Reply to Removing Should-statements And Eventually Reaching Enlightenment

Self Inquiry / Spiritual Autolysis / Spiritual Purification: What is this? A Walnut. How do I know this? This thing which I am seeing connects to the concept of a walnut. But this could be just a picture of a walnut in 3D. Then in the physical reality wouldn't be a walnut but something else. I can touch, smell, eat and taste this walnut, I can let it drop onto the table and it makes a sound. But this could be just a toy or object which has the characteristics of a walnut. It could be an object which makes me experience the experiences of a walnut. But isn't such an object a walnut? Yes, but the composition of the matter isn't the same. Yes, but I still cannot distinguish the composition of the matter at all. The walnut is just a concept. When in consciousness certain experiences in a certain way arise and those experiences are similar to a certain concept, its a walnut. All concepts are just statements about experience. What do the experiences say about reality? Is there really a walnut? Is a walnut in my mouth, just because I can taste the walnut and feel its texture? But what even is external / physical reality? I have different kinds of experiences. What is this saying to me? I see something white. Does this mean that at this certain point in physical reality is something white? It means that I have this certain experience. The rest is just speculation, because I just know that I have this experience. The mind is able to create out of these experiences concepts and to draw conclusions via logic. But there is just experience, not the concept, nor the consequence of the logical conclusion. And what am I then? Am I a experience? No, why should I be an experience? I am something constant. I am not an experience, nor a concept of interacting experiences. I am something beyond experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All suffering happens though concepts and taking them to seriously.   (I did this while playing around, eating and inspecting a walnut on my table)