claws.

   Have you experienced any form of healing like sensations in your mind or body during/after enlightenment? Like energetic vibrations?

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   Are you alone when you became enlightened? Have you met people who have shown signs that they might awaken or are awakening or have already awakened?

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@FoxFoxFox how has your relationship been with your family within the past five years or so, and how has your view of 'them' changed since your confirmation? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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3 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

Are you happy now?

Doing pretty good, thanks.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Since you're enlightened, which path is unfolding to you, the hermit path or the bodhisattva path? Could you explain some of the tendencies of enlightened people becoming bodhisattvas or hermits? 

   Also, why are you not interested in developing siddhis?! If I had a siddhi or two, I would be training them alongside the journey! Might be very useful later.

Siddhis are distractions, and imo a type of trap for people who have not yet realized. Don't worry about them so much, you'll get what's due to you. As for your first question, i'm not sure. I don't think life has to necessarily unfold along those lines. You don't necessarily have to become a hermit or a bodhisatva. Personally i don't have much interest in becoming a professional guru with a massive cult behind me, but i'm not a recluse either, so i guess somewhere in the middle. I'll help people as they come as friends.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   I have a question about reincarnation for you. I've had a few weird dreams that stuck to me since childhood and haven't change in memory at all. Is this some indication that I've once lived like this in a past life? The memory stayed exactly as it is.

So are they dreams or are they memories? I'm not clear on that. Or are you talking about the memory you have of the dream?

3 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@FoxFoxFox Are these past lives real? Do you actually believe them?

If they are imaginary, what use are they to take them seriously?

The past lives were real. There is not much use in remembering your past lives other than as an aide for enlightenment.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   How is your level of suffering right now?

   Were there signs that you were close to enlightenment? For example, humming in the background, feeling vibrations in the body, having more depth in your vision like it's going more 3d? I'm recently experiencing some weird stuff and coincidences around me as well.

I refrain from saying things like "suffering is an illusion" because it truly is insensitive for people who really do experience it, but i do hope you all awaken to the truth and be done with that nonsense.

I experienced some truly bizarre and out-of-this-world phenomena my whole life and especially prior to my awakening. Honestly they are too numerous to list and imo not all that helpful for others to know. If you are experiencing energetic phenomena in particular, I recommend you checking yourself with a doctor. If you can safely rule out diseases, then seek a good guru to help you self-realize.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   How does the enlightenment compare to the dark night of the soul?

The dark night of the soul never happened to me, unless you are talking about the dark night of the mind. The two are very separate things. Maybe explain what you mean so I can give you an actual answer.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Does your attainment of enlightenment affect your emotions? Are you able to feel less or more deeply an emotion?

In general experience has deepened quite significantly. Also I have a much higher level of emotional mastery than before.\

3 hours ago, Marinador said:

Hi, thanks for your help 

I have a intense desire to liberate, to get enlightened, but the thing is that i have constant anxiety, a mental health issue and i can see that it is this anxiety what is preventing me from getting enlightened, from realizing nothing

Any advice for me? What can i do with anxiety? 

To surrender doesn't help me

Yes, visit a psychiatrist and get treated. Not all of your health (physical or psychological) issues are going to disappear overnight, even if you did get enlightened. If you already know you have a problem, seek help for it.

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

How does being enlightened affect your hobbies? Like could you focus more?

Yes. Chiefly, my mind is finally playing its proper role as a servant rather than a master.

2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Science has recently discovered that when a cat purrs the vibrations shift any cancer cells that cats have and it goes to their claws.

   Have you experienced any form of healing like sensations in your mind or body during/after enlightenment? Like energetic vibrations?

Yes, but I'm not going to go into them here.

2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Are you alone when you became enlightened? Have you met people who have shown signs that they might awaken or are awakening or have already awakened?

I was alone at the moment it happened. And no I have not met anybody like that in person recently.

2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@FoxFoxFox how has your relationship been with your family within the past five years or so, and how has your view of 'them' changed since your confirmation? 

My view of them as people hasn't changed much because I already had a very good understanding of them. My views about all of humanity (people in general) has changed significantly, and for the better.

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@FoxFoxFox  What do you mean exactly when you say you know your past lives? You can trace back all the exact individual forms (human,animal,plant, etc.) you once inhibited or you mean past lives in broader sense like memory and dreams you had? (i often wonder if these could be considered past lifes too) Could I be your past life? 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@FoxFoxFox ‘Congrats!’ ??♥️

Thank you :)

1 hour ago, Nemo28 said:

@FoxFoxFox  What do you mean exactly when you say you know your past lives? You can trace back all the exact individual forms (human,animal,plant, etc.) you once inhibited or you mean past lives in broader sense like memory and dreams you had? (i often wonder if these could be considered past lifes too) Could I be your past life? 

When I speak about past lives, I am speaking literally. I could always remember memories from my last life. I lived as a priest in the 40s during the second World War. Then after I had my actual self-realization, I began to remember more and more memories going several lifetimes back. I extensively explored my memories during a mediation session, and I kept going from life to life and there was no end to it. I never reached the bottom of the well so to speak. I don't plan on doing this again though. There is nothing valuable there, just ghosts. To answer your question, i did not encounter any lives in which i was anything other than a human being.


Okay guys, it's about time for me to wrap this up. I hope the Q&A was useful to you. I might do something like this again in the future, but until then, i won't be active on the forums so I'll probably miss your PMs. Adieu.

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So your life has smoothed out things are going kind of good for you you've built a little bit of confidence you don't necessarily hate yourself and you had an experience that you are calling enlightenment and then you suffer from a case of spiritual cryptomnesia

As well as an overactive imagination making you think that you remember past lives and thats because you also (do to your cryptomnesia) think that you reincarnate like all other beings supposedly do and then you get the idea to hop on here temporarily because you're so busy with enlightened things that only enlightened people do

to hopefully help a couple of people out and bless them with your opinion before you have to leave to go back to your very busy life of lotus pose green tea and vegan blogging.


Yet is all I've seen is a person that's  self-confident has delusions of humble grandeur uses common sense to answer some questions and kept an all-around level head making sure to maintain  the same consistent demeanor and emotions making sure that they don't get changed by anything that anybody says to him (because enlightened people are very neutral and never get their panties in a bunch)

And although I'm sure you've had amazing spiritual experiences your entire life and some you can't explain and some you can but you don't want to cuz you don't want people kissing your feet even though you will acknowledge that everybody has had some form of experience like that and it's nothing special (because don't forget enlightened people stay humble when showing off)


But with all that said is there any piece of information or some display of some form that you can do to actually confirm the authenticity of your claim of enlightenment? 

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57 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@MAYA EL Doubt is Zen devilery at it's finest.

I doubt that. A doubt is good until there is nothing to doubt.

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1 hour ago, Maestro said:

I doubt that. A doubt is good until there is nothing to doubt.

Yeah but I doubt that happens very often

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I love your sense of humor! :D 

I love your sense of nonsense! :D

I love your sense of endless dance! :D

I love your sense of skeptical presence, pretense, and post tense:

                                                                                                              I find it very relaxing!


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Thanks for doing this. 

1. Do you have any unanswered questions in your life anymore? 

2. If you could say something that strangers would blindly believe and take it to be true so their path to enlightenment would be eased out, what would you say?

3. Did your daily life, things you did earlier remain the same or changed significantly, and how?

4. The state of enlightenment, is it a constant one, or does it have breaks in between when you tend to fall back into duality? (Pardon my lack of appropriate wording). 

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On 14/12/2019 at 9:33 PM, FoxFoxFox said:

Okay guys, it's about time for me to wrap this up. I hope the Q&A was useful to you. I might do something like this again in the future, but until then, i won't be active on the forums so I'll probably miss your PMs. Adieu.

@rNOW he gone broooo

Love Is The Answer

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