
Need Help Please, Im Stuck In A Puddle Full Of Tears And Unwise.

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Hi , my name is ray im 17 and ive been watching leos videos for almost a year now, and i just have a few problems i can not get over,  eg i have emtional problems like i feel like emotions are taking over my life you know???, like mostly negative emotions all the time, is there any great book i can start reading or anything at all??? please help!!!

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Hi Ray. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time. I'm sure people here may be able to point you in a good direction. I recommend you introduce yourself to 'mindfulness' practice. It's about returning to the present moment and it will help to process emotions and create peace. Emotions, even negative ones, only cause problems when we push against and resist them. Mindfulness can help us become more conscious and less fear based. I'm on my phone at the moment so it's a bit difficult to link you to resources, but you can make youtube searched for 'mindfulness', 'mindfulness practice' or 'what is mindfulness?' to find good things. I recommend the teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn. He has lots of good stuff on youtube as well. 

Edited by Arman

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Well there are actually some books but I will suggest  you to read Eckhart Tolle's The power of now and if you watch some of his videos it's helpful as well ( this is just from what I experienced )  . Take care

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1 minute ago, Donald said:

Well there are actually some books but I will suggest  you to read Eckhart Tolle's The power of now and if you watch some of his videos it's helpful as well ( this is just from what I experienced )  . Take care

I second this. This book changed my life when I was around your age, Ray. 

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I suggest therapy. Now most people look at therapy with a negative connotation and it doesn't have to be that way. A good therapists is just someone to talk to and express your true feelings deep down. A lot of things we don't feel comfortable telling our friends because of what they will think of us. Its amazing how speaking things out with someone can really take a load off your chest...Now it costs some money  but if you have it then go for it...Maybe leo can recommend a good one!

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I often think about what I would tell my 17 year old self.  That would be enjoy yourself.

Find that thing that makes you happy and get really really good at it.  You can only eliminate negative emotions with happiness, so find that thing you love and do it.  

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as i have understood emotions are a result of a though in your mind. Find the thought so you can identify why your angry. Once you've identified the thought, ask yourself why you are angry over the thought. You may not be able to find the thought is it's deep within your subconscious. If you can't you can try positive affirmations on YouTube. I personally listen to 450+ positive affirmations by Bernadette Logue.

After listening to it for about a month without skipping days I do feel more positive and happier. I find that with affirmations if you do not add emotion they are not as effective. I suggest listening to some positive affirmations and then go on to create some affirmations of your own. Visualize yourself doing what you say in your affirmation and feel the great positive vibe that you would get if you were living your affirmation.  Do not skip days if you choose to listen to positive affirmations as you are trying to reprogram your subconscious which requires consistence and effort. Try to relax whilst listening as it helps your mind buy into the affirmation

Also check out this video by you are creators which talks about positive affirmations and other great topics. This video made me instantly feel great. Check it out and tell me your thoughts



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Don't run, dive in to the abyss and face all your negative emotions head on.

Eventually you won't be able to take them anymore and the mind get so tired it just give up on them and let go, after flipping the switch you should be feeling more relieved than ever before :)

Another great practice is to always just observe your mind without trying to intervene (just like the first stage of meditation) and rather than being angry or sad about being angry or sad you laugh at how stupid your ego is and just watch the emotions run hammock pushing you from left and right until it give up like a little child crying for attention.

I like to talk about my ego and thoughts in second person thinking stuff like "look at how stupid it is" or "look it's trying to think and work things out on it's own". Honestly it works remarkably well.

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Hey man. 

The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle. 
Preferably the audiobook - Just listen and sit back, relax...


It allowed me to get up when I was down.

Endless nuance

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2 hours ago, Qransky said:

Hi , my name is ray im 17 and ive been watching leos videos for almost a year now, and i just have a few problems i can not get over,  eg i have emtional problems like i feel like emotions are taking over my life you know???, like mostly negative emotions all the time, is there any great book i can start reading or anything at all??? please help!!!

Hello Ray, 

You might benefit by watching Teal Swan's videos on youtube :) 



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Eckhart Tolle, Teal Swan, The Sedona Method - all great suggestions.

If we can give attention to how thoughts are constantly moving and presenting themselves in awareness, it helps us to realize that who we actually are, is watching those thoughts.   We are NOT the thoughts, and they have absolutely no power over us (unless we believe them unquestioningly).

So, try to sit down for a few minutes every day and just watch how thoughts seem to appear out of nowhere and then disappear.  You are still there, watching thoughts and free to be just who you are.   There are useful thoughts and not so useful thoughts.   Eventually we can learn to discern between what will be helpful and what will not be so helpful.  But meanwhile just rest in the assurance that you are the observer, the watcher of those thoughts that only "appear" to be so troublesome.

joy :)


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All great suggestions stated above. 

Now I'm assuming your in an acute episode of negative emotions as you write this post at this moment. Based off  ofthe thread title haha. My advice for reducing the severity of this episode is some sort of meditation or mindfulness practice. Watch Leo's video on dealing with strong negative emotions. Meditate, either by focused breathing, or just letting go of attention, or observing your thoughts. Really anything. This will dramatically reduce the severity of the emotions, but it can be very hard to do. But I promise it will help.

Once your emotions are under control and you can think rationally without going into another episode or negative spiral then I highly recommend just improving your productivity for the day. Start doing habits you should be doing if your not doing it already. Clean your room. Exercise, read more posts. Something beneficial for you. This is more of a momentum building process you can use to get you of a rut. More of a mid-term fix.

Now for getting the long term help, where you never have to deal with these problems ever again then you want to start educating yourself on your psychology. Start reading books about emotions, self-esteem, neurosis. Be more mindful. Think deeply why you feel a certain way. What are you negative about? No one is negative for no reason, I believe. Our natural state is happiness. What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? If you had something right now to make you feel better what would it be? A person? A finanical  status? A place? Health? Why do you think that would make you feel better? etc... Question your emotions.

I'm by no means a therapist but this something I would do in my own situation. And actually something I'm doing right now as I'm currently trying to progress in life and live more authentically. I struggle a lot with anxiety, fears of loneliness, feeling not enough that are very subtle but pervasive throughout my entire life. When I start to feel negative I ask myself why am I feeling negative? Just the reflection and introspection itself can reduce the severity of a negative emotions and longevity of it. Your much stronger than you think you are right now. I promise.

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