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Very interesting Spiritual talks if you know spanish

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I recently i discovered the spiritual talker 'Sergi Torres', I don´t know how awakened he is but it surprised me how profounds his talks are. 

He still needs to get better at trying to talk more simple to audiences, sometimes it´s explanations end up in a "strange loop" as Leo used to say LOL But to be honest yeah I think he way more profound that Mooji´s talk for example (which I still love by the way but sometimes he can get some times too tiring on the "nothingness" and you can´t get from him other teaching that that one)

Here´s a talk I was watching tonight:

SERGI TORRES - TEATRE GOYA - "La libertad de pensamiento"

Anyone has listened to him? Do you think this kind of videos are actuallly practical or are actually just losing your time? 99% i think its just wasting time but I have to say sometimes with this guy somethings resonate with me in a more profound level and actually will make me start self-inquiry seriously about some topic

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My Spanish isn't quite good enough to comprehend easily. I will give a closer listen later.

As an aside about learning languages. . . I've found it super helpful to listen to native speakers on content that I am interested in and can understand 70%-90%. The nice thing about nonduality / consciousness speakers is they speak relatively slowly with pauses. This speaker articulates very well. He is speaking at an upper intermediate B2 level.  

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