
How are insights and realisations induced?

5 posts in this topic

What causes an insight to be induced? Why is it that just reading or hearing words doesn’t just give you insight? 

Would it be that someone has to understand the language and the context in the way that it’s meant? But then how does something like awakening or becoming enlightened work? How does a realisation happen? 


Or even imagine if the entire population was going to watch one 30 minute video, what mechanics of the presentation would be needed in order to induce insight and realisation in everyone that watches it? 

Almost like combining sales with spirituality in such a way that the nature of the presentation allows for the receiving end to fully understand both logically and intuitively what was being communicated. 

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14 minutes ago, Jahmaine said:

What causes an insight to be induced?

Your thirst to know more. If you're really seeking properly, even a leaf falling from a tree can be a teacher.

unborn Truth

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9 hours ago, ajasatya said:

If you're really seeking properly, even a leaf falling from a tree can be a teacher.


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So an insight can only happen if some desires to have an insight?

i don’t think that’s the case.

Also I’m asking about how to translate something to someone in such a way that they understand the insight. A bit like saying what would you have to say to induce the colour red into the mind for a blind person to see. 

How could someone speak in such a way and presentation style that it causes enlightenment to happen? What would that look like? - for example

its obviously hypothetical 

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@Jahmaine I think as far as insights come, it has alot to do with the person's mindset and where they are at in their lives and spiritual journey. Then they see or hear something that is exactly what they need at that point in time to just make things click.  I think most important aspect for presentation style would just be speaking from a place of truth and wisdom,  while doing your best to be aware of the point they are at in their lives, so you can communicate in a way that they will be more receiving and open minded

Edited by aklacor727

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