
Is it possible to be hypnotised into enlightenment?

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Is it plausible to say that it’s within the range of possibility that hypnosis could be used to put someone into a deep trance state (a meditative state), then maybe suggest certain “truths” about reality, in such a way that they then experience it as a living reality; maybe not as a permanent thing but maybe at least a enlightenment experience? Or are there limits on hypnosis or enlightenment that prevent this? 

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This is an interesting question. The first thing that came to mind would be to suggest that this sort of thing already happens - watching one of Leo’s videos is in a sense of form of hypnotising yourself to Leo’s teachings, since your being presented with ideas and concepts you can’t (yet) consciously verify as true but have a subconscious suspicion that they are. The difference is though that Leo’s teachings don’t directly give you enlightenment, they only lay the epistemological groundwork for realising enlightenment yourself through your own effort.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Jahmaine I have a friend that went to some deep places with hypnosis/past life regression. It was an 7 hour event with a highly trained person (very expensive as well). The whole thing was audio recorded. My friend was already at a fairly high conscious level and imo, had a few major breakthroughs/awakenings. Her subjective experience was it was deeply profound and left her groundless. She spent about four months integrating. I'd say it was on the same level as a psychedelic trip. . . It's something I'm interested in trying, yet the level I'm interested in is expensive and I'm not sure how deep I would be able to let go. I'd probably need to develop trust and resonance with the practitioner first. 

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I have a feeling that the trance state itself is what would awaken them, the things spoken during that state would be of much less importance than their receptivity to entering the trance state itself.  The necessary insights come of their own accord, and without proper respect for that, and sensitivity to a person's readiness, problems can arise.

I read an account of someone who awakened partially through mesmerism in the 1800's. He was fascinated with it, highly susceptible to it, and already was highly conscious. The mesmerists were doing it just to put on a show, not really for the benefit of the subjects. Then he began falling asleep randomly throughout the day and thought he was very sick, until channeling started coming through. 

The focused intentions of another person together with your own lack of resistance can come together to become a very powerful nondual experience. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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