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Does Enlightment Requieres Intelligence?

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Hi guys

I'm new in this forum and englsh isn't my first language, so please have mercy ;)

Like in the title, I asked myself if enlightment requieres intelligence... As more I study self-improvement as more I think thats the case. 

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You'd have to define what you mean by "intelligence".

If you mean IQ above 80, then no.

If you mean a certain kind of intuition for sniffing out truth, then yes.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hi @laki Ken Wilber (e.g. in Integral meditation) has exposed a theory about different evolution states and enlightenment. Maybe it clarifies a little the whole thing.. ?

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11 hours ago, laki said:

Hi guys

I'm new in this forum and englsh isn't my first language, so please have mercy ;)

Like in the title, I asked myself if enlightment requieres intelligence... As more I study self-improvement as more I think thats the case. 

most have missed the boat with their knowledge seeking, various journeys and paths, most are only into information gathering, that creates confusion. forms belief systems, and programing.  The dumbest man in the world will have more chance to be enlightened than those who think they have great intelligence.

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