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Ferdi Le

Thoughts on Bill Ackman?

1 post in this topic

Hey everybody,


I recently rewatched the Netflix-Documentary "Betting on Zero". It is about a MLM company called Herbalife and about Bill Ackman how shorts Herbalife (he bets money on them being worth nothing).

I really like the documentary because it is well made.

What i find interesting is how Bill Ackmann is portrayed. Of course, the documentary is kinda biased for him, but nevertheless he seems very interesting to me. He basically used for pretty egoic way (hedgefund investing) in order to stop devilry (he even wanted to donate the profit to the victims of Herbalife - but he did not make a profit because the stock rose).

For people who watched the documentary, would you consider Ackman to be a stage yellow investor?

Especially in the debates with Carl Icahn that they showed - he seemed much more developed and needless to say extremely intellegent and strategic.


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