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How do you discover the real reasons of your actions?

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I find myself in a new situation. For the first time in my life I have the financial freedom to  do whatever I want. 

I worked hard to get this budget. I wanted to use it to start my career as an artist in Barcelona. (I dreamed about being an artist for the last 9 years) I got there, visited the city for a few days, looked for rent (I have the possibility to share a beautiful, huge industrial space with someone working in the movie industry).

I was really excited being there. I then came back to Madrid, to my parents home and woke up thinking about my home town (small city in northern Romania). I thought about going back there, going back to school, working to be a teacher (I am thinking sociology, literature, philosophy or painting).

I would still go on with art, but I would keep it more as a hobby.

I am still trying to figure out where does this desire come from. Is it a genuine desire of my soul, or is it a fear of failure.

When you decide to leave your country for a better future, how much of it is  a running away from your own inadequacy and how much is reality?

As a human being can you grow into your best version into your own culture, speaking your own language or is it the same being in a foreign country?

Is this desire of mine a longing for Unity, a reunion with the space in which I spawned? How natural is it for humans to move from their birth place? I feel a lot of trouble in the world is caused by people thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

I also felt like Barcelona was a really crowded place. I found myself asking while I was there: 'Does this place really need me to be here?' That poor piece of land looked really overused.

Then I thought about the superficiality in the art world. I asked myself if the world really needs another artist, or there's something better I could do with my time. Barcelona would give me a good market, lots of opportunities.

I want to use art to explore my thoughts on reality and bring awareness to people. How can I talk to Spanish people about their issues when I am not part of their community? 

People have a hard time listening to their closest friends when it comes to discussing issues.

I just thought I could do more back in my home town, especially with so many young people leaving Romania. I also thought I would enjoy the amazing nature, and I would not be in a overcrowded space.  

I just wish I knew which direction to choose. 

I wish I knew if my dream of being an artist was just an easy way to avoid responsibility, my green stage of hippie dreams. Am I now growing up or am I still running away? 

I also realize that even though I have insights into the nature of reality I still have a lot of personal issues to work through. How can I do something for the world around me when me myself are in need of work?

What makes a good life when there's no good without bad? How do you choose when there's nothing to choose? 

I apologise for my rambling. I am happy to hear your points of view

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What potential actions and paths offer the most value to yourself and your community? 
Have you gone through Leo's Life Purpose Course? If not, I highly recommend it.
What would Love do now?


Fruitful. Fertile. Generative. Valuable. Arable. Abundance. Value. Help. 

All In. Giving. Efflux. Acceptance. Patience. Beauty. Assistance. Peace. 

Joy. Cooperation. Creation. Intelligence. Efficiency. Grace. Passion. Vibrance. 

Contribution. Focus. Care. Gentle. Soothing. Inspiration. Growth. Mastery. Vision. 


“There is nothing I have to do, nowhere I have to go, and no way I have to be except exactly the way I am being right now. My happiness is knowing this, my joy is expressing it, my bliss is experiencing it.”   

How can I serve myself in the highest creation?

How can I serve humanity today? 

How can I spread love to others today? 

How can I help others grow today? 

What would Love do now?

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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