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I have been encouraged to start a thread about the Elohim, to clear up some of the confusion about them and dispel some of the more sinister and persistent myths. I am in contact with the Elohim, and have been since December 2012, though I wasn’t fully aware of it at the time. 


It is important to note that I used to be a hardcore atheist, even antitheist before my awakening and even though I was open to certain spiritual concepts and ideas, the idea of a Biblical, or any other type of God or supernatural being horrified me to the core and I harboured quite a bit of hatred towards any sort of mainstream religious figure. Little did I know that in just a few short years, those that I viewed as my greatest enemy would save my life and become my closest friends.


Gradually, I went through a Kundalini awakening, as a result of my meditative practices and my long-time study of eastern philosophy and scripture. This awoke in me a realisation that there is a greater reality out there, of which we are part, inhabited by all sorts of beings that are invisible to us, yet they can and do have a profound effect on our lives in all sorts of subtle ways. 


I got into the habit of visiting the British Museum regularly and spent time meditating in the garden of St Paul’s Cathedral, which was near my office, as well as the South Bank of the river Thames. In the Museum, I felt an immediate connection to the Mesopotamian exhibit, most of which was excavated from Uruk, the holy city of the Goddess Inanna. Several statues, reliefs and personal effects of hers, as well as that of his brother Utu and father Enki are prominently displayed there and I spent many hours contemplating and meditating on them, trying to decipher their meaning, talking to some of the curators and volunteers and reading up on the associated mythology and research in the book section of the Museum. I somehow felt connected to all of it and the first time I walked into the Uruk exhibit, it felt as if I had come home. 


Gradually, as my Kundalini awakening was progressing, I felt a connection to all of these deities through my visits to the Museum and by meditating on the objects associated with their ancient worship. My awakening was not going well and I suffered from some of the well-known side effects of Kundalini Syndrome, including panic attacks, neurological issues and a persistent, blunt pain in my chest area, which at times felt like the beginnings of a heart attack. My movements slowed down, I could barely walk, I kept forgetting basic things, like the PIN number for my bank card and was barely able to do my work, which was rather challenging, as I was just promoted at a travel company in the City. This all started coming to a head in December 2012, as I was 33 years of age.


Although I always trusted the Kundalini process and that it would be fine in the end, the side effects were making my life impossible and I was losing my friends and social connections over it, whilst barely getting by at my job in a new and challenging position. One time, during a particularly difficult day, I was walking by St Paul’s Cathedral, when I felt that I could take no more and needed some divine help and guidance. As I spent the previous weekend in what was increasingly becoming a sanctuary for me, in the British Museum, in the company of Enki, Utu and Inanna, I cried out to Enki specifically and asked him to have mercy on me, to accept me as a member of his family and send help, perhaps a guardian deity of sorts that would guide me during this difficult time. I felt a download of energy and a telepathic connection with him. It was, as if he was extending his divine grace on me and I felt that I was accepted by him and he reassured me that he would help. I was quite hopeful, but nothing happened that day.


The next day, I was washing up, in my apartment near the river Thames. It was a sunny day and quite warm for December. Suddenly, I felt as if a presence had entered the room. It distinctly felt like a ray of light, turning into an orb of sorts and then taking the shape of a person, radiating with the heat of several suns and white in colour. It was the most loving and benevolent presence I have ever felt. The room was filled with light, but it was not visible to the naked eye, it was a spiritual light, made of higher-dimensional, subtle stuff. I did not even have to turn around, I knew what was behind me, so strong was its presence and radiation. I knew that it was a female, the same way anyone can sense the gender of a person entering the room, without even looking there. It is simply an instinct that lets us feel the vibe of another. I cannot stress how bright the presence was, basically, pure, white, blinding light that just radiated love and benevolence. 


I immediately felt at ease and found that I could communicate with this presence without words. She let me know that she came here to help me and that I should just relax and let her work on me. I then felt her getting closer and reaching out to me, with what I presume was a hand, but could easily have been an energetic tendril of sorts. However, her touch was very real and had an immediate effect on me. My Kundalini got activated, it surged all the way up to the heart, where previously it was stuck and actually broke through that part with little effort. It felt as if my energetic passages have been flushed with an extra-hard dose of pressurized, liquid light and energy. As she kept her hand on my back, at the heart level, she gave me her power and energy and I felt an incredible surge, which led all the way up to the third eye area. I then felt the need to lie down, to let the energy do its thing, so I went to my bedroom and lied down. The energy kept surging in ever stronger waves, in the form of light, heat and electricity. It felt as if I had been hit by lightning, repeatedly. Each wave was stronger than the previous one and went higher, eventually bumping against the top back part of my skull and unable to proceed further, with the serpent repeatedly bumping its head against that area in a pulsating fashion. This manifested itself in blunt, pulsating pain and pressure. 


At that moment, it turned out, that the presence had not yet left the apartment and she floated in from the kitchen, taking a vaguely humanoid form, but still being made of pure, white, light. I was lying on my bed as she came closer and I felt that she wasn’t finished and wanted to help me further. I felt her warm light and loving presence slowly enveloping me and it felt as if she has sat on me and we were merging with each other, on the soul level as well as energetically. She gave me her power and energy once again and I started convulsing on the bed with what I can only describe as a river of orgasmic energy travelling up my spine and into my brain, with ever increasing intensity, in a pulsating fashion. As the energy got stronger and stronger I could physically feel the top of my head being pried open. 


After several minutes of this, there was a breaking sound, like the breaking of a bone, an immediate release of pent up energy into the aether, massive relief and an orgasmic feeling that I can only compare to a giant ejaculation, except this was through the top of my head and happened purely energetically. However, my genitals were definitely involved and my testicles and prostate were pumping energy upwards, into my brain, like crazy. Meanwhile, I still felt that I was merged with this presence, who I later found out was called Inanna and she was Enki’s daughter. 


At this point, as the top of my head opened up, I heard a sound akin to the rushing of water. Once the pent-up energy was released, things started flowing in the opposite direction. Liquid light rushed into my brain and spread all over my body. It was a substance unknown to modern science, a state of matter yet to be discovered, radiant light in liquid form, incredibly sweet and pleasant as it entered my brain and spread all over the body. Not only did it bring in love, joy and pleasure from a higher dimension, it also contained infinite knowledge and wisdom, which I now started getting in flashes of realisation, one after the other. I later found out that this substance is known as Soma or Amrita, as well as Nectar and Ambrosia and is considered the food of the gods, giving them their immortality, infinite wisdom and shining countenance. 


As the inflow of Soma increased, my brain could barely cope and there was more information and wisdom there about how things are, the true nature of reality and such than I knew what to do with or could possibly process. It did not end there, as this inflow of Soma overwhelmed me and I felt like I was drifting out of my body through the opening at the top of my head (this is known as the mouth of heaven, as it enables the seeker both to drink and eat of the Soma, a heavenly substance and to speak with the gods of heaven). 


As I slipped out of my body, I felt myself expanding in all directions and I entered a new dimension, that I have never experienced before. I was filled with light and the brightness was unimaginable. This higher-dimensional light also contained information and I felt omniscient in this state, like there was nothing beyond my reach in terms of knowledge, everything I ever wanted to know was simultaneously available to me in this great sea of light. I was no longer aware of my body and I took on a universal form. I became the universe, so to speak and felt myself expand into infinity. In this place, which I like to refer to as heaven, there was no separation, just unity, a Oneness with everything and everyone, through space, time and dimensions. There was simply no limitation there, just infinite possibility. I also felt happier than I ever have in my whole life, I experienced pure, unadulterated joy and infinite love. I spent some time in this state, but I had no concept of time. Eventually, I decided to return to my body and gradually shrunk back to human size and flowed back into my body through the Mouth of Heaven. As I returned, I felt constrained and small, but filled with joy and gratitude for receiving this gift of Heaven. I was only able to retain a small fraction of the knowledge I possessed in my infinite, universal state, but it still felt like I have gained an enormous amount of wisdom and that I was now on a path towards permanent enlightenment. Inanna was gone by then, but I kept in contact with her ever since and she has remained my main link to the Elohim, as Queen of Heaven and the original Goddess of All Creation. 


As a result of all this, I have developed a particular understanding of the Elohim, that does not mesh with mainstream views of what is after all, believed to be the Biblical God. My contention is that the Elohim are simply the Hebrew name for the Anunnaki, which can easily be verified as both words mean Sons of the Sky in Hebrew and Sumerian respectively and as many researchers have noted, Genesis, in which the Elohim take a prominent role as our creators, was clearly based on the Enuma Elish and the God that warned Noah about the coming flood and instructed him to build an ark was Enki. As I will detail in upcoming posts, Elohim is a collective name for all the gods of heaven and in fact it is a collective consciousness of sorts, a continuum that links all of the denizens of heaven together. This is why the Elohim often speak in the first person plural, in a collective voice.


I apologise if this introduction has been long-winded, but I felt it necessary and if you have any questions or comments in regards to this topic, shoot. 


I should also note that I am posting this introduction on two forums and see where each separate conversation develops from there.

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This was beautiful.   Could you tell me any importance to the number 33?  How have your dreams been affected? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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4 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

This was beautiful.   Could you tell me any importance to the number 33?  How have your dreams been affected? 

@seeking_brilliance Hi, thanks.

33 is a Kundalini and Goddess number. There are 33 vertebrae along the spine, each one symbolising another stage as the serpent power rises. Also, if you look at the number 3, it is obviously a feminine number, connected to the OM symbol (our numbers originate in Sanskrit Devanagari writing). 3+3 is 6, 3X3 is 9, both symbolise the coiled serpent, rising from its slumber.

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@Dumuzzi thank you, I see it several random times a day.  Didn't know if there's a message in that or just cosmic humor.  

Can the elohim phase in and out of this physical dimension? Do they feel separate than yourself? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Once, in my communication with Elohim, I asked them why I have my health issues which worsen my life quality on earth, and they genuinely told me they are many times that they are very sorry, but in the end, they said that the reason for my ill-health it is because of them. Those members of Elohim who I talked to they said that their Leader told them to inflict these health-issues to me, but they did not explain to me why. 

What do you think, why would such good individuals as Elohim inflict health issues to someone on earth like me?


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14 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Dumuzzi thank you, I see it several random times a day.  Didn't know if there's a message in that or just cosmic humor.  

Can the elohim phase in and out of this physical dimension? Do they feel separate than yourself? 

@seeking_brilliance Generally speaking, it seems to be a message from the cosmic Goddess (Shakti or Shekinah), when you are in tune with her. Sometimes is humour. She is very playful, almost like a child.

The Elohim are not physical, but they can take physical form. They can incarnate in various time periods if they need to directly influence events on earth. Because they are higher dimensional beings, they do not view time in the linear and constrained fashion that we do. They see time as a loop, where they can basically "reach in" into any particular point in time and manipulate events. They see our timeline as a one-dimensional loop. They can also take a roughly physical shape for short periods, when needed, as beings of light.

They all have a separate existence, but they also link up with each other in a continuum, hence our confusion as regards to the plural ELohim vs the Singular Eloh (or Allah in Arabic). I thought that in the Star Trek universe, the fictional depiction of a Q continuum came pretty close in depicting this aspect of higher beings.

As for myself, I was briefly connected to their collective consciousness and can connect to them even today, with some effort.

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12 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

Once, in my communication with Elohim, I asked them why I have my health issues which worsen my life quality on earth, and they genuinely told me they are many times that they are very sorry, but in the end, they said that the reason for my ill-health it is because of them. Those members of Elohim who I talked to they said that their Leader told them to inflict these health-issues to me, but they did not explain to me why. 

What do you think, why would such good individuals as Elohim inflict health issues to someone on earth like me?


@WHO IS That doesn't sound right to me. Who specifically did you talk to and who did they claim their leader was? 


Edited by Dumuzzi

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@Dumuzzi in the paradigm of time, are elohim our future selves? In other words, is this what the human species will evolve into? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Dumuzzi what does it mean to have a daughter if you are a non to semi corporeal entity? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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59 minutes ago, Dumuzzi said:


@WHO IS That doesn't sound right to me. Who specifically did you talk to and who did they claim their leader was? 


They were light beings made purely of light-energy, they told me that they are very sorry many-many times. But they said that it was an order from their leader. Thye showed me some type of a system of hierarchy. 

Like you know like a King/leader to someone else than to someone else and like that. 

So I understood that there is a hierarchy system amongst them. Like Kings etc. 

Edited by WHO IS

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@seeking_brilliance The two questions are related. Time does not exist for the Elohim, for them there is no difference between past, present and future. We were in heaven once and we will be again.

There have been times when the Elohim were corporeal, such as when they established human civilisation on earth and lived amongst us. During that time, Enki and Inanna were incarnate in a physical, humanoid form and they procreated. This is the same concept as that of Avatars in Hinduism.

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11 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

They were light beings made purely of light-energy, they told me that they are very sorry many-many times. But they said that it was an order from their leader. Thye showed me some type of a system of hierarchy. 

Like you know like a King/leader to someone else than to someone else and like that. 

So I understood that there is a hierarchy system amongst them. Like Kings etc. 

Without specific details, I can only speculate regarding your situation. The way I understand it, when we choose to incarnate on earth, we take on certain burdens that we must overcome during our life here on earth, which may include certain diseases, disabilities, a life of poverty, etc... These situations are there to allow us to work off accumulated karma and to help us grow spiritually. In my own case, I took on the burden of a Kundalini awakening, with its accompanying symptoms, that were pretty debilitating, but necessary for my spiritual growth. I suspect something similar may be at work in your case.

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10 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

Would you happen to know what the tall pitch black aliens are?  

I have seen one that was a tall female.  High check bones, grey-ish eyes, and skin that shone like a bright white light was coming from deep within.  It looked like the sheen of latex, but was coming from inside.  Calm demeanor.  No expression.  Telepathic.  Wore a collared robe the same colour as the skin.  Was looking at the moon.  No hair.  Long thin neck.

I can't find any image online that looks like it.

@Keyhole Sorry, I have no idea, never heard of them. The Elohim look like us in their physical form, as we were made in their image, except they're much taller and stronger. Some of them are depicted holding a full-grown male lion like a kittycat. Inanna used to lead a lion along on a leash.

There are many different life forms all over the universe and even within the same space we share, existing parallel to our own reality. Your description sounds a bit like Queen Nefertiti, if you do an image search on her. She had an elongated skull, dark skin, and high cheekbones. I think it is likely that she was descended from one of these alien / god races.

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@Dumuzzi @Dumuzzi

Is it possible that you formed a picture of the elohim/annunaki in your mind, from all of your research and experience, and created a whole race of thought beings, backstory and all... Who stimulated your kundalini and connected you back to source through the loophole of creative manipulation? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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3 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Dumuzzi @Dumuzzi

Is it possible that you formed a picture of the elohim/annunaki in your mind, from all of your research and experience, and created a whole race of thought beings, backstory and all... Who stimulated your kundalini and connected you back to source through the loophole of creative manipulation? 

@seeking_brilliance I suppose everything is possible within the framework of non-duality. In my universal state, when I was in "heaven" there was only me, I was the whole universe. So technically, you could argue that all these deities I describe are just aspects of myself. But, we live in a dual reality and in here, there is separation and distinction, therefore it is useful to differentiate between "I" and "others", that is, external powers and phenomena. I think there is a reason that we exist as separate beings and aren't just a faceless mask of same-same goo. There is power in individuality and being responsible for different facets and aspects of reality. You see this in mythology where different deities are responsible for different external phenomena and have different strength and weaknesses. Talking about Source (Brahman), it delights in manifesting and becoming different things and different people, even if in the end the Source is the same.

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@Dumuzzi Hi. I said this with 100% certainty. 

First, God is genderless.

Two, the angels are genderless beings made of light. If they were to appear in a limited form, it would be in the form of a perfect man. They don't eat, or sleep. Non-human. 

What you described could be other beings other than the angels & Elohim/Allah. It is not It. 

It is He who confers blessing upon you, and His angels [ask Him to do so] that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful. [33:43] Qurān

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1 hour ago, Angelite said:

@Dumuzzi Hi. I said this with 100% certainty. 

First, God is genderless.

Two, the angels are genderless beings made of light. If they were to appear in a limited form, it would be in the form of a perfect man. They don't eat, or sleep. Non-human. 

What you described could be other beings other than the angels & Elohim/Allah. It is not It. 

It is He who confers blessing upon you, and His angels [ask Him to do so] that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful. [33:43] Qurān

@Angelite God may be genderless, but the gods are not. 

I realise these concepts are hard for a monotheist to accept,  but you have to look at the origins of all this. 

El is gendered, he was the Ugaritic skygod, originally called An in Sumerian. Anunnaki / Elohim is also gendered, it can be translated as sons of the Sky (god), though it does cover both gods and goddesses ultimately. 

Who are the angels? Well, they are winged messengers of God. Where does this idea of winged beings come from? The gods of Sumer, who are also depicted with wings and they are most certainly gendered. 

Angels may be beings of light, as you perceive them. However, that is looking at them from a particular perspective. They may have many different aspects and incarnations, spread out over time, space and dimensions in ways that is hard for a human brain to perceive. 

Speaking of God and Gender, I have to borrow from Tantra for a moment here, to explain the concept.

Brahman, the unmanifest absolute is indeed genderless, as well impersonal. It is conscious potentiality.

However, in order to manifest and create, Brahman has to separate itself into opposing forces, thus duality and with it male and female are born. In Tantra, this is indicated through the duality of Shiva and Shakti, God and Goddess. Shakti (also known as the Shekinah in Judaism) is the female, creative aspect of God, it is what manifests everything there is. In our manifest reality, we exist in dualities, which includes male and female and that applies to the gods as well. 

I realise that referring to the gods as Elohim is controversial, but in my experience, that is what they prefer to be called in their collective consciousness state. Each individual god can easily go in and out of collective consciousness, as they please. When in "Oneness" mode, they are one, but they can also be separate depending on the situation, hence our confusion regarding the dichotomy and inherent duality in God/gods.

Edited by Dumuzzi

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Actually I have an extension of what i've written. I don't know if I can remember it perfectly. 


You should only focus on Allah. And others will follow through.

If you focus on those "beings" , ""god&goddesses"" , you'll lose. 

This is the only verse in the Qurān that mentioned prophet Muhammad's  name. 

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing. [33:40]

So does Allah is not a father to anyone. Not a messenger either. And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing..


O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance [33:41]

And exalt Him morning and afternoon.[33:42]

It is He who confers blessing upon you, and His angels [ask Him to do so] that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful. [33:43]

@Dumuzzi are you forty?

I know these verses are more for me~

I've noticed that synchronicity with your age and that verse. You must have known a lot. 

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3 hours ago, Angelite said:


@Dumuzzi are you forty?

I know these verses are more for me~

I've noticed that synchronicity with your age and that verse. You must have known a lot. 

Yes, I'm forty.

There is a lot of synchronicity in my life. I admit I know next to nothing about the Quran, so I won't comment on it. The one thing I find interesting about it, is that it is basically a channelled book, dictated by archangel Gabriel.

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