
How would the “most Actualized person” be formed?

1 post in this topic

Hypothetically speaking obviously:

What set of scenarios would allow for someone to literally reach be the most self actualized? Getting to levels beyond spiral dynamics as we know for example.

So by this I mean, what nation would be best to be born in, how much wealth, what type of parents and environment, exposure to different concepts and understands, the amount time it took them to reach an enlightened state, what would they be doing throughout their life, access to all resources, disciplined, mastery over technical skills like speaking and sales, what would they be doing with their time to keep self actualising? Perfect diet, literally everything included to for a “perfect” person in this scenario if you like. Or what’s the ultimate a human can be without becoming a cyborg because of fusion with artificial intelligence. What would be the ultimate infusion of spirituality and world we live in.


I’m not asking you whether you think it’s necessary or not part of the true spiritual path.

This isn’t something I’m looking to pursue and even if I was I need not your advice, it’s appreciated it though.

Im not asking whether you think it’s a good or bad question to ask.

Im not asking for your opinion on what I’ve said and why you think I’m asking it.

Im asking exactly what the text entails. 


Its an an open question, there’s not right and wrong, it’s just a thought experiment. Just curious at peoples different points of view on this and what the common themes would be or how they could all be integrated together, you know, Spiral dynamics Yellow stuff.


Look at the limitations of a single perspective.


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