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Drunk vegans Clarity session with Fred Davis report lol...

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Howdy doo everybody,

For those of you that didn't know, about two weeks ago I paid $250 and signed up for one of Fred Davis's 60 minute online Clarity sessions which took place today at 12:00. 

It started off with him giving me a little background story on himself and his Awakening realization. He talked about how he meditated in jail and how he's been awakened for about 11 years now. He also mentioned how he used a teacher to get full clarity and realization. He mentioned how he was oscillating/going back and forth for a long time until he found a good teacher to help him get clear.

After that I gave him about a 6 to 7 minute story on my Awakening realization. 

He walked me through his typical Clarity session protocol that you can find online and in his book "Awaken NOW"...

Although I had heard most of his material already, felt much more real and clear speaking with him about it in person.

He quickly identified that it sounded like I had been oscillating back and forth between the false self and Oneness.. which he said he had an issue with early on in his Awakening as well.

My biggest sense of clarity however came from when he helped me realize that the false self never woke up and was never real, it was always just Oneness identifying as the human body and tricking itself.

It was really interesting because most of the stuff... I was already aware of but it just hadn't sunk in completely.. 

Apparently that's why it's called a realization and why he calls it the Fredness Clarity session....❤





Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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