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I've got the wine abstinence and meditation practice under way and nicely progressing (life-time commitment). I know it's only been 4 days so far but I feel like I'm already reaping the benefits, physically and emotionally. 

So now I would like to improve another aspect of my daily life which really bothers me. 

I really want to become a Mindful Eater.


I usually prefer to eat 4 small meals throughout the day, rather than 3 large ones.

Mostly for digestive purposes and not to feel bloated or uncomfortable afterwards.


But my "mini meals" don't last that long, sometimes just 5-10 minutes.

Which means I then sometimes still feel hungry after them.


I read recently that the brain takes around 20 minutes to register "satiation". 

I'm still trying to "digest" that, haha.

Recently I did an experiment and timed myself.

I ate a bowl of rice (100g white dessert rice with a spoonful of coconut cream and a few mixed cranberries, pumpkin seeds, almonds) in my usual way, in other words in 5 minutes. That is the typical amount of time it would take me to eat that sort of snack in a non-mindful way. 

Then the next day, I ate exactly the same snack but this time mindfully (no distractions, and chewing each mouthful at least 30 times) and the same bowl actually took me 20 minutes! Sounds banal, but I felt pleased with myself afterwards, and yes, more satiated.


Also I'm usually either alone in front of the computer reading or watching a video while I eat (for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea-time).

Dinner will find me chatting away with my husband at the table, and so not really aware of what and how I'm eating.


I would definitely like to slow down my eating, chew more, and not do anything else while eating. 

In a nutshell, (excuse the pun), my aim is to be more mindful when I eat.

This is something that's going to be really challenging for me.

So I intend to journal it here in order to maintain the discipline, encouragement and motivation needed to see it through.

Until mindful eating becomes more an automatic everyday habit. Ha, if that's not an oxymoron?!

I'm also interested in the fascinating brain-gut connection at the moment, so digesting my food properly is all grist for the mill (excuse the pun).

The belly really is the second brain.


So Goal #3: Eating mindfully entails 4 important baby steps:

1. Be seated only while you eat.

2. Do absolutely no other activity while you eat.

2. Chew each mouthful at least 30 times before you swallow.

3. Make your meals last at least 20 minutes. 


The evening meal with my husband will obviously be a bit tricky counting bites, so I'm not going to get obsessed about it for that meal, I'll just do my best to eat slowly and perhaps chat less! Throw him a couple of questions from time to time so I can slowly and quietly chew away in my corner while I listen to his answers, haha. Or just have soup for dinner? ;) Or even eat my dinner with frigging chopsticks, I don't know. 


Okay, so it's 11 o'clock in the morning, I'm just going to have my breakfast.

I had my daily capuccino (large, 350ml) at 8 o clock when I woke up, which I obviously didn't need to chew.

Hot drinks are "not eating" so don't count in my Mindful eating challenge.

So It was ok re-watching Leo's Beginner's Meditation video while sipping my coffee.


This morning I'm having for  breakfast:

30g Bjorg sugar-free organic "Fibres" muesli, with 100ml organic sugar-free soy milk, 50g fresh forest berry fruits, and 10g organic unsalted cashew nuts. 2 large cups of black tea (700ml in all, same teabag). Crikey, so this little brekkie has to last at least 20 minutes, it's going to be torture.  

I have a bit of artificial sweetener (sucralose) to sweeten my muesli and hot drinks, but changing that will have to be for maybe some time next year when I feel strong enough. Slow and steady wins the race here. I'm going to finish up what I have left in the packet and try to resist buying another packet afterwards, so gradually wean myself off the sucralose and try to find a better, more natural healthier alternative.

Recent rat studies suggest that sucralose may actually disrupt the gut bacteria. I'm getting more and more interested in the gut biome, its relation to the brain is so interesting, so it's in my interest to look after it.

Apart from that, I hardly ever drink plain fresh water (which I find so boring, mea culpa) unless I were choking or something. But I do drink at least 1,5 litres of hot filtered water in the day in the form of black or herbal tea (2 teabags maxi per day). Apart from that, I don't drink anything else. 

Perhaps some time in the future, I will also be able to reduce the hot drinks with sucralose and replace with plain water instead. There is NO way I could drink hot drinks without sweetening them, they'd taste too acidic, bitter or "chemical". But Rome wasn't built in a day. I don't want to freak myself out too much. This consciousness work is spooky enough already. 


Breakfast Report

Okay, so just finished my muesli, was able to stretch it out to 20 minutes, by the skin of my teeth (excuse the pun). ?

The cat, agog and wide-eyed, seemed fascinated at me just sitting there doing nothing in front of a blank computer (such a rare occurence it is). He seemed equally bemused at me wistfully chewing away like Daisy the cow, he couldn't actually take his eyes off me, I hope I didn't freak him out too much. I thought I'd just stare back at him, after all I'm just as fascinated by him. It certainly made the agonizing "30 counts a mouthful" go by more easily, having something cute to rest my eyes on. Ha, I'd be lost without chew, Fluffy?

Compared to my 20 minute meditation sessions, this mindful chewing is way more torturous. It actually feels more challenging spending 20 minutes chewing (even delicious food) than spending 20 minutes doing nothing. You just want to gulp it down and be done with it, and get onto more important things. It is certainly a lesson in patience. I can almost feel myself "grinding my teeth" while I'm masticating away, which is probably counterproductive to the peaceful mindful mindset I'm trying to cultivate here.

I noticed at the beginning that I wanted to chew fast, so I immediately slowed my chewing rate down, otherwise I'd never last the 20 minutes. I also started to become aware of my body more, for example a few times I caught my hand clenching a bit as I was chewing away. Did I want to punch someone? It's very revealing how the body reacts. 

In fact the 3rd baby step (the "chewing" step) of this goal is the most challenging part. The other three steps are much more do-able. You sit down. Check. You turn off the pc. Check. You time at the end. Check. You chew. Haha! It's bloody frustrating. 

I felt a bit like a kid having to sit there forced to eat all my veggies properly before I could have dessert.



Breakfast over. Check to all 4 baby steps.?

Presently satiated, I probably won't want to eat again now until say 2 or 3 o'clock.

I feel like Mindful Eating could be a handy weight loss tool. 

Ha, just checked on Google, and needless to say someone's already thought of that and of course created the "Mindful Eating Diet". There's even a "32-Bites Diet" going the rounds, geez!

But it's a no-brainer, who would want to eat that Snickers bar if you know you've got to slowly chew on it out for 20 minutes? Especially on a hot day? I'm not even going to get onto an ice-cream cone.

As I said it's torture. Try it. Go on. Just for one meal.

It could even save you money. After all, the more you pile on your plate, the longer it'll take to eat. Remember, 30 bites a mouthful minimum. There are only so many hours in the day after all.

Imagine fancying a little bite to eat, salivating at the thought of a sneaky little naughty snack. And then you think of the next 20 minutes "wasted" just eating it. You just wouldn't be fagged, would you? 

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Lunch 3.3O pm (fried tomatoes and egg on toast) I would have added avocado but I can't be bothered going out to get some.

Had to think of a quick meal to do so my whole time is not taken up with lunch, seeing as I'm already devoting at least 20 mins to the eating of it.

50g sourdough rye bread toasted with 5g unsalted butter, 2 eggs and 220g fresh tomatoes sauteed in 10g olive oil with a few flax seeds. 2 large cups of black tea (700ml in all, same teabag) with a square (10g) of organic dark 85% bitter chocolate.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Other activity? No ?

3. 30 chews? A bit lackadaisical here. Sometimes I even forgot I had to be counting. ^_^

4. Duration? 25 mins. ?


So that's 3 out of 4 correct answers. Strange though how I forgot to count. That's all I had to do. Count and eat. It's not exactly asking much, is it? How did i forget to count? I didn't have anything else on my plate to do, ha.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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5pm Had a capuccino, then did my meditation.

I don't usually have a second coffee in the day, but it felt a nice kinda Hygge thing to do on this cold windy day. 


I thought to check the volume on the timer today before starting!

A bit antsy for the first half of the session, then about half-way through found a more sustainable position which I kept until the end.

At one point, noticed the jaw tightening, that Leo talked about, so relaxed that.

Didn't worry too much about the fidgetting, so didn't try to control it too much.


Some monkey brain but accepted the thoughts without trying to control them.

For example, thinking about what I'll write up here after the session. 

At some point, was nodding off again, so opened my eyes a bit. 

(All that hot frothy milk in the capuccino probably didn't help.)

Will go without from now on.


All in all I just spent 20 minutes sitting relatively still for nearly half of it.

And without trying to manipulate, force or censor anything.


I feel a bit like a mum happy to sit for ages on the park bench.

In her own world.

While her kids run riot in front of her screaming with joy.

Without interfering with their fun and excitement. 

Letting them be.

She is there if they need her.


They are happy in the moment.

As is she.


Same surprise at the time going by so quickly.

I'm enjoying these meditation sessions, this "me time" or should I say "I time".

I'll try to settle on a more comfortable position from now on from the very beginning.

That I think I'll be able to sustain throughout.


What seems to work at the moment is folding my arms loosely in front of me on the desk.

With shoulders slightly back for better breathing.

And feet slightly apart in a "V" shape with toes touching the skirting board.

I'll try that out tomorrow to see if I can last the whole 20 minutes like that.



I'm sorry, I'm going to have to set another goal for tomorrow.

It's getting urgent.

Goal #4: be brief

Geez, I could be learning new stuff, the time it takes to write all this stuff.

I think my husband will appreciate this goal, bless him.

I could write a whole page on the art of being brief.

But I won't.

Less is more.

Enough said. 




Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Dinner 7.30pm Home-made chicken and veg curry. 

140g roast chicken in Parampara Tikka Masala spices/soy cream/a few cashews/fresh coriander, 200g green beans, 5g ghee butter, an apple (150g).


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Other activity? No (got hubby to talk the most) ?

3. 30 chews? Impossible to count while listening to hubby, but masticated well on the whole 

4. Duration? At least 20 minutes ?


I consider that a very good day Mindful Eating wise. ??

My belly (and brain) are gonna thank me for it.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Hey I really like your journal, but I've only skimmed it thus far. 

I've never ever seen a journal get such an attempted hijacking as yours did, and right at the start as well. I'm amazed you carried on, but am pleased you did.

So from one alcoholic to another I wish you well (that's a JOKE)...... xD   By navigating all that earlier crap you are already someone whom I'd like to follow a bit on here.

I can so relate to the OCD elements. I'm on medication for OCD and it's no laughing matter. It's easy to for people to think "oh it's just a bit of OCD we all have it". Being obsessive can have it's benefits but the the compulsions can really mess things up. The checking, the rumination, its hard.

I actually did have to stop alcohol 100% because I eventually gravitated to best part of 2 bottles of wine per night to cope with my anxiety problems, insomnia, and also the grief from losing my mother. I developed an actual dependence and addiction, but that doesn't mean to say you have this as well. I obsessed about alcohol and it stopped me working on my issues in a more healthy way, but you are not me and your story is very different.

Anyway, I'll try and have a proper read and leave you be for now. :)

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Thank you @Bill W  for popping by, your encouraging words warmed the cockles of my heart, whatever they are. ❤️

I was starting to wonder whether I'd frightened everyone away with my endless rambling (ergo Goal #4: brevity).


I've come across quite a lot of your witty comments and one-liners here and there, I see you've mastered the art of being succinct! 

Let me follow your example and try to keep this short and sweet. :D 


I take my hat off to you, you've gone through the mill, and faced your demons, finding a  quiet inner strength and come out stronger. 

It takes an enormous amount of courage and faith what you have accomplished, so take a bow, and stay strong. ??


I'm really looking forward to reading your Journal, because you write so well, so clearly, and I can actually understand everything you're saying! ??


This morning I started (as one does, in true OCD style) chronologically at the very beginning of your comments, with your question about non-duality in April. I will of course (obsessively) be reading them all!

You're actually asking the same questions I now have as a Newbie, so thanks for saving me the time asking them haha. ;)


The worst thing about OCD for me is the time-guzzling, inane nature of it.

Life's too frigging short for OCD.

Ok, I've got a nice tidy home but my time-management skills suck! 

Which reminds me of my Goal #4, so I'll love you and leave you for now. 

Wishing you well too, my friend. :D


Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Goal report

Goal #1: no wine ?

Goal #2: minimum 20 minutes meditation ?


Today I kept the same position throughout (my "go to", as favoured yesterday, so a lot less fidgety, but the counterpart is that this body stillness is causing my eyes to close and head to nod off a bit. 


1. get my 8 hours sleep as I used to (before discovering Leo's site!) and turn my tablet off at 11pm.

That'll actually make a good Goal #5: minimum 8 hours sleep because I've become so obsessed with the forum, I've been reading it until about 1 or 2 am for the last week.

Usually I sleep from 11pm to about 7 or 8 am, so gotta get back into that groove.

2. Try also meditating earlier in the day, rather than at the end of the afternoon. Experiment with different times.


Goal #3: Mindful eating

A bit rubbish today, will start fresh again tomorrow.

Obeyed hardly any of the baby steps (sitting down to eat, doing nothing while eating, counting bites). Total amnesia. Relapse after just one day! I swear this counting bites malarkey is trickier than all my other goals. It's probably my Inner Child rebelling at having to "stay put and finish her veggies".

Was able to stretch the meals out to at least 20 minutes though and did a bit of sitting down, no-other-activity and counting but only when I remembered to.

Goal #4: be brief 

I'll stop there for today.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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@Amandine At least 50% of my posts on this forum would be a waste of your time reading! I try to keep my journal for the more meaningful content. I read a small bit of your long post an another section of the forum. It was very personal what you wrote and it's good you got some feedback. Sounds like you were raised in Scotland? My mum was born in Paisley not far from Glasgow. I went to Edinburgh a few years back for a weekend away and loved it. 

Your journal is a good reminder for me about goals. 

The mindful eating goal of yours is something I could probably do with taking a look at, as I am quite a binge eater. I put on 2 stone in the year that I have stopped drinking. Belatedly, and only very recently, I think I have got my carb/sugar binges better under control. 

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On 21/12/2019 at 7:15 PM, Bill W said:

At least 50% of my posts on this forum would be a waste of your time reading!

Thanks @Bill W for the heads-up (that's saved me a few hours), I'll just go straight to the Juicy Journal then. ?

On 21/12/2019 at 7:15 PM, Bill W said:

The mindful eating goal of yours is something I could probably do with taking a look at, as I am quite a binge eater. I put on 2 stone in the year that I have stopped drinking. Belatedly, and only very recently, I think I have got my carb/sugar binges better under control. 

Just after one day of doing that yesterday, I was already a bit lighter on the scales this morning. That wasn't my goal (who diets before Christmas? ha, saying that who stops alcohol before Christmas?) but nice to wake up to some pleasant after-effects. Probably be back to where I started tomorrow morning cos forgot to count today. Ha, guess you can't always have your cake and eat it. 


I'd recommend Mindful Eating to anyone seriously though.

Like meditation, it slows you right down. 

Instead of counting your breaths, you count your chews. 


Bravo for the recent work you're making on the binges by the way.

Better the binge than the booze. ?

There's an underlying emotional need for the binges, but you seem to be dealing well with that recently.

Does your OCD treatment effect your appetite?  


Ex-smokers and ex-alcoholics always go for the sugar (same transmitters in the brain).

I read a book called "Potatoes not Prozac" by Kathleen Desmaisons (she also has a website called Radiant Recovery). 

I learnt some interesting things about Serotonin, dopamine, beta-endorphin.

And that I was a sitting duck for alcohol priming with an alcoholic father and sugar-addicted mother.


Slowly though you will learn how to replace the binges by finding healthier strategies to cope with the need for comfort in the outside stuff.

Best of luck in the meantime. Let me know how the Mindless Eating goes if you chews to do it. :D

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Goal #6: minimum 40 minutes indoor bicycle

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Goal summary

Goal #1: no wine (going well)

Goal #2: minimum 20 minutes meditation (going well)

Goal #3: Mindful eating, 4 baby steps (needs more practice)

Goal #4: be brief (feel optimistic I can do this) 

Goal #5: minimum 8 hours sleep (starting from tonight!)

Goal #6: minimum 40 minutes indoor bicycle  (starting from tomorrow)

Goal #7: minimum 30 mins Wellbox  (starting from tomorrow)

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Meditation has ability to heal you from everything. ?♥️

Just be with ordinary sensations. 

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I'm not kidding, I've only just started meditation and I'm already feeling different, more productive, more self-confident, etc.❤️


I've even miraculously stopped the wine just like that, which beggars belief.

Huh, and that's only with a lousy 20 minutes every day. 

I hate that it has taken me this late in my life to discover it.

Leo's a pretty persuasive guy!

Nobody (including myself) has ever been able to convince or galvanize me enough to do meditation before.


I've had this book on my bookshelf eyeballing me for donkey's years: "Peace of Mind" by Dr Ian Gawler. 

He actually has a website and does meditation retreats.

He overcame terminal cancer through meditation and wrote about it.

I had read the book, as you do.

And then put it back on the shelf, as you do.

And then the wasted years go by, as they do.


So glad I came across Leo's videos and this site.

I was just innocently googling "karma's a bitch" two Sundays ago, and there was Leo.

I loved his explanation straight away.

It seems Karma has more to do with the ego (who sounds like the real bitch around here!) than any "carrots and sticks".


The only problem now is my addiction to this site.

A site with all these resources pooled together and an active forum like this just doesn't exist anywhere else, it's unique. 

Now I wanna know everything. :D

I understand though the need to vary one's sources and not just fetishly stay on this one site.


I started reading some of your journals @zeroISinfinity, sorry I don't "get" them much yet.

I'll probably understand them better when my "colour's changed".

It looks like a great and crazy party though, haha!!:D

It's actually starting to give me a bit of FOMO.


Before coming to this site, I was kinda agnostic, even if my upbringing was solid catholic. 

I've always been afraid of ghosts and the paranormal so was perfectly happy deciding to just believe "what you see is what you get".

You just die after three score years and ten, and kaput, you are no more. 

No reincarnation, no after-life, no hell nor heaven, nada.

I was SO happy believing that.

Ignorance is bliss as they say.

So as you can imagine, I'm going through a major paradigm shift at the moment, lol.

But it's all good.

The Real Bliss will come later. :)


Still scared of ghosts though.

My dad frightened us when we were kids, threatening to lock us in the attic with the ghosts if we were naughty.

Discovered years later that's where he'd kept all his porno mags. Go figure!

No wonder he'd frightened everyone away from ever snooping around up there. 

Still the damage had been done, the phobias created.


Since I've been on this site, I've had to put the light on again when I go for a pee in the middle of the night.

In case I see or bump into something scary.

I'm just going at my own pace right now.

Slow and steady wins the race.


And starting at the bottom of the heap dealing with the "easy stuff" (the physical stuff) first.

My goals are more to do with the body at the moment.

And yeah, I'm getting the meditation sessions in. 

Am even feeling optimistic I may really get a sense of "God" one day. :D


Ha, I'll be able to join in the same "party" then, or at least understand some of the more "cryptic" posts here better. 

But if I don't, no pressure, maybe in my next life haha.

I don't want to spook myself out by running before I can walk.


Damn, if only I hadn't put that Meditation book back on the shelf all those years ago!

I'd have been way more advanced by now. 

So yeah, feeling really indebted to Leo for all he's done and is doing!! ❤️

I'm going to honor his generosity by doing the Work.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Goal Report Day 7

Goal #1: no wine ? (not on the agenda for today, on Christmas Day I'll be sharing a bottle of champagne with hubby though)

Goal #2: minimum 20 minutes meditation ?(body still and eyes closed for whole session, no nodding off, progress!)

Goal #3: Mindful eating, 4 baby steps (see below, on-going updates during day) ?

?Goal #4: be brief (not there yet, I get so carried away when I start typing, it's all precious time being guzzled away tho') 

Goal #5: minimum 8 hours sleep ? (11pm, "awoke" 8.15am by the cat = 9 hours sleep, or a bit less considering I could actually hear Fluffy asking me for breakfast at least an hour before, but some things are best ignored ha)

Goal #6: minimum 40 minutes indoor bicycle ?

Goal #7: minimum 30 mins Wellbox ? (did a face session, will do a body session tomorrow)


Goal #3: Mindful eating

8.30am Capuccino

Breakfast 11.30 am Muesli

30g Bjorg sugar-free organic "Fibres" muesli, with 50g fresh forest berry fruits, 10g organic unsalted cashew nuts and 100ml organic sugar-free soy milk. 2 large cups of black tea.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ? 

4. Duration? 20 minutes ? (a bit challenging getting to 20', from now on will add a bit more chopped fruit to help)

Ha, weighed even less on the scales this morning. I didn't intend to lose weight with this (my diet starts January 1st, haha) but if better chewing helps the pounds slip off too in the meantime, even better! Beggars can't be chewsers. 


Lunch 4.15 pm Croque Monsieur salad

2 slices wholemeal bread, 20g cheese, 110g Iceberg lettuce, 1 tsp mayo, 1/2 tsp olive oil. 1 large cup of black tea.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ? 

4. Duration? 20 minutes ?(the 20' are up and I've only eaten 1/2 of it, I'll do my bike now and have the other 1/2 as a post work-out snack, then after that I'll do my meditation)

I'll be getting back down to my ideal weight at this rate. 

That's not why I'm doing Mindful Eating though.

Any weight loss is just the icing on the cake, haha. 


Post work-out Meal 6.30 pm

Finished the other 1/2 of my left-over lunch with another cup of tea and added an apple


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ? 

4. Duration? 20 minutes ?

Normally I would eat more than this in a day, but all that chewing really seems to satify my hunger sensations, I just feel more replete.


Evening snack 7.45 pm

50g forest fruits, a soy youghurt, 10g Daco Bello fruit/nut mix, 3 vanilla lemon protein biscuits, cup of herbal tea


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ? Ate mindfully even if at dinner table with hubby

3. 30 chews? Yes ? Wherever it was possible 

4. Duration? 10 minutes ? 10 mins is ok for a snack, it's not a meal



A very good day goal-wise. ? Will try to work better on being brief when I type tomorrow. That's letting me down right now.


Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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15 hours ago, Bill W said:

Your journal is a good reminder for me about goals. 


There really is magic in setting goals and saying what you want to obtain.


But be careful what you ask for, you might just get it! xD


Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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15 hours ago, Amandine said:

saying that who stops alcohol before Christmas?

Me, 8 years ago. I went through a honey moon phase with my sobriety, I think you are going through the same, enjoy. Knowing that i was not gonna feel like shit the day after really improved my happiness levels. Keep going Am you are an inspiration (I am meditating too.)



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51 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

Me, 8 years ago. I went through a honey moon phase with my sobriety, I think you are going through the same, enjoy. Knowing that i was not gonna feel like shit the day after really improved my happiness levels. Keep going Am you are an inspiration (I am meditating too.)



Bless you, Arc. Cheers! :D

How did your walking meditation in the park go, by the way @Arcangelo? Was it a magical Mindful moment?

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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It was alright, normal. I just go there, sit at a bench and take my shoes off, it's called grounding, it's supposed to be really good for the body.

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Well done @Arcangelo, you inspire me too. Well done on the sobriety!

Better you than me though on the shoe removal bit, it's the first day of winter where I am.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Weighed myself this morning, have lost a pound just by chewing the cud for 2 days.

You chews, you lose.


I don't know if this is anything to do with my meditation or not, but Just after waking, I noticed a white flashing light in the peripheral vision of my left eye, especially when I moved this left eye from side to side. That soon went to be replaced by greyish floaters and black dots throughout the day. If it doesn't go away, I'll go see the opticien. 


Goal Report Day 8 (Monday 23 Dec 2019)

Goal #1: no wine ? (not on the agenda for today, on Christmas Day I'll be sharing a bottle of champagne with hubby though)

Goal #2: minimum 20 minutes meditation (short session but I showed up! Decided to rest my eye today due to floaters)

Goal #3: Mindful eating, 4 baby steps (see below, on-going updates during day) ?

?Goal #4: be brief (will have to change the goal, "be brief" is not specific enough) 

Goal #5: minimum 8 hours sleep ? (11pm, awake 7 am = 8hrs)

Goal #6: minimum 40 minutes indoor bicycle ?

Goal #7: minimum 30 mins Wellbox ? (did a body session today)


Goal #3: Mindful eating

8.15 am Capuccino

Breakfast 11.30 am Muesli

30g Bjorg sugar-free organic "Fibres" muesli, 10g granola, 50g fresh forest berry fruits, 10g organic unsalted cashew nuts, 10g dried apricots and 150ml organic sugar-free soy milk. 2 large cups of black tea.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ? 

4. Duration? 20 minutes ? 


Lunch 5 pm Croque Monsieur salad

2 slices wholemeal bread, 20g cheese, 140g Iceberg lettuce, 10g mayo, 1/2 tsp olive oil. 1 large cup of black tea.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ?

4. Duration? Yes ?


6.30 pm Large Capuccino, 6 small vanilla lemon protein biscuits (40g) as Pre work-out snack (30 chews? Yes ?)


Dinner 8.45 pm Tofu and veggies

100 g organic tomato tofu, 150 green beans, dribble olive oil, 10g peanut butter, a few lentils.


1. Seated? Yes ?

2. Only activity? Yes ?

3. 30 chews? Yes ?

4. 20 mins? Yes ?



Another very good day goal-wise. ?

Will change the "brief" goal to a more precise, less abstract one, tomorrow. And hope the floaters/black dots in my left eye are gone tomorrow morning. I googled them, other people apparently get them too after meditating. Am I staring at the back of my eyelids too much, lol? Think it wise to have rested my eyes today, only did a very short session of meditation as I didn't want to miss it altogether.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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