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Is Possible to be Vegan withouth eating Legumes?

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I want to try Vegan diet but my problema is I really don´t like how Legumes impact my stomach. Rice and bread I can tolerate them although I´d be way more happy withouth them, problema is I feel I can never eat enough veggies / fruits so i always end up eating fu**** bread or pasta. For the vegans out there, do you think the body adapts and can give you the same energy with way less calories?

I don´t like either almonds and nuts how they impact my stomach, although Macadamia Nuts I do think I digest them very nicely so I could get some calories from that :)

Edited by Javfly33

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I don't think you should go for veganism before you can fix the digestive part. You'll be cutting out a lot of sources and can result in deficiencies down the line. Getting bloated all the time is often indication of insufficient stomach acid, SIBO/IBS , gut dysbiosis or increased gut permeability but without testing it would be impossible to tell. 

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Chances are your gut microbiome is compromised. You might want to cut bread/sugars gradually and try intermittent fasting. Slowly build up you fibre intake. Fruits and veggies digest better than legumes and nuts but you should aim to include them as well eventually. There's a bunch of stool test kits that you can buy online to determine what kind of bacteria are living in there and treat it accordingly. 

Maybe consider eating eggs to up your calorie intake during the adaptation periods that you'll need to introduce legumes and nuts.

Edited by Rigel

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Fruits and veggies will take awhile for you to adjust your taste. It could take months for you to actually acquire taste for them and it will develop more over time. 

I highly recommend that you start your day with a smoothie to bring in a higher intake of fruits and veggies. You can use hemp seeds and chia seeds to bring up the protein and omega 3/6. My smoothie today contained 15g protein without any sort of processed powders. That also does not include any protein occurring in the fruits and veggies. I might up that a bit to start trying to pack on some muscle though.  My diet has a good amount of protein in general though. Check out 150 healthiest foods on earth book and cycle through many of the fruits and veggies into your smoothie. 

Also, if you have stomach issues try to add in some ginger into your diet. I have a good sized chunk of it I put in my smoothie daily. 

Try to replace the rice with brown rice and qunioa they are much better alternatives. But no harm in enjoying some jasmine or white rice every now and then, but they fall short of what I mentioned. 

I feel very sluggish if I eat any wheat anymore, but to be fair go at your own pace of removing the pasta and bread. It is essential that you figure out a good meal structure as well as supplements. 

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Also, your calorie needs are going to vary. You likely will find yourself not needing as much as before because you are eating less calorie dense foods. Also, eating high volume foods like watermelon, cantalope, etc will make you full longer. But I still recommend that you keep things like nuts in your diet especially because it is a more calorie dense food. There is a big variety of nuts to choose from, so you will have many options to cycle through. I find costco to be one of the better sources for them for the price. 


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Yes, it is. If you eat 6000 calories of fruits every day then you will meet your protein needs just fine... And some people do it! Like this guy:

Here is a good video about the topic:


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@Javfly33 Given your digestive symptoms, you're probably better off going for a paleo or similar diet. It is best to cut out legumes, dairy, grains and refined carbohydrates altogether for a while. Then you can add some of them back in (such as rice) and see how it affects you. This way you can learn which food groups are good for you and which ones to avoid.

Veganism sounds good in theory, but in practice it rarely works. The one thing that even those with the worst food intolerances and allergies can usually eat is meat.

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On 12/9/2019 at 5:46 AM, Javfly33 said:

I want to try Vegan diet but my problema is I really don´t like how Legumes impact my stomach. Rice and bread I can tolerate them although I´d be way more happy withouth them, problema is I feel I can never eat enough veggies / fruits so i always end up eating fu**** bread or pasta. For the vegans out there, do you think the body adapts and can give you the same energy with way less calories?

I don´t like either almonds and nuts how they impact my stomach, although Macadamia Nuts I do think I digest them very nicely so I could get some calories from that :)

Beans have the protein, nuts have the fat.  You need that as a vegan.  Tofu is easier to digest than beans.
However your body can adjust to eating beans but they should always be eaten with a starch, that reduces the gas such as grain, bread or potatoes.
Nuts and seeds eat in small amounts a small handful.  Almonds are much easier to digest if you soak raw almonds in water overnight.
However compared to other nuts they are bad for water conservation because they use up more than other nuts.
So a plate of food might be 1/2 grain, or pasta,  1/4 tofu, beans, lentils or peas, 1/4 vegetables.
(also take note of how you feel after eating certain types of legumes.
If you don't like whole wheat pasta you can acquire the taste, first try doing 50/50 with white.   Also there are a lot of bean pastas coming out now. They don't taste that great but are better cut with regular pasta.
Or you could save the nuts for a fruit and nut oriented breakfast.  
Just remember to keep the beans at moderate quantity and always with starch.  Also take a  B-12 supplement.
Try the above for a couple of months.  If you can't stand it don't revert to meat eating try adding whey,yougurt a small amount of cheese or fish (clean fish) first.   But give the vegan thing a good chance, a couple of months



Edited by Nak Khid

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On 11/12/2019 at 3:47 PM, Igor82 said:

Yes, it is. If you eat 6000 calories of fruits every day then you will meet your protein needs just fine... And some people do it! Like this guy:

Here is a good video about the topic:


6000 calories worth of fruit. That's a heck of a lot of sugar though. 

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