Reply to Removing Should-statements And Eventually Reaching Enlightenment

Sitting and Writing in Solitude: What is true? Truth. But what is Truth? Truth is true, obviously, by definition. Has Truth a definition? No, why should Truth need a definition. Truth is true. True. Truth is false? Truth isn't true nor false. Truth is Truth. Truth is.
What is Truth? A word, letters, a concept, a sound. All of this is meaningless and says nothing about Truth. Can Truth be experienced? I experience experiences. Is Truth an experience? No. The ego is an experience. Vision is an experience. The picture of the body is an experience. The sounds are experiences. Touches / feelings are experiences. Thoughts are experiences... I can watch those things, be mindful. Is Truth beyond experiences? Yes. Then Truth would be limited because Truth wouldn't be experiences. Is Truth experience? Yes, but not exclusively. Truth is beyond and withing experience. Truth is the infinite and the finite. Infinity is including the finite. Am I Truth? 'I' is included in Truth, as well as every other thing/experience.
But is this constant thing which has always been there, which feels like an I, Truth? Is this constant 'I' Truth? Yes, probably. Am I healthy? Being healthy is included within Truth. But is the ego healthy? The ego is a concept/an illusion and being healthy is a concept/an illusion because ultimately there is no separate thing that could by healthy. Enlightenment is just being in touch with the Truth permanently and seeing experiences as for what it is, not taking it seriously at all.
Not Enlightenment is the opposite. Not being in touch with Truth all the time, taking experiences seriously and conceptualizing it.
To get to Enlightenment you need to become more mindful to be more in touch with Truth, to see experience as for what it is, and letting go of all the concepts and beliefs.
So sit down, be mindful and let go of beliefs, until you are Truth itself.