
Questions On "how To Stop Watching Tv"

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Hi, I'm 16 years old, and I don't really know much about the "real world" other than from what I've read and somewhat experienced.

Anyways, I'm new into personal-development, and I have some questions regarding Leo's video on stopping television.

Lots of question... You don't have to answer all of them.


He says to remove cable television. What about those very great TV shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, or Doctor Who? Especially Doctor Who, I watch them on almost daily basis. In order for myself to view them and if I can't access them through services like Netflix, will I have to buy the CDs? That would kinda suck because it takes forever for them to make a season into CD, plus all my friends talk about the shows...


He says that educational videos are okay. However, A LOT of my free time is spent watching educational videos. I spend an obsessive amount on the website averaging like 3-5- hours a day. Even more when I'm in summer vacation. As a 16 year old, I was watching YouTube since 2008 for almost 7 years. It's hard to stop watching YouTube if half my life is spent on it. What about those popular science videos where, for example, they show bite-sized physics videos that are 2-3 minutes  long. A good example would have to be like minutephysics. And what about self-development? I've been spending a lot of time watching self-development on YouTube but I don't really going anywhere with it.

Also, how about politics? Especially with what's going on this presidential campaign and the highly entertaining Donald, it's hard to stay away. Even before that, I was always at a young age always watching the news, reading news articles, etc. In fact, I'm seriously considering about majoring in something such as political science where I HAVE to know what's going on in the world. Debates really excite me and make me feel happy, and I feel that's where my strong points are... politics/philosophy. I'm a club member of political clubs such Model United Nations and Debate Club in which I'm really good at.


That's all I can think for now. These are the limiting beliefs in regards to how I spend my time. I spend at least 5+ hours a day on these things. How about things in moderation?

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For you, I'd recommend a 6 months no TV, no videos of any kind, diet. No Youtube (except for 1 self-improvement video per week).

Stop watching fucking politics! It's total poison to your mind.

If you want to avoid YT altogether and still listen to the content, just download the audios through iTunes. Then you don't have to log into YT at all.

If you do this, your life will totally transform.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@AceTrainerGreen Don't worry about it, just unplug. 

I have never had a tv in my home and it basically gave me 30 to 50% more free time than all the other kids. 

If you can't live without politics, just subscribe to a weekly magazine of some kind. It will take you maximum 2 hours to read. That leaves you with 30 hours more to experience life every week.

Best of luck 

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@AceTrainerGreen If you're obsessed with politics because you think it gives you an accurate view of reality. Guess again, you can't even comprehend what true reality is actually like. Here's a little quote I like to say to myself to describe people who have your kind of mindset.

"Living in society is not the same thing as living in reality"

If you do enough self-improvement work, you might reach a point where you can actually see the truth in this. Most people mistake "living in reality" and "living in society" as the same thing. But I find that most people who are really in touch and ingrained in society are really fucking awful at functioning in reality.

Hope this helps!

P.S. I'm not telling you to give up your interest in politics completely. If you really love it, go for it. But I really urge you to commit yourself to value truth as a main goal in life. Politics and all those other stuff you mentioned are potential distractions from it. Leo talks a lot about truth so if you just keep consuming his content, you're bound to get a deeper understanding of truth. Truth about reality so deep that it literally trumps anything you've ever assumed about reality!

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Yep, I would say download a load of self improvement podcasts, and subscribe to a weekly magazine about politics. Then stay away from videos.


I think that politics is useful to know about since as much as society is corrupt and politics is dirty, power is knowledge and so it pays to know about whats going on in society since you can never truly escape it. Sure, you can transcend it through enlightenment but if we end up in WW3, you can't escape that - its real.


Also, it is something of a higher level to discuss with slightly more forward thinking people than those who discuss TV shows. I would suggest joining/starting a politics club, debating society etc. and trying to make some friends you can talk to about that rather than TV, so you can continue avoiding wasting your time on TV. If politics and debating really excite you then throwing yourself into it could totally help you discover your dream career in politics in the future. That would be great.


Finally, if you're really interested in not being a toxic narrow minded politician, I would suggest a subscription to the New Internationalist (monthly) alongside a more standard weekly political publication, as it gives an alternative, morally and environmentally conscious, fully international view of politics.

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52 minutes ago, Extreme Z7 said:

@AceTrainerGreen If you're obsessed with politics because you think it gives you an accurate view of reality. Guess again, you can't even comprehend what true reality is actually like. Here's a little quote I like to say to myself to describe people who have your kind of mindset.

"Living in society is not the same thing as living in reality"

If you do enough self-improvement work, you might reach a point where you can actually see the truth in this. Most people mistake "living in reality" and "living in society" as the same thing. But I find that most people who are really in touch and ingrained in society are really fucking awful at functioning in reality.

Hope this helps!

P.S. I'm not telling you to give up your interest in politics completely. If you really love it, go for it. But I really urge you to commit yourself to value truth as a main goal in life. Politics and all those other stuff you mentioned are potential distractions from it. Leo talks a lot about truth so if you just keep consuming his content, you're bound to get a deeper understanding of truth. Truth about reality so deep that it literally trumps anything you've ever assumed about reality!

there are three frauds on earth, the first is the legal system as it controls the other two, then there is the political systems which controls the one, and then there is religion, these three frauds have enslaved man.  If your vote was worth anything it would have been made illegal long ago, the law is nothing more than legal plunder, organized by law for the profit of the law and those who make the law and those that enforce it, at the expense of the poor and the working class that have not the means of fighting against this system of corruption, greed and revenue collection.  Religion has always been the problem on this earth, no one has any reason to believe in the fake gods and religions but they do out of ignorance and not knowing themselves.

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@AceTrainerGreen You know what´s the most important part of getting out of this shit? Trusting  your intuition!

Do you feel how it could benefit you if you stopped all the entertainment stuff and getting to know yourself instead?

Can you grasp how your life will be in 5years when you stop entertainment now , vs when you don´t ?

If you can intuit what this is about , you will find the strengh to do the right thing my friend ;) 


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Okay, this is very frustrating! >:(  I've multi-quoted all of you guys, and when I made a post. It didn't post anything. What the heck, man!

Anyways, what I was going to say,

- If I were to get a weekly/monthly news subscription, isn't that bad? I'll be receiving my source of information from one source?

- Is it okay to do all of this in moderation? I can do all of these once a week or watch my favorite show while eating/exercising?

- Any videos from Leo or books where I can go more in-depth to this?


Well, I did a quick Google search, and it says that highly successful people such as Obama, Buffet, and Gates read the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Economist.

Edited by AceTrainerGreen

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@AceTrainerGreen Moderation is good, do that. A shame-induced denouncement of certain pleasures you have can become neurotic as I've experienced in myself.

But perhaps exercise or at least consider some really hardcore self-improvement practices when you're ready. A few examples:

- Strong Determination Sitting (See Leo's video on Strong Determination Sitting)

- Isolating yourself from society for an entire month (See Leo's "30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass" video)

- Joining a Chinese Monastery

- Vipassana Retreat (See Leo's "Lifestyle Minimalism" video)

- etc.

Only consider doing these when you actually understand what taking on these decisions will actually imply and when you think you're ready, though. I myself have done none of the activities on the list, I'm still pretty early in my self-development journey, but I'm very interested in taking on all these activities because I really believe in life-altering power they may have. But again, only when I feel like I'm ready.

11 hours ago, AceTrainerGreen said:

- If I were to get a weekly/monthly news subscription, isn't that bad? I'll be receiving my source of information from one source?

Personally, I like to get my information from my daily ordinary experience. Never really gotten interested in news media. Feels too much like distraction from reality. But that's just me.

11 hours ago, AceTrainerGreen said:

- Any videos from Leo or books where I can go more in-depth to this?

You don't need to ask such a question. Just be commit to personal development as a lifetime habit and that would be enough. As long as you WANT to learn, you will slowly learn. Manifest  that natural curiosity for humans to explore what's behind the bushes.

But if you really want some direction, then here are some personal recommendations. . .

  • The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution by P.D. Ouspensky (Book)
  • The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck (Book)
  • Live and Dare ( A website containing profound articles on how to use meditation to master your life!
  • Pretty much any book by Robert Greene
  • Fight Mediocrity (YouTube Channel)
  • The School of Life (YouTube Channel)
  • Infinite Waters Diving Deep with Ralph Smart (YouTube Channel)
  • and many others I know which I have not listed because I don't want to spend too much time here.

But ultimately, just remember that you don't need to rush things. This is a very slow process, it takes a lot of patience and persistence but you do eventually reach a 'point-of-no-return' when you start really seeing the true depth of it all.

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