
For Science/tech Experts - Cool Idea I Had To Help Blind People.

2 posts in this topic

I watched a video of a driver-less car and I saw that it has a camera/radar device on the top that spins around quickly.

I assume that it translates visual data from set points to calculate distances and movement somehow.

I thought that it might be possible to get a computer to translate that information into sounds with varying intensities based on distance.

If that data was then fed into 4 speakers in some headphones blind people would be able to "see" through sound in three dimensions. 

A bit like in this video (you need headphones):



I drew a rough schematic to explain it better:


I don't have the skill set/resources to implement this so i thought I would share it here for someone who does.

I also have zero passion for technology/engineering, this was just a fluke idea that I had.

Basically technology assisted echolocation.

Shit, I just realised that there needs to be a front/back element to make it 3D. The headphones would need 8 speakers - 4 in each ear- 2 for up/down and 2 for front/back and then regular left/right like in the video.


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